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Flashloan Trading Smart Contract


  1. Rename .env.example file to .env inside the contracts directory

  2. Config .env file.

    Here, you need three things.

    • set netwok
    • Insert your INFURA Project ID. You can create a infura Project ID here.
    • Insert your MetaMask (Kovan Testnet) 32byte wallet private key.
    • Insert your etherscan account's API KEY.
  3. Install yarn modules. Open terminal window and run:

npm install
npm i @truffle/hdwallet-provider@next
yarn install
  1. Deploy Smart Contract on Kovan Testnet
yarn build-deploy-kovan
yarn verify UniswapFlash1Inch --network  kovan
  1. Deploy Smart Contract on Mainnet Fork

Note: Can use Ganache CLI or GUI. here describe how to use Ganache CLI.

yarn add global ganache-cli
yarn mainnet-fork<YOUR_INFURA_API_KEY>

Note: Don't close current terminal window and start with new terminal window.

yarn build-deploy

Modifying UniswapFlash1Inch.sol

Integrating 1Inch V4 Router

Kovan Testnet Past Examples

Developer Instruction Manual (ETH MAINNET):


  • AAVE, EQUALIZER, DODO Flashloan contracts activated for Mainnet
  • bot.js needs to be modified to lookup mainnet opportunities

Adding a new DEX

  1. Don't need add the new DEX's into the /config/dex.json file anymore. Just need UniswapV3 and WETH token.