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Merge 885010f into 3b93dc9
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kolioOtSofia committed Jul 6, 2021
2 parents 3b93dc9 + 885010f commit caf38d7
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Showing 15 changed files with 144 additions and 22 deletions.

This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
"instance" : {
"buildButtonWithLabel:do:with:" : "SK 6/27/2021 12:34",
"buildGlobalButtonsWith:" : "ClassTest 6/20/2021 19:11",
"buildTestEntityUIFor:testingEntityType:with:" : "SK 6/19/2021 11:01",
"buildTestingEntitiesWith:" : "ClassTest 5/30/2021 16:48",
"buildTestingEntityButtonsOfType:with:" : "ClassTest 6/4/2021 15:02",
"buildTestingEntityHeaderOfType:with:" : "ClassTest 5/30/2021 16:23",
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ setUp
browser removeTravisStatuses: browser travisStatuses.
browser removeGitHubActions: browser gitHubActions.
windowsToDelete := OrderedCollection new.
windowsToDelete add: browser
windowsToDelete add: browser.
mockAPI := ATDDGitHubActionMockAPI new
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ tearDown
browser gitHubActions addLast: each ].
browser resumeAll.
windowsToDelete do: [ :each | each changed: #close ].
mockAPI destroy.
self class testHasRun: false
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

| amount editor |

amount := ATDDGitHubActionEditor allInstances size.
editor := browser createGitHubAction.
self assert: ATDDGitHubActionEditor allInstances size = (amount + 1).
windowsToDelete add: editor
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

| amount editor |

amount := ATDDGitHubActionEditor allInstances size.
editor := browser createGitHubAction.
self assert: ATDDGitHubActionEditor allInstances size = (amount + 1).
windowsToDelete add: editor
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@

| gha amount window |

gha := ATDDGitHubAction new.
gha repositoryURL: 'hpi-swa-teaching/AutoTDD';
refreshInterval: 300.
"Making it use the Mock API"
gha repository client apiUrl: 'http://localhost:9999/'.
gha resume.
browser gitHubActions addLast: gha.
ATDDBrowser update.
self assert: (browser gitHubActionAt: 1) equals: false.
browser gitHubActionAt: 1 put: true.
self assert: (browser gitHubActionAt: 1) equals: true.
self assert: (browser selectedGitHubActions includes: gha).
amount := ATDDGitHubActionEditor allInstances size.
"Opens an editor for the selected gitHubAction"
window := browser editGitHubActions.
self assert: ATDDGitHubActionEditor allInstances size = (amount + 1).
windowsToDelete add: window.
amount := ATDDGitHubActionResults allInstances size.
"Opens results for the selected gitHubAction"
window := browser resultsGitHubActions.
windowsToDelete add: window.
self assert: ATDDGitHubActionResults allInstances size = (amount + 1).
self assert: (browser selectedGitHubActions allSatisfy: [ :each | each paused not ]).
browser pauseGitHubActions.
self assert: (browser selectedGitHubActions allSatisfy: [ :each | each paused ]).
browser resumeSelectedGitHubActions.
self assert: (browser selectedGitHubActions allSatisfy: [ :each | each paused not ]).
browser removeSelectedGitHubActions.
self assert: browser selectedGitHubActions isEmpty
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

| travisSatus amount window |

travisSatus := ATDDTravisStatus new.
travisSatus repositoryURL: 'hpi-swa-teaching/AutoTDD';
refreshInterval: 300.
travisSatus resume.
browser travisStatuses addLast: travisSatus.
ATDDBrowser update.
self assert: (browser travisStatusAt: 1) equals: false.
browser travisStatusAt: 1 put: true.
self assert: (browser travisStatusAt: 1) equals: true.
self assert: (browser selectedTravisStatuses includes: travisSatus).
amount := ATDDTravisStatusEditor allInstances size.
"Opens an editor for the selected travisSatus"
window := browser editTravisStatuses.
self assert: ATDDTravisStatusEditor allInstances size = (amount + 1).
windowsToDelete add: window.
amount := ATDDTravisStatusResults allInstances size.
"Opens results for the selected travisSatus"
window := browser resultsTravisStatuses.
windowsToDelete add: window.
self assert: ATDDTravisStatusResults allInstances size = (amount + 1).
self assert: (browser selectedTravisStatuses allSatisfy: [ :each | each paused not ]).
browser pauseTravisStatuses.
self assert: (browser selectedTravisStatuses allSatisfy: [ :each | each paused ]).
browser resumeSelectedTravisStatuses.
self assert: (browser selectedTravisStatuses allSatisfy: [ :each | each paused not ]).
browser removeSelectedTravisStatuses.
self assert: browser selectedTravisStatuses isEmpty
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

| amount window|

amount := ATDDProfileEditor allInstances size.
window := browser openProfileEditor.
self assert: ATDDProfileEditor allInstances size = (amount + 1).
windowsToDelete add: window
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

| oldValue |

oldValue := ATDDSoundPlayer instance isMuted.
browser toggleSounds.
self assert: ATDDSoundPlayer instance isMuted = (oldValue not).
"reverting to old settings"
browser toggleSounds
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,17 +7,23 @@
"fetchCopyOfGitHubActions" : "ClassTest 6/14/2021 20:10",
"fetchCopyOfTravisStatuses" : "ClassTest 6/27/2021 20:33",
"fetchCopyOfWatchers" : "ClassTest 6/27/2021 20:33",
"setUp" : "ClassTest 6/27/2021 15:40",
"tearDown" : "ClassTest 6/27/2021 15:40",
"setUp" : "ng 7/5/2021 23:10",
"tearDown" : "ng 7/5/2021 23:10",
"testAddButtonAddsNewWatcherToList" : "ng 6/4/2021 17:15",
"testChangingWatchedCategoriesWork" : "ClassTest 6/27/2021 16:43",
"testCreateGitHubAction" : "ng 7/5/2021 23:06",
"testEditButtonWorks" : "ng 6/3/2021 12:12",
"testEditGitHubAction" : "ng 7/5/2021 23:07",
"testEditPauseResultsForSelectedGitHubActions" : "ng 7/6/2021 17:15",
"testEditPauseResultsForSelectedTravisStatuses" : "ng 7/6/2021 17:24",
"testOpenProfileEditor" : "ng 7/6/2021 17:14",
"testOverviewButtonIntegration" : "ClassTest 6/27/2021 16:36",
"testPauseAllButtonPausesAllWatchers" : "ls 6/5/2019 21:37",
"testPauseButtonPausesSelectedWatcher" : "ng 6/3/2021 12:52",
"testResumeAllButtonResumesAllWatchers" : "ls 6/5/2019 21:39",
"testResumeButtonResumesSelectedWatcher" : "ng 6/3/2021 12:42",
"testRunAllButtonRunsEverything" : "ClassTest 6/27/2021 15:42",
"testRunButtonRunsSelectedWatcher" : "ClassTest 6/27/2021 15:42",
"testToggleSounds" : "ng 7/6/2021 17:18",
"testWatcherInfoButtonWorks" : "ng 6/3/2021 12:50",
"testWatcherResultsButtonWorks" : "ng 6/3/2021 12:51" } }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
"windowsToDelete" ],
"mockAPI" ],
"name" : "ATDDBrowserTests",
"pools" : [
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ tests

self assert: ATDDGitHubActionResults allInstances isEmpty = false.
self assert: resultsWindow shouldSimplifyLog = true
self assert: resultsWindow shouldSimplifyLog = true.
self assert: resultsWindow simplifyLogCheckBoxState = true
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@

| temp originalJobs |

temp := ATDDGitHubActionWorkflowJob
newForId: 1
name: 'idk dude'
conclusion: 'success'.
resultsWindow selectedHistory: 1.
originalJobs := resultsWindow jobs.
"jobs needs to be configured manually so that it sends a correct request to the mockAPI"
resultsWindow jobs: { temp }.
resultsWindow selectedJob: 1.
"Simulates clicking on a specific job and then that this loads a log".
self assert: resultsWindow log isEmpty = false.
self assert: (resultsWindow log asString includesSubstring: '69 tests passed') = true.
resultsWindow simplifyLogCheckBoxAction.
self assert: resultsWindow shouldSimplifyLog = false.
"Some text that's in the log when it's not simplified".
self assert: (resultsWindow log asString includesSubstring: 'Starting: Request a runner to run this job') = true.
resultsWindow shouldSimplifyLog: true.
resultsWindow jobs: originalJobs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"testAnsiParsing" : "ClassTest 7/3/2021 21:03",
"testColor" : "ClassTest 7/4/2021 16:56",
"testHistory" : "ng 7/2/2021 14:34",
"testInitialization" : "ng 7/2/2021 14:28",
"testInitialization" : "ng 7/5/2021 19:39",
"testIsSmalltalkCiLog" : "ClassTest 7/3/2021 21:00",
"testParsingSmalltalkCILog" : "ClassTest 7/3/2021 21:01" } }
"testParsingSmalltalkCILog" : "ClassTest 7/3/2021 21:01",
"testSelectedJob" : "ng 7/5/2021 22:44" } }

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