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we want to find out anomaly which will occur if mean of cpu-usage in a window of time be greater than a number that is specified in .env file . if this difference be more than standard deviation we will count it as a WARN and if this difference be more than double of standard deviation we will count it as an ERROR .

we read data from a kafka topic, and then we calculate mean and stddev of every window with spark then write spark streaming results to the console and in another kafka topic.

windows are slots of time every 500 millisecond's and our spark's output mode is "update mode".

two variables NORMAL_MEAN , NORMAL_STDDEV are mean of all data and standard deviation of all data in .env file you can change it.

jar files will be cached in storage directory when you start spark_application with docker.

just errors and warnings will be printed in console. but all statuses will be in kafka.


sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y git python3 python3-pip python3-venv

git clone

cp -n .env.example .env
nano .env


to run this project at first provide infrastructure like kafka and zookeeper with docker

start kafka:
docker-compose up
  • kafka bootstrap host (EXTERNAL listener): localhost:9093
  • zookeeper server: localhost:2181


watch spark outputs in docker-compose logs

docker-compose logs -f spark_application

also you can see output in kafka topic (anomaly) bootstrap server

start pipeline without docker:

now start pyspark pipeline if you want to run spark in your local machine without docker you should set KAFKA_SERVERS=localhost:9093 (EXTERNAL kafka listener) in .env file

python3.8 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

source venv/bin/activate
python -m pipeline
  • spark webUI: localhost:4040
produce example data to kafka:


you can watch checkpoint's and data of kafka and data of zookeeper in storage directory