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This is a simple wallet application.

Getting started

npm install
npm start
# go to http://localhost:3000 after a few seconds

The Project


Technical Features

  • Server Rendering
  • Inline styles with Radium
  • Material Design
  • Routing support
  • Code splitting support
  • Immutable and non immutable redux reducers support

Project structure

  • ./src: Source code
  • ./src/actions: Actions creators
  • ./src/components: Presentational components (those who don't depend on redux and are very dumb!)
  • ./src/config: App config
  • ./src/constants: App constants (includes Actions names and route name)
  • ./src/helpers: Several helpers
  • ./src/reducers: Redux reducers
  • ./src/routes: Application routes. A route is typically a folder with the following structure:
    • ./index.js: The react-router route object
    • ./container/Container.js: The container component (this one is aware of redux)
    • ./selector/selectors.js: Redux selectors. ie: grabs data from redux store efficiently
    • ./component/ContainerWrapper.js: Wrapper component mediating other components (It should include only components from ./src/components. ie: presentational components)
  • ./src/selectors: Reselect base selectors. ie: optimized redux store readers
  • ./src/store: Middlewares and store enhancers
  • ./src/themes: Theme configuration
  • ./src/**/__tests__/: Test code
  • ./src/retax.config.js: retax configuration file
  • ./src/clientEntry.js: Client entry
  • ./src/serverEntry.js: (Front-end) Server entry


  • npm start: Start front-end server and watch for file changes
  • npm run build: Build the app. The output is in the ./build folder. You could run this command with these options: (eg. npm run build -- -- --release (don't forget the -- --))
    • --release: minify the bundle
    • --devtools: include redux-devtools
    • --react-perf: include react addons perf
    • --isomorphic: include server rendering
  • npm test: Run all tests in mocha
  • npm run lint: Lint the code of the component
  • npm run tdd: Run all tests in watch mode


  • Migrate the seed to typescript when typescript@2.0.0 is out
  • Migrate the test framework to jest. This will reduce the number of dependencies and be easier to work with mocks.


Lifework code challenge.







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