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Details on partial replays

Roman Semenov edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 3 revisions

HotS client writes following files places during match:

  • <HOME>\Documents\Heroes of the Storm\Accounts\<Account>\<Hero>\Saves\Rejoin\<game id>.StormSave
    • Rejoin file that is updated every minute. First created after 1:00 mark. Looks like timer is synced with in-game clock
  • <TEMP>\Heroes of the Storm\TempWriteReplayP1 (directory)
    • Here client stores incremental game and tracker events and creates replay.server.battlelobby file when game loading starts. Tracker events are updated frequently. Other files are empty.
  • <TEMP>\Heroes of the Storm\Files\<game id>.StormSave.<time><filename>
    • Replay snapshots that are done every minute
  • <TEMP>\Heroes of the Storm\<game id>.StormSave.<time> (directory)
    • This is a temporary directory. Every minute client creates it, adds replay details, packs everything to Files\<game id>.StormSave.<time>, copies result to Rejoin\<game id>.StormSave file and then deletes this dir

For our app the useful files are replay.server.battlelobby that is created when loading starts and first replay snapshot Rejoin\<game id>.StormSave

Rejoin snapshots are valid MPQ archives but they have different file sets. For out purposes we can use some save.<name> files instead of replay.<name>

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