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This module provides log solutions for the HPCC Platform.


  • This module requires a running Azure Kubernetes Service. To avoid create a cycle, first, deploy your Azure Kubernetes Service cluster before attempting to deploy this module.
  • An Azure Service Principal is needed for authentication when using the Azure Log Analytics Workspace. See the azure_log_analytics_creds arguments for more info.


  • Private connection is not yet supported. internet_query_enabled and internet_ingestion_enabled must be set to true.
  • Only one log solution can be used at a time. That is intentional.
  • The HPCC app and the this module must share the same namespace when using the Azure Log Analytics Workspace.

Supported Arguments

azure_log_analytics_workspace object specifications

Variable Description Type Required Default
unique_name Should a the Azure Log Analytics Workspace have a unique? bool no true
name Azure Log Analytics Workspace's name. string yes myhpccloganalyticsworkspace
resource_group_name The name of the resource group to which the existing Azure Log Analytics Workspace belong. string yes -
location Azure region in which to create resources. string yes eastus2
daily_quota_gb The daily data ingestion quota in GB. number no -1 for unlimited
internet_ingestion_enabled Should the workspace support ingestion over the Public Internet? bool no false
internet_query_enabled Should the workspace support querying over the Public Internet? bool no false
reservation_capacity_in_gb_per_day The capacity reservation level in GB for the workspace. The value must be increments of 100 between 100 and 5000. number no 100
retention_in_days The workspace data daily retention. The value should be 7 for free tier or between 30 and 730. number no 30
sku The SKU of the workspace. Possible values are Free,PerNode,Premium,Standard,Standalone,Unlimited,CapacityReservation,PerGB2018 string no PerGB2018
tag Tags to be added to the workspace. map(string) no null
use_existing_workspace The existing workspace to use. Both name and resource_group_name attributes must be set. object(string) no null
linked_storage_account The storage account to link to the Azure Log Analytics Workspace as described below. The storage account must be assigned as bypass for AzureServices. In addition, if using a private link, the subnet id of the private endpoint should be added to the allow list of the storage account. object no null

azure_log_analytics_workspace.use_existing_workspace object specifications

Variable Description Type Required
name The name of the existing Azure Log Analytics Workspace to use. string yes
resource_group_name The name of the resource group to which the existing Azure Log Analytics Workspace belong. string yes

azure_log_analytics_workspace.linked_storage_account object specifications

Variable Description Type Required
data_source_type The data source type that to use for the Azure Log Analytics Workspace. Acceptable values are CustomLogs, AzureWatson, Query,Ingestion, Alert string yes
storage_account_ids The storage account resource IDs to be linked. list(string) yes

azure_log_analytics_creds object specifications

Variable Description Type Required
AAD_TENANT_ID Azure Active Directory/Service Principal tenant ID string yes
AAD_CLIENT_ID Azure Active Directory/Service Principal client ID string yes
AAD_CLIENT_SECRET Azure Active Directory/Service Principal secret string yes
AAD_PRINCIPAL_ID Service Principal ID string yes

hpcc object specifications

Variable Description Type Default Required
namespace Namespace name. This must be the namespace where HPCC Platform is or will be deployed. string - yes
version The HPCC Platform version. string - yes

elastic4hpcclogs object specifications

Variable Description Type Default Required
local_chart Path to local chart directory name or tgz file. Example1: /Users/foo/work/demo/helm-chart/helm/managed/logging/elastic Example2: string null no
remote_chart URL of the remote chart. Example: string null bool
name Release name of the chart. string null yes
version The version of the elastic4hpcclogs string 1.2.8
values List of desired state files to use similar to -f in CLI. list(string) null no
atomic If set, installation process purges chart on fail. The wait flag will be set automatically if atomic is used. bool false no
recreate_pods Perform pods restart during upgrade/rollback. bool false no
reuse_values When upgrading, reuse the last release's values and merge in any overrides. If reset_values is specified, this is ignored. bool false no
reset_values When upgrading, reset the values to the ones built into the chart. bool false no
force_update Force resource update through delete/recreate if needed. bool false no
cleanup_on_fail Allow deletion of new resources created in this upgrade when upgrade fails. bool false no
disable_openapi_validation If set, the installation process will not validate rendered templates against the Kubernetes OpenAPI Schema. bool false no
max_history Maximum number of release versions stored per release. number 0 no
wait Will wait until all resources are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout . bool true no
dependency_update Runs helm dependency update before installing the chart. bool false no
timeout Time in seconds to wait for any individual kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks). number 900 no
wait_for_jobs If wait is enabled, will wait until all Jobs have been completed before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as timeout. bool false no
lint Run the helm chart linter during the plan. bool false no
internet_enabled Expose myelastic4hpcclogs-kibana service to the internet. This can cause the service to hang on pending state if external IPs are blocked by your organization's cloud policies. bool true no

subnet_id specifications

Variable Description Type Default Required
subnet_id The subnet ID from which to allocate IPs for the Azure private endpoint string null no


Name Description
logaccess_body The HPCC log analytics or elastic4hpcclogs yaml values to pass to the HPCC Platform helm deployment.
workspace_resource_id The resource ID of the analytics workspace ID.
workspace_id The ID of the analytics workspace ID to assign to the AKS cluster. Valid format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.
primary_shared_key The Azure Log Analytics Workspace primary shared key.
secondary_shared_key The Azure Log Analytics Workspace secondary shared key.


This module provides log solutions for the HPCC Platform.







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