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hoterran committed Jan 27, 2013
1 parent 0ca068b commit 2fee189
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Showing 50 changed files with 23,787 additions and 50 deletions.
Binary file not shown.
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions compiler-construction/compiler-construction-code/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# makefile for TINY
# Borland C Version
# K. Louden 2/3/98

CC = gcc


OBJS = main.o util.o scan.o parse.o symtab.o analyze.o code.o cgen.o

tiny: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o tiny

main.o: main.c globals.h util.h scan.h parse.h analyze.h cgen.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c main.c

util.o: util.c util.h globals.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c util.c

scan.o: scan.c scan.h util.h globals.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c scan.c

parse.o: parse.c parse.h scan.h globals.h util.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c parse.c

symtab.o: symtab.c symtab.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c symtab.c

analyze.o: analyze.c globals.h symtab.h analyze.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c analyze.c

code.o: code.c code.h globals.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c code.c

cgen.o: cgen.c globals.h symtab.h code.h cgen.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c cgen.c

-rm tiny
-rm tm
-rm main.o
-rm util.o
-rm scan.o
-rm parse.o
-rm symtab.o
-rm analyze.o
-rm code.o
-rm cgen.o
-rm tm.o

tm: tm.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) tm.c -o tm

all: tiny tm

48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions compiler-construction/compiler-construction-code/README.DOS
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
This is the README.DOS file included in the file.
The other files in the distribution are the source code files
in standard C for the TINY compiler and Tiny Machine simulator
as described in the text:

Compiler Construction - Principles and Practice, by Kenneth C. Louden,
PWS Publishing Co., 1997.

They are (with very minor variations) all the files as listed in Appendices
B and C of the text.

At the top level are:

The file you are now reading (README.DOS):

The sixteen files as listed on page 23 of the text (which are
used to make the TINY compiler)

The tm.c source code file for the TM machine interpreter

The TINY program of Figure 1.4, page 23 (called sample.tny)

Two DOS executables tiny.exe and tm.exe for your convenience.

A Makefile for the TINY compiler and TM simulator for Borland's
MAKE utility (with minor edits this should work for other MAKEs).

There are also two subdirectories: lex and yacc (assuming you have
unzipped with the -d option).

The lex subdirectory contains the single file tiny.l
as described in the text on pages 90-91, which can be used to build
a lex/flex version of the scanner.

The yacc subdirectory contains the two files tiny.y and globals.h
as described on pages 243-245 of the text, which can be used
to build a Yacc/Bison version of the parser. Note that, due to
the considerable variation among Yacc/Bison versions, these files
will probably need some minor editing in order to get them to
work correctly.

All source code has been tested with the Borland 3.0 and 4.0 compilers,
as well as with the Gnu C compiler and the Sun Ansi C compiler (version 2.0).
Any Ansi C compiler should be usable to compile this code, but there is
no guarantee that your favorite compiler will work. Nevertheless, if you
have a problem, I would appreciate hearing about it, and I will respond if I
can find a solution.

120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions compiler-construction/compiler-construction-code/YACC/GLOBALS.H
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
/* File: globals.h */
/* Yacc/Bison Version */
/* Global types and vars for TINY compiler */
/* must come before other include files */
/* Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice */
/* Kenneth C. Louden */

#ifndef _GLOBALS_H_
#define _GLOBALS_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Yacc/Bison generates internally its own values
* for the tokens. Other files can access these values
* by including the tab.h file generated using the
* Yacc/Bison option -d ("generate header")
* The YYPARSER flag prevents inclusion of the tab.h
* into the Yacc/Bison output itself

#ifndef YYPARSER

/* the name of the following file may change */
#include ""

/* ENDFILE is implicitly defined by Yacc/Bison,
* and not included in the tab.h file
#define ENDFILE 0


#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1

/* MAXRESERVED = the number of reserved words */

/* Yacc/Bison generates its own integer values
* for tokens
typedef int TokenType;

extern FILE* source; /* source code text file */
extern FILE* listing; /* listing output text file */
extern FILE* code; /* code text file for TM simulator */

extern int lineno; /* source line number for listing */

/*********** Syntax tree for parsing ************/

typedef enum {StmtK,ExpK} NodeKind;
typedef enum {IfK,RepeatK,AssignK,ReadK,WriteK} StmtKind;
typedef enum {OpK,ConstK,IdK} ExpKind;

/* ExpType is used for type checking */
typedef enum {Void,Integer,Boolean} ExpType;


typedef struct treeNode
{ struct treeNode * child[MAXCHILDREN];
struct treeNode * sibling;
int lineno;
NodeKind nodekind;
union { StmtKind stmt; ExpKind exp;} kind;
union { TokenType op;
int val;
char * name; } attr;
ExpType type; /* for type checking of exps */
} TreeNode;

/*********** Flags for tracing ************/

/* EchoSource = TRUE causes the source program to
* be echoed to the listing file with line numbers
* during parsing
extern int EchoSource;

/* TraceScan = TRUE causes token information to be
* printed to the listing file as each token is
* recognized by the scanner
extern int TraceScan;

/* TraceParse = TRUE causes the syntax tree to be
* printed to the listing file in linearized form
* (using indents for children)
extern int TraceParse;

/* TraceAnalyze = TRUE causes symbol table inserts
* and lookups to be reported to the listing file
extern int TraceAnalyze;

/* TraceCode = TRUE causes comments to be written
* to the TM code file as code is generated
extern int TraceCode;

/* Error = TRUE prevents further passes if an error occurs */
extern int Error;
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions compiler-construction/compiler-construction-code/YACC/TINY.Y
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
/* File: tiny.y */
/* The TINY Yacc/Bison specification file */
/* Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice */
/* Kenneth C. Louden */
#define YYPARSER /* distinguishes Yacc output from other code files */

#include "globals.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "scan.h"
#include "parse.h"

#define YYSTYPE TreeNode *
static char * savedName; /* for use in assignments */
static int savedLineNo; /* ditto */
static TreeNode * savedTree; /* stores syntax tree for later return */


%token ID NUM
%token ERROR

%% /* Grammar for TINY */

program : stmt_seq
{ savedTree = $1;}
stmt_seq : stmt_seq SEMI stmt
{ YYSTYPE t = $1;
if (t != NULL)
{ while (t->sibling != NULL)
t = t->sibling;
t->sibling = $3;
$$ = $1; }
else $$ = $3;
| stmt { $$ = $1; }
stmt : if_stmt { $$ = $1; }
| repeat_stmt { $$ = $1; }
| assign_stmt { $$ = $1; }
| read_stmt { $$ = $1; }
| write_stmt { $$ = $1; }
| error { $$ = NULL; }
if_stmt : IF exp THEN stmt_seq END
{ $$ = newStmtNode(IfK);
$$->child[0] = $2;
$$->child[1] = $4;
| IF exp THEN stmt_seq ELSE stmt_seq END
{ $$ = newStmtNode(IfK);
$$->child[0] = $2;
$$->child[1] = $4;
$$->child[2] = $6;
repeat_stmt : REPEAT stmt_seq UNTIL exp
{ $$ = newStmtNode(RepeatK);
$$->child[0] = $2;
$$->child[1] = $4;
assign_stmt : ID { savedName = copyString(tokenString);
savedLineNo = lineno; }
{ $$ = newStmtNode(AssignK);
$$->child[0] = $4;
$$-> = savedName;
$$->lineno = savedLineNo;
read_stmt : READ ID
{ $$ = newStmtNode(ReadK);
$$-> =
write_stmt : WRITE exp
{ $$ = newStmtNode(WriteK);
$$->child[0] = $2;
exp : simple_exp LT simple_exp
{ $$ = newExpNode(OpK);
$$->child[0] = $1;
$$->child[1] = $3;
$$->attr.op = LT;
| simple_exp EQ simple_exp
{ $$ = newExpNode(OpK);
$$->child[0] = $1;
$$->child[1] = $3;
$$->attr.op = EQ;
| simple_exp { $$ = $1; }
simple_exp : simple_exp PLUS term
{ $$ = newExpNode(OpK);
$$->child[0] = $1;
$$->child[1] = $3;
$$->attr.op = PLUS;
| simple_exp MINUS term
{ $$ = newExpNode(OpK);
$$->child[0] = $1;
$$->child[1] = $3;
$$->attr.op = MINUS;
| term { $$ = $1; }
term : term TIMES factor
{ $$ = newExpNode(OpK);
$$->child[0] = $1;
$$->child[1] = $3;
$$->attr.op = TIMES;
| term OVER factor
{ $$ = newExpNode(OpK);
$$->child[0] = $1;
$$->child[1] = $3;
$$->attr.op = OVER;
| factor { $$ = $1; }
factor : LPAREN exp RPAREN
{ $$ = $2; }
{ $$ = newExpNode(ConstK);
$$->attr.val = atoi(tokenString);
| ID { $$ = newExpNode(IdK);
$$-> =
| error { $$ = NULL; }


int yyerror(char * message)
{ fprintf(listing,"Syntax error at line %d: %s\n",lineno,message);
fprintf(listing,"Current token: ");
Error = TRUE;
return 0;

/* yylex calls getToken to make Yacc/Bison output
* compatible with ealier versions of the TINY scanner
static int yylex(void)
{ return getToken(); }

TreeNode * parse(void)
{ yyparse();
return savedTree;

Binary file not shown.

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