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Dialogue with your logs
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About The Project

Product Name Screen Shot

Dylogor is a tool which stores logs from any microservice and can help you query about those logs on the basis of various fields in the log document

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Things that are delivered at the end of submission:

  • log storing capability on port 3000
    • Using ElasticSearch to create a new index and storing document as they are inserted
    • Currently it is working for local setup
  • Search functionality
    • Implemented search all
    • Search by key i.e filter
    • Search with regex
    • Search with timestamp
    • APIs were created using Flask
  • Provided a CLI to the tool
    • Used Click to create a CLI
    • Information on cli is in this README


  • ElasticSearch

    Ensure that a local instance of ElasticSearch is running in the system that you are using in.

    You can refer here to install ElasticSearch.

    Run ElasticSearch wherever you have installed the ElasticSearch

  • Configure config.ini under the resource name elastic with your password [I have shared an example format for config.ini]

  • Flask

    Install required packages after creating a virtualenv

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • CLI

    To use CLI tool, you will have to install it first. Please look here

Problem Statment

:info: logs will be sent to port 3000

An example of log document that is stored in Dylogor:

	"level": "error",
	"message": "Failed to connect to DB",
    "resourceId": "server-1234",
	"timestamp": "2023-09-15T08:00:00Z",
	"traceId": "abc-xyz-123",
    "spanId": "span-456",
    "commit": "5e5342f",
    "metadata": {
        "parentResourceId": "server-0987"

User should be able to query for logs on the basis of the above fields:

  • level
  • message
  • resourceId
  • timestamp
  • traceId
  • spanId
  • commit
  • metadata.parentResourceId


version 1


This simple approach will give problem when we scale our system, One scenario, given that writing to DB and Serving to FE is done by the same server, there may arise a condition when server might be called by our log-sending service and from our FE

version 2 (Not part of this submission)


Using Kafka like streaming service to store logs and directly consuming from there in BE can be a solution which can help us to serve multiple users at the same time.

ElasticSearch will allow us to scale horizontally by providing more clusters we can utilize its master-slave architecture to maintain consistency across different clusters.


Built With

  • Python

Using Python:3.10.13 with pyenv virtualenv


a Dialoguer for your logs







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