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Johanna Schlimme edited this page Aug 5, 2022 · 9 revisions


Hello, new IMAP team! Welcome to the SWT project, with which you can finally read your mails in Squeak!

We, the 2022 IMAP team, have implemented some new minor features like icons and sorting visualization, but we have also refactored the synchronization process and offline functionality. For a better understanding, you should read our entry in the wiki (

Otherwise, everything that the teams before us have written applies. If you have any questions, you can always ping us and we will have valuable information for you.

Good luck, Team 2022!


Hi, new IMAP team!

Most things the two teams before us said are still valid even after this year's round of IMAP refactorings. Here are some additional ideas on how to start:

  • First, you should familiarize yourselves with the architecture of this great project. We have left you some hopefully useful class diagrams on the "Architecture" wiki page.
  • Take a look at the "good first issues". They will help you understanding how the IMAP-Client works as well as showing you some parts of the code that should probably be refactored quickly.
  • Closed issues and pull request might hold a lot of valuable information ;)
  • Feel free to reach out to us if something is unclear :)
  • Our presentation slides


Dear new IMAP Team, welcome to this super awesome project!

Be aware that this project has been passed on for generations of SWT teams and will hopefully continue to do so. Therefore it has a lot of legacy code that you will probably have to dive into very deeply. We suggest you ask your tutor what reverse engineering means and how you can use it to start with this project. Trust us, it will help! Also we have left you a few good first issues which we highly recommend you tackle first of all!

During the last iteration we have refactored quite a lot. So has the team before us, and the team before them, and ... you see where this is going. We hope that we have left you relatively understandable code. If that is not enough, have a look at this wiki where we documented some of our findings. Also there might be some good hints in closed issues and their comments. If you have investigated all of these sources and still have questions, feel free to reach out to us.

We are glad you are here and will continue this tradition of IMAP-Refactorings for another year. We wish you the best of luck and don't forget to have fun on the way!


Schön, dass ihr da seid. Das Team aus 2019 möchte euch folgendes mitteilen:

  • So wie wir werdet ihr einen Haufen Legacy Code vorfinden. Bevor ihr anfangt, Features zu implementieren, macht euch wirklich mit der Codebase vertraut und lernt ihre Probleme kennen. Wir haben in der zweiten Projekthälfte angefangen, eine ganze Menge umzubauen und zu refactoren.

  • Organisiert ein Treffen mit uns. Vermutlich kann es euch wirklich helfen, von uns zu erfahren, wie man am besten weitermachen kann.

  • Pingt uns auf GitHub an, wenn es um bestimmte Issues geht. Vielleicht können wir euch weiterhelfen :)

  • Unsere Vortragsfolien