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💬 chat

This is the official repository of the Chat Project. Documentation can be found in the wiki.

👥 Collaborators

📚 Libraries used

🎊 Latest Release

You can download our latest release here.

🔮 How to run

🔒 Prerequisites

To run our binaries, Java is needed. Consider downloading JDK version 17 LTS. If you are on Linux, to install Java dependencies correctly, use the package manager of your distro. Headless versions, as well as JDK 11, should be fine. However, to be sure, install a complete JDK 17 like we did.

  • Debian based

    # apt install openjdk-17-jdk
  • Arch Linux based

    # pacman -S jdk17-openjdk
  • Mac OS X Mac OS X installation hasn't been tested, but this seems to be a reasonable one.

    $ brew install openjdk@17
  • Windows

    On Windows, installation might get trickier. We recommend you to install this OpenJDK distribution, which has served me well for a lot of time.

    On Windows, you might also need to set environment variables manually. DuckDuckGo it if you need to.

You can verify the correct installation of the JDK by typing

$ java --version

You should be able to see an output similar to this one

openjdk 17.0.5 2022-10-18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.5+1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.5+1, mixed mode)

🔓 Running

Make sure to have followed the guide above in order to have a JVM installed in your machine.

Running client

Download the latest version of the client. cd into the folder the client-vX.X.jar is in, and then type:

$ java -jar client-vX.X.jar <ip address> <port>

Capital X are to be substituted with the actual version you downloaded. Parameters in triangular braces (< and >) are mandatory. Braces needs to be removed.

For instance, to make the client connect to localhost to a server listening on port 2022, the following might be typed:

$ java -jar client.jar localhost 2022

Running server

The same goes for the server. However, this doesn't need an IP to be launched. Port is the only parameter that has to be specified.

For instance, to run a server listening on port 2022:

$ java -jar server.jar 2022

🗃️ Project Structure

To project viewers, it's important to know about the project structure. We have listed here a list of folders with a small description.