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LeafLine Administration

The LeafLine Book Store is an online platform that aims to provide a user-friendly and efficient way for customers to explore, purchase, and manage books.


The LeafLine Book Store application will provide the following features:

1. Functional Requirements

1.1 Admin Functions

  • Admin can visualize store statistics.
  • Admin users can add new books to the store with details such as title, author, description, and price.
  • Admin users can update book information.
  • Admin users can delete books from the store.

2. Non-Functional Requirements

2.1 Performance

  • The application should be responsive and provide quick responses to user actions.
  • Book data retrieval and search should be efficient, even with a large number of books in the database.

2.2 Security

  • User passwords should be securely stored using encryption or hashing techniques.
  • User authentication should be implemented to ensure only authorized users can access specific functionalities.

2.3 Usability

  • The user interface should be intuitive, allowing users to easily navigate, search, and purchase books.
  • Error messages should be clear and helpful to guide users.

2.4 Scalability

  • The application should be designed to handle increasing user traffic and a growing number of books in the store.