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Repository files navigation


An incomplete, possibly hazardous implementation of the GitHub REST-API in SqueakSmalltalk. Works with Squeak 5.3+.

CI Coverage Status


Download the newest release and install the .sar file within your Squeak environment! Alternatively, you can clone the repo using the default Git Browser.

Adding necessary functionality to the WebClient

You may need to add the following method to the WebClient class included in the WebClient-Core package, for the client to run as expected:

httpPatch: urlString content: postData type: contentType do: aBlock
  "PATCH the data to the given url"

  | request |

  self initializeFromUrl: urlString.
  request := self requestWithUrl: urlString.
  request method: 'PATCH'.
  contentType ifNotNil:[request contentType: contentType].
  request contentLength: postData size.
  userAgent ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'User-Agent' put: userAgent].
  aBlock value: request.

  ^ self sendRequest: request content: postData readStream size: postData size


Instanciate a new GitHubAPI-Object in your workspace by running

api := GitHubApi new.

Head on over to your GitHub User Settings and generate a new access token (make sure to selected your correct scopes and write down your access token).
Now run your first API request and get your current user profile (inspect the result, to see your data):

api user get


api user repos create: (Dictionary newFrom: {'name' -> 'TestRepo'. 'private' -> true}).
repo := api user repos: 'TestRepo'.
repo get.

repo issues create: (Dictionary newFrom: {'title' -> 'New issue!'}).
issue := repo issues: 'New issue!'.
issue update: (Dictionary newFrom: {'state' -> 'closed'}).

All available endpoints and parameters can be explored in the offical GitHub Rest API Documenatation. (Please keep in mind, that not all endpoints are implemented so far!)