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PC stable algorithm with consistent separating set adapted from pcalg

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PC algorithm with consistent separating sets

This repository contains the code for the modification to constraint-based algorithms for causal discovery with consistent separating sets proposed in Li et al. [0], applied to the PC-stable [1] implementation of the pcalg R package [2].

consistent_utils.R contains the SimpleGraph class with the necessary components for fast recovery of consistent separating nodes, as detailed in the supplementary information of [0].

consistent_pcalg_orientation.R and consistent_pcalg.R respectively correspond to algorithm 3 and 4 of [0] for enforcing orientation and skeleton-level consistency. They both overwrite the skeleton and pc functions of pcalg [2] to return fully consistent graphs.

Dependencies : igraph, dequer


For this example, we use the Hepar2 network from the bayesian network repository and compare the outputs of the original PC-stable and its skeleton-consistent and orientation-consistent versions. The p-value thresholds are chosen as the ones that maximize the skeleton F1-score, cf Figure 5 of [0].

# Generate test data and convert for pcalg use
Hepar2 <- read.bif(file='hepar2.bif.gz', debug = FALSE)
data <- rbn(Hepar2, n=1000, debug = F)
for(col in colnames(data)){
    data[[col]] = as.numeric(data[[col]])-1

# Load pcalg and test data
V <- colnames(data) # labels aka node names
## define sufficient statistics
suffStat <- list(dm = data,
                 nlev = apply(data, 2, function(col){length(unique(col))}),
                 adaptDF = FALSE)

## estimate CPDAG with original PC-stable <- pc(suffStat,
             ## independence test: G^2 statistic
             indepTest = disCItest, alpha = 0.5, labels = V, verbose = F)

# Load SimpleGraph class for recovering consistent separating sets

## Skeleton consistent
source('path/to/consistent_pcalg.R') <- pc(suffStat,
             ## independence test: G^2 statistic
             indepTest = disCItest, alpha = 5.7e-3, labels = V, verbose = F)

## Orientation consistent
source('path/to/consistent_pcalg_orientation.R') <- pc(suffStat,
             ## independence test: G^2 statistic
             indepTest = disCItest, alpha = 5.7e-3, labels = V, verbose = F)


[0] Li H, Cabeli V, Sella N, Isambert H. Constraint-based Causal Structure Learning with Consistent Separating Sets. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2019 (pp. 14257-14266). | Poster

[1] Colombo D, Maathuis MH. Order-independent constraint-based causal structure learning. The Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2014 Jan 1;15(1):3741-82.

[2] Kalisch M, Mächler M, Colombo D, Maathuis MH, Bühlmann P. Causal inference using graphical models with the R package pcalg. Journal of Statistical Software. 2012 May 17;47(11):1-26.


PC stable algorithm with consistent separating set adapted from pcalg






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