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File metadata and controls

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Security Rules

A public-facing database wouldn't be complete without a security system.

Firestore and Firebase Storage both use Firebase's new security rules syntax, while the original Firebase Realtime Database uses the original JSON security rules syntax. Both systems are easy enough to work with.

The gist of security rules is that you'll be granting read and/or write access to individual nodes of your database.

Basic Rules

Our Firestore security rules for Fogo, our image-sharing app, are as follows:

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /uploads/{document=**} {
      allow write: if request.auth.token.admin == true ;
      allow read;

    match /users/{document=**} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth.token.admin == true ;

Let's break these rules down line-by-line.

service cloud.firestore — defines the service, in this case it's cloud.firestore

match /databases/{database}/documents — defines the database; the {database} clause indicates that these rules apply to all Firestore databases on the project

match /uploads/{document=**} — creates a new rules block to apply to the uploads collection and all documents contained therein

allow write: if requests.auth.token.admin == true ; — allows write access for authenticated sessions with an admin attribute equal to true on the auth token, which is also known as the user's JWT

allow read; — allows public read access

match /users/{document=**} - creates a new rules block for the users collection and all documents contained therein

allow read, write: if request.auth.token.admin == true ; - allows both read and write access for authenticated sessions with an admin attribute equal to true on the auth token, which is also known as the user's JWT

Match blocks

Here's the pattern for match blocks 👇

match /my-collection/my-document {


The document-name fields can be set to wildcard values as well, which looks like this 👇

match /my-collection/{allDocuments} {


If you want a rule to apply to all documents AND all sub-collection documents, you need a slightly different syntax:

match /my-collection/{allDocuments=**} {


Notice the =** at the end of the wildcard? That's the "recursive wildcard" syntax. If you don't tell your wildcard to be recursive, your match block will not apply to sub-collection documents. Imagine a data structure like /users/{userDocs}/preferences/{preferenceDocs}, where you have a collection of Users, and each user has a collection of Preferences. We can think of three types of match blocks for this data structure:

match /users/{user} {
  // applies to the user docs, NOT the nested preference docs

match /users/{user=**} {
  // applies to just the user docs AND the nested preference docs

match /users/{user}/preferences/{preference} {
  // applies ONLY to the preference docs

You could write the same rules like this:

match /users/{user} {
  // applies to the user docs, NOT the nested preference docs

  match /preferences/{preference} {
    // applies only to the preference docs

See what we did there with the nested rule blocks? Yeah, you can nest match blocks. It's purely optional, but it might be easier to read in some cases.

Rule types

The basic rule types are read and write. But each of these rule types can be broken down into sub-types.

  • read
    • get
    • list
  • write
    • create
    • update
    • delete

Read rules

The basic allow read rule grants both get and list access to the documents in a collection.

The allow get rule allows a user to read a single document, but not list all documents.

And allow list allows a user to read an entire collection or query the collection.

There's an funny bit of detail here. Imagine allowing a user to list a collection but not get a document within it. This would be a strange rule, because that user would still be able to read each individual document... but he or she would have to pull the entire collection rather than one specific document. There might be a use case for this pattern, but we can't think of one.

The get and list rules would be useful if, for example, you want an admin user to both get and list all of the documents in a collection, but you want regular users to only get certain documents that are specific to them. In this model, you'd have to provide the ID of the document to the user.

Here's how those queries could look:

  .then(snapshot => {
    // allowed for an admin user
  .catch(error => {
    // a non-admin user is denied list permission

  .then(snapshot => {
    // a non-admin user can get just one doc

Write rules

The allow write rule grants create, update and delete privileges.

The allow create, allow update and allow delete rules are self-explanatory 😊

Imagine a project-management app with three levels of user-security: admins, managers and employees. In this case, you may want to allow employees to update existing projects, allow managers to create and update projects and allow the admins full create, update and delete permissions.


Perhaps the trickiest part of security rules is writing the individual rule conditions.

To start off, you can always declare a rule without conditions:

match /dropboxCollection {
  read false;
  write true;

match /mailboxCollection {
  read true;
  write false;

Note: Your Cloud Functions and authorized Node.js servers have full read/write access to the entire database, regardless of security rules.

But most apps need write conditions, so security rules have a similar-to-JavaScript DSL (domain-specific language) for defining those conditions.

Wildcard variables

First off, any wildcards that you declared in your match rules are available as variables.

The following example shows how you could enable users to read their own user documents and write only one preference document: receiveMarketingEmail;

match /users/{userId} {

  allow read: if request.auth.uid == userId;

  match /preferences/{preference} {  
    allow read: if request.auth.uid == userId;
    allow write: if request.auth.uid == userId && preference == 'receiveMarketingEmail';

Request variables

Rule conditions have access to a request object that represents that incoming request. You'll be using the request object for most rule conditions. Here's a sketch of what that object looks like as JSON:

  "auth": {
    "uid": "my-unique-user-id-aka-uid",
    "token": {
      "some-custom-claim": true,
      "email": "",
      "email_verified": false,
      "phone_number": null,
      "name": "My displayName",
      "sub": "my-unique-user-id-or-uid",
      "firebase": {
        "identities": {
          "": ["first-google-uid", "second-google-uid"],
          "": ["first-facebook-uid", "second-facebook-uid"]
        "sign_in_provider": ""
  "path": Path,
  "query": {
    "limit": 10,
    "offset": "some-cursor-value",
    "groupBy": {
      "widgetType": true,
      "widgetName": false
    "orderBy": {
      "widgetCreated": "ASC",
      "widgetName": "DESC"
    "resource": Resource
  "time": Timestamp,
  "writeFields": List

The request.auth attribute is mostly primitive values, i.e., strings, numbers, nulls and booleans. Note that you can access custom claims directly off of request.auth.token.

Now we get into some custom objects. You'll want to follow links and read the docs.

request.path is a Path object.

request.query.resource is a Resource objects representing the changes being made by a write.

request.time is a Timestamp object.

And finally, request.writeFields contains a List object of fields being written.

Resource object

In addition to the request object, there's also a resource object available. That means that can be compared to to identify requested changes.

Stick with request.auth

The request.auth object is by far the most commonly used part of the request object, especially when custom claims have been set on request.auth.token.

A common custom claim pattern is to set an admin flag which can be used like so:

match /superSecretAdminStuff/{docs=**} {
  allow read, write: request.auth.token.admin == true;

Read the docs

Firebase has excellent docs, and we don't want to compete with such great writing.

The highlights:

Firebase Storage security rules are nearly identical

Firestore's security system is shared by Firebase Storage. The objects and data types are identical, but Storage is dealing with binary objects, so it's Resource properties are bit different.