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Fingrid Open Data via API

Fingrid's open data platform provides machine readable access to datasets through open REST API interface.

How to Get Started

  1. Make sure you have an active email address.
  2. Do register and approve the license and terms of use.
  3. You will receive a personal API-key right away. If you don't receive the email, please check your Junk Mail folder.
  4. Registered users may opt-in to receive email maintenance breaks or other important changes about API.
  5. If you want, you can also delete your account and the related API-key.

How to Fetch the Data

  1. Clone the repository into your local machine.
  2. Add the full path to folder fingrid_open_data to your system's path via sys.path.append("C:/.../.../fingrid_open_data/").
  3. Run fingrid_api.data_list() command to see the full list of the available datasets.
  4. Choose the data you want and find out its ID from previous step or here.
  5. Use fingrid_api.get_ts() to get timeseries data, and fingrid_api.get_latest() to get the latest value of the corresponding data.
  • Make sure you have installed these packages: pandas requests.
  • Check out the example.ipynb notebook for more details.

Information for Developers

Technical API documentation for developers:

  • API requests to this endpoint:
  • For an individual variable, you can get the latest event or events from a specified date/time range. For a set of variables, you can get the latest events.
  • You can access data in JSON, XML or CSV formats.
  • You can make custom searches for each dataset. Each dataset has an unique link to the search interface.
  • Each dataset has a unique VariableId number that you need to use in API requests. See them all in here.
  • API-key must be inserted to the http-request header x-api-key, not into the URL-address. If you are importing data from the API into an application, it is usually possible to insert the API-key by modifying the request header parameters in your application.
  • You can make 10,000 requests in 24h period with one API-key. Please contact the administrator if you need to make more requests.
  • Data timestamps are presented in UTC (previously as GMT) time format. Correct format for API requests is YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ e.g. 2023-04-02T00:00:00+00:00
  • Data update frequency varies by dataset: many datasets have data that is updated hourly, and some datasets include data that is updated in 3 or 5 minute intervals. The update frequency is stated in the dataset description.
  • If you request frequently updated data from an extended date range, you may receive an error message that results from exceeding the maximum allowed API payload. Shorten the date range and request the results in JSON-format.
  • If you use the API in browser environment, you need to note the requirements and limitations for Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

Example of one response

    "end_time": "string",
    "start_time": "string",
    "value": 0

Availability and uptime

The open data API is not guaranteed to have 100% uptime. Although maximum uptime is a goal, as with any service disruptions can happen at any point along the networks and Internet between the client application and the API servers. Make your application defensive that can handle API downtime gracefully. One such way could be by implementing good caching. Another strategy could be to aim for graceful failure if the API is not available.

List of the available datasets (source)

252 Activated down-regulation power MW 15 min
253 Activated up-regulation power MW 3 min
53 Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, activated, down MWh/h 1 h
54 Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, activated, up MWh/h 1 h
2 Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, capacity, down MW 1 h
1 Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, capacity, up MW 1 h
51 Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, price, down €/MWh 1 h
52 Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, price, up €/MW 1 h
270 Balancing Capacity Market bids MW 1 wk
262 Balancing Capacity Market price 1 wk
261 Balancing Capacity Market results MW 1 wk
68 Bilateral trade between FI-RUS MWh/h 1 h
101 Bilateral trade capacity FI-RUS MW 1 h
49 Bilateral trade capacity FI-RUS, unused MW 1 h
65 Bilateral trade capacity RUS-FI MW 1 h
64 Bilateral trade capacity RUS-FI, unused MW 1 h
201 Cogeneration of district heating - real time data MW 3 min
140 Commercial transmission of electricity between FI-EE MWh/h 1 h
31 Commercial transmission of electricity between FI-SE1 MWh/h 1 h
32 Commercial transmission of electricity between FI-SE3 MWh/h 1 h
189 Condensing power production - real time data MW 3 min
48 Congestion income between FI-EE 1 h
70 Congestion income between FI-SE1 1 h
71 Congestion income between FI-SE3 1 h
86 Cross-border transmission fee, export to Russia €/MWh 1 h
85 Cross-border transmission fee, import from Russia €/MWh 1 h
112 Day-ahead transmission capacity EE-FI – official MW 1 h
115 Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-EE – official MW 1 h
26 Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-SE1 – official MW 1 h
143 Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-SE1 – planned MW 1 h
27 Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-SE3 – official MW 1 h
145 Day-ahead transmission capacity FI-SE3 – planned MW 1 h
24 Day-ahead transmission capacity SE1-FI – official MW 1 h
142 Day-ahead transmission capacity SE1-FI – planned MW 1 h
144 Day-ahead transmission capacity SE3-FI – planned MW 1 h
25 Day-ahead transmission capacity SE3-FI – official MW 1 h
251 Down-regulation bids, price of the last activated - real time data €/MWh 1 h
106 Down-regulation price in the Balancing energy market €/MWh 1 h
165 Electricity consumption forecast - next 24 hours MWh/h 1 h
166 Electricity consumption forecast - updated hourly MWh/h 1 h
124 Electricity consumption in Finland MWh/h 1 h
193 Electricity consumption in Finland - real time data MW 3 min
74 Electricity production in Finland MWh/h 1h
192 Electricity production in Finland - real time data MW 3 min
242 Electricity production prediction - premilinary MWh/h 1 h
241 Electricity production prediction - updated hourly MWh/h 1 h
205 Electricity production, reserve power plants and small-scale production - real time data MW 3 min
198 Electricity production, surplus/deficit - real time data MW 3 min
265 Emission factor for electricity consumed in Finland - real time data gCO2/kWh 3 min
266 Emission factor of electricity production in Finland - real time data gCO2/kWh 3 min
277 Fast Frequency Reserve FFR, price €/MW 1 h
276 Fast Frequency Reserve FFR, procured volume MW 1 h
278 Fast Frequency Reserve FFR, procurement forecast MW 1 h
275 Fast Frequency Reserve FFR, received bids MW 1 h
nan Frequency - historical data Hz 1 h
177 Frequency - real time data Hz 3 min
82 Frequency containment reserve for disturbances, procured volumes in hourly market MW 1 h
286 Frequency containment reserve for disturbances, received bids in hourly market MW 1 h
123 Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, activated MWh/h 1 h
287 Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, foreign trade MW 1 h
285 Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, hourly market bids MW 1h
79 Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, hourly market prices €/MW 1 h
80 Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, hourly market volumes MW 1 h
288 Frequency Containment Reserve for Normal operation, yearly market plans MW 1 h
81 Frequency containment reserves for disturbances, hourly market prices €/MW 1 h
289 Frequency containment reserves for disturbances, nordic trade MW 1 h
290 Frequency containment reserves for disturbances, reserve plans in the yearly market MW 1 h
239 Hour change regulation, down-regulation MWh/h (?) 1 h
240 Hour change regulation, up-regulation MWh/h 1 h
191 Hydro power production - real time data MW 3 min
176 Imbalance power between Finland and Sweden MWh/h 1 h
202 Industrial cogeneration - real time data MW 3 min
110 Intraday transmission capacity EE-FI MW 1 h
111 Intraday transmission capacity EE-FI – real time data MW 1 h
113 Intraday transmission capacity FI-EE MW 1 h
114 Intraday transmission capacity FI-EE – real time data MW 1 h
50 Intraday transmission capacity FI-RUS MW 1 h
44 Intraday transmission capacity FI-SE1 MW 1 h
45 Intraday transmission capacity FI-SE3 MW 1 h
66 Intraday transmission capacity RUS-FI MW 1 h
38 Intraday transmission capacity SE1-FI MW 1 h
39 Intraday transmission capacity SE3-FI MW 1 h
260 Kinetic energy of the Nordic power system - real time data GWs 1 min
30 Measured transmission of electricity in Finland from north to south MWh/h 1 h
194 Net import/export of electricity - real time data MW 3 min
188 Nuclear power production - real time data MW 3 min
33 Ordered down-regulations from Balancing energy market in Finland MWh/h 1 h
34 Ordered up-regulations from Balancing energy market in Finland MWh/h 1 h
213 Other power transactions, down-regulation MWh/h 1 h
214 Other power transactions, up-regulation MWh/h 1 h
183 Peak load power - real time data MW 3 min
41 Planned transmission capacity FI-RUS MW 1 h
127 Planned transmission capacity RUS-FI MW 1 h
28 Planned weekly capacity from north to south MWh/h 1 h
29 Planned weekly capacity from south to north MWh/h 1 h
209 Power system state - real time data "1" 3 min
22 Price of the last activated up-regulation bid - real time data €/MWh 1 h
180 Sähkönsiirto Suomen ja Viron välillä - reaaliaikatieto MW 3 min
248 Solar power generation forecast - updated hourly MWh/h 1 h
247 Solar power generation forecast - updated once a day MWh/h 1 h
118 Special regulation, down-regulation nan 1 h
119 Special regulation, up-regulation MWh/h 1 h
102 Stock exchange capacity FI-RUS MW 1 h
67 Stock exchange capacity RUS-FI MW 1 h
69 Stock exchange trade FI-RUS-FI MWh/h 1 h
186 Surplus/deficit, cumulative - real time data MW 3 min
178 Temperature in Helsinki - real time data °C 3 min
182 Temperature in Jyväskylä - real time data °C 3 min
196 Temperature in Oulu - real time data °C 3 min
185 Temperature in Rovaniemi - real time data °C 3 min
96 The buying price of production imbalance electricity €/MWh 1 h
92 The price of comsumption imbalance electricity €/MWh 1 h
93 The sales price of production imbalance electricity €/MWh 1 h
105 The sum of the down-regualtion bids in the Balancing energy market MW 1 h
243 The sum of the up-regulation bids in the balancing energy market MW 1 h
206 Time deviation - real time data s 3 min
267 Total production capacity used in the solar power forecast MW 1 h
268 Total production capacity used in the wind power forecast MW 1 h
89 Transmission between Finland and Central Sweden - real time data MW 3 min
87 Transmission between Finland and Northern Sweden - real time data MW 3 min
187 Transmission between Finland and Norway - real time data MW 3 min
195 Transmission between Finland and Russia - real time data MW 3 min
90 Transmission between Sweden and Åland - real time data MW 3 min
103 Transmission capacity FI-RUS MW 1 h
63 Transmission capacity RUS-FI MW 1 h
280 Transmission of electricity between Finland and Åland - measured hourly data MWh/h 1 h
61 Transmission of electricity between Finland and Central Sweden - measured hourly data MW 1 h
55 Transmission of electricity between Finland and Estonia - measured hourly data MWh/h 1 h
60 Transmission of electricity between Finland and Northern Sweden - measured hourly data MWh/h 1 h
57 Transmission of electricity between Finland and Norway - measured hourly data MWh/h 1 h
58 Transmission of electricity between Finland and Russia - measured hourly data MWh/h 1 h
244 Up-regulating price in the Balancing energy market €/MWh 1 h
75 Wind power generation - hourly data MWh/h 1 h
245 Wind power generation forecast - updated hourly MWh/h 1 h
246 Wind power generation forecast - updated once a day MWh/h 1 h
181 Wind power production - real time data MW 3 min


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