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Pull Request resolved: facebookresearch#1415

This diff introduces MiniBM, a minimal implementation of Bean Machine in a little bit more than 100 lines of code.

The script comes with an implementation of the Metropolis Hastings algorithm and a coin flipping model at the end. It is standalone, in that MiniBM does not depend on the Bean Machine framework at all. To try it out, you can simply download `` and run it with


The only two dependencies for MiniBM are the PyTorch library and tqdm (for progress bar).

The goal of this file is to help developers get familiar with key Bean Machine concepts (such as `World` and `random_variable`), instead of providing a performant implementation.

Reviewed By: jpchen

Differential Revision: D27111773

fbshipit-source-id: a0e553206c521bccfcd6153569904e5665cf8982
  • Loading branch information
horizon-blue authored and facebook-github-bot committed Apr 29, 2022
1 parent 8d90c1f commit b7d8734
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Showing 3 changed files with 259 additions and 2 deletions.
258 changes: 258 additions & 0 deletions src/beanmachine/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

The file contains MiniBM, a minimal implementation of Bean Machine PPL with a Metropolis
Hastings implementation and a coin flipping model at the end. It is standalone, in that
MiniBM does not depend on the Bean Machine framework at all. The only two dependencies
for MiniBM are the PyTorch library and tqdm (for progress bar).

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import wraps
from typing import NamedTuple, Callable, Tuple, Dict, Optional, List, Any

import torch
import torch.distributions as dist
from import tqdm

class RVIdentifier(NamedTuple):
A struct whose attributes uniquely identifies a random variable in Bean Machine.
wrapper: A reference to the decorated random variable function
args: Arguments taken by the

wrapper: Callable
args: Tuple

def function(self):
"""A pointer to the original function that returns the distribution object"""
return self.wrapper.__wrapped__ # calls the original function

def random_variable(f: Callable[Any, dist.Distribution]):
"""A decorator that convert a Python function that returns a distribution into a
function that evaluates to a Bean Machine random variable.
In Bean Machine, a @random_variable function can be used in two ways:
1. When being invoked outside of an inference scope, it returns an RVIdentifier
without evaluating the original function.
2. During inference, or when being invoked from another random variable, the
function will update the graph (if needed) and return its value at state of
For example::
def foo():
return dist.Normal(0., 1.0)
print(foo()) # RVIdentifier(wrapper=foo, args=())
def bar():
mean = foo() # evaluates to value of theta() during inference
return dist.Normal(mean, 1.0)
f: A function that returns a PyTorch Distribution object

def wrapper(*args):
rvid = RVIdentifier(wrapper, args)
# Bean Machine inference methods use the World class to store and control the
# state of inference
world = get_world_context()
if world is None:
# We're not in an active inference. Return an ID for the random variable
return rvid
# Update the graph and return current value of the random variable in world
return world.update_graph(rvid)

return wrapper

RVDict = Dict[RVIdentifier, torch.Tensor] # alias for typing
WORLD_STACK: List[World] = []

def get_world_context() -> Optional[World]:
"""Returns the active World (if any) or None"""
return WORLD_STACK[-1] if WORLD_STACK else None

class World:
A World is Bean Machine's internal representation of a state of the model. At the
high level, it stores a value for each of the random variables. It can also be used
as a context manager to control the behavior of random variables. For example::
def foo():
return dist.Normal(0., 1.0)
def bar():
return dist.Normal(foo(), 1.0)
# initialize world and add bar() and its ancesters to it
world = World.initialize_world([bar()])
world[bar()] # returns the value of bar() in world
world[foo()] # since foo() is bar()'s parent, it is also initialized in world
# World is also used within inference as a context manager to control the
# behavior of random variable
with world:
foo() # returns the value of foo() in world, which equals to world[foo()]

def __init__(self, observations: Optional[RVDict] = None):
self.observations: RVDict = observations or {}
self.variables: RVDict = {}

def __getitem__(self, node: RVIdentifier) -> torch.Tensor:
return self.variables[node]

def __enter__(self) -> World:
return self

def __exit__(self, *args) -> None:

def update_graph(self, node: RVIdentifier) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Update the graphy by adding node to self (if needed) and retuurn the value
of node in self."""
if node not in self.variables:
# parent nodes will be invoked when calling node.get_distribution
distribution = self.get_distribution(node)
if node in self.observations:
self.variables[node] = self.observations[node]
self.variables[node] = distribution.sample()
return self.variables[node]

def replace(self, values: RVDict) -> World:
"""Return a new world where the values of the random variables are replaced by
the provided values"""
new_world = World(self.observations)
new_world.variables = {**self.variables, **values}
return new_world

def log_prob(self) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Return the joint log prob on all random variables in the world"""
log_prob = torch.tensor(0.0)
for node, value in self.variables.items():
distribution = self.get_distribution(node)
log_prob += distribution.log_prob(value).sum()
return log_prob

def get_distribution(self, node: RVIdentifier) -> dist.Distribution:
"""A utility method that activate the current world and invoke the function
associated with node. Bean Machine requires random variable functions to return
a distribution object, so this method will also return a distribution object."""
with self:
return node.function(*node.args)

def initialize_world(
queries: List[RVIdentifier], observations: Optional[RVDict] = None
) -> World:
"""Initializes and returns a new world. Starting from the queries and
observations, the parent nodes will be added recursively to the world."""
observations = observations or {}
world = World(observations)
for node in itertools.chain(queries, observations):
return world

class MetropolisHastings:
"""A naive implementation of the `Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

def infer(
queries: List[RVIdentifier],
observations: Optional[RVDict],
num_samples: int,
) -> RVDict:
world = World.initialize_world(queries, observations)

samples = defaultdict(list)
# the main inference loop
for _ in tqdm(range(num_samples)):
latent_nodes = world.variables.keys() - world.observations.keys()
# randomly select a node to be updated at a time
for node in latent_nodes:
proposer_distribution = world.get_distribution(node)
new_value = proposer_distribution.sample()
new_world = world.replace({node: new_value})
backward_distribution = new_world.get_distribution(node)

# log P(x, y)
old_log_prob = world.log_prob()
# log P(x', y)
new_log_prob = new_world.log_prob()
# log g(x'|x)
forward_log_prob = proposer_distribution.log_prob(new_value).sum()
# log g(x|x')
backward_log_prob = backward_distribution.log_prob(world[node]).sum()

accept_log_prob = (
new_log_prob + backward_log_prob - old_log_prob - forward_log_prob
if torch.bernoulli(accept_log_prob.exp().clamp(max=1)):
# accept the new state
world = new_world

# collect the samples before moving to the next iteration
for node in queries:
# stack the list of tensors into a single tensor
samples = {node: torch.stack(samples[node]) for node in samples}
return samples

def main():
# coin fliping model adapted from our tutorial
# (
def weight():
return dist.Beta(2, 2)

def y():
return dist.Bernoulli(weight()).expand((N,))

# data generation
true_weight = 0.75
true_y = dist.Bernoulli(true_weight)
N = 100
y_obs = true_y.sample((N,))

print("Head rate:", y_obs.mean())

# running inference
samples = MetropolisHastings().infer([weight()], {y(): y_obs}, num_samples=500)
print("Estimated weight of the coin:", samples[weight()].mean())

if __name__ == "__main__":
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/beanmachine/ppl/legacy/world/
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@

import torch
import torch.distributions as dist
import torch.nn as nn
from import Diff
from import DiffStack
from import TransformData, TransformType, Variable
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion website/Makefile
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ SPHINXOPTS ?=
SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
SOURCEDIR = ./sphinx
MODULEDIR = ../src/beanmachine
MODULEIGNOREDIRS = ../src/beanmachine/{applications,graph,tutorials}* ../src/beanmachine/ppl/{,compiler,diagnostics,examples,experimental,inference/utils,legacy,testlib,utils}
MODULEIGNOREDIRS = ../src/beanmachine/{applications,graph,minibm,tutorials}* ../src/beanmachine/ppl/{,compiler,diagnostics,examples,experimental,inference/utils,legacy,testlib,utils}
BUILDDIR = ./static

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