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Merge pull request #35 from hpi-swa-teaching/refactor/attributes
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Simplifies TextAttributes
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felix-gohla committed Jul 25, 2019
2 parents 31c38c5 + d3c2828 commit dd20ec7
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Showing 94 changed files with 321 additions and 326 deletions.

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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
I represent a Markdown emphasis over a range of characters. The applied styling is expressed through my textAttribute.
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
instance creation
from: startPosition to: endPosition

^ self new
textAttribute: TextEmphasis italic;
setFrom: startPosition to: endPosition;
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
instance creation
strongFrom: startPosition to: endPosition

^ self new
textAttribute: TextEmphasis bold;
setFrom: startPosition to: endPosition;
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
setFrom: anInteger to: anotherInteger

startPosition := anInteger.
endPosition := anotherInteger
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
textAttribute: aTextAttribute

textAttribute := aTextAttribute
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

^ textAttribute
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"class" : {
"from:to:" : "kgr 7/23/2019 11:27",
"strongFrom:to:" : "kgr 7/23/2019 11:19" },
"instance" : {
"endPosition" : "fgo 5/21/2019 15:36",
"setFrom:to:" : "fgo 7/10/2019 15:16",
"startPosition" : "fgo 5/21/2019 15:36",
"textAttribute" : "fgo 7/10/2019 14:39",
"textAttribute:" : "fgo 7/10/2019 14:39" } }
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Expand Up @@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
"classvars" : [
"commentStamp" : "fgo 5/21/2019 15:40",
"commentStamp" : "fgo 7/11/2019 15:37",
"instvars" : [
"endPosition" ],
"name" : "MarkdownAttribute",
"textAttribute" ],
"name" : "MarkdownEmphasis",
"pools" : [
"super" : "Object",
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
delimiterLengthForAttributeWith: aMarkdownEmphasisDelimiter
delimiterLengthForEmphasisWith: aMarkdownEmphasisDelimiter

^ {self length. aMarkdownEmphasisDelimiter length. self boldLength} min
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
emphasisFrom: start to: end delimiterLength: aLength

aLength = 1
ifTrue: [^ MarkdownEmphasis from: start to: end]
ifFalse: [^ MarkdownEmphasis strongFrom: start to: end]
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
emphasisStartingAt: openingEmphasisDelimiter

| delimiterLength start end |
delimiterLength := self delimiterLengthForEmphasisWith: openingEmphasisDelimiter.
start := openingEmphasisDelimiter endPosition - delimiterLength + 1.
end := self startPosition + delimiterLength - 1.
^ self emphasisFrom: start to: end delimiterLength: delimiterLength

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Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
"class" : {
"mayBeginWith:" : "jst 6/26/2019 14:35" },
"instance" : {
"attributeStartingAt:" : "jko 5/23/2019 12:44",
"attributeTypeFor:" : "jko 5/21/2019 23:34",
"boldLength" : "fgo 5/10/2019 15:54",
"cutFromEnd:" : "fgo 5/21/2019 15:22",
"cutFromStart:" : "fgo 5/21/2019 15:20",
"decideLeftFlankingForPreceding:following:" : "jst 6/28/2019 14:30",
"decideRightFlankingForPreceding:following:" : "jst 6/28/2019 14:35",
"delimiterLengthForAttributeWith:" : "jko 5/23/2019 12:44",
"delimiterLengthForEmphasisWith:" : "jst 7/25/2019 14:28",
"emphasisFrom:to:delimiterLength:" : "jst 7/25/2019 14:12",
"emphasisStartingAt:" : "jst 7/25/2019 14:28",
"isCloser" : "jko 5/6/2019 16:20",
"isDelimiter" : "fgo 5/4/2019 21:08",
"isExtendableWith:" : "jst 6/28/2019 15:15",
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"asText" : "jko 6/25/2019 20:40",
"font" : "kgr 6/10/2019 13:39",
"fontSize" : "kgr 6/10/2019 13:40",
"fontSizes" : "kgr 6/10/2019 13:41",
"fontSizes" : "fgo 7/23/2019 13:53",
"isExtendableWith:" : "jko 7/4/2019 17:03",
"level" : "jst 5/13/2019 15:24",
"prefix" : "jst 5/13/2019 15:29",
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@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
add: aCollectionOfMarkdownAttributes to: aText
add: aCollectionOfMarkdownEmphases to: aText

aCollectionOfMarkdownAttributes do: [:attribute |
attribute textAttributes do: [:textAttribute |
addAttribute: textAttribute
from: attribute startPosition
to: attribute endPosition]]
aCollectionOfMarkdownEmphases do: [:emphasis |
addAttribute: emphasis textAttribute
from: emphasis startPosition
to: emphasis endPosition]

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Expand Up @@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ initialize-release

attributes: OrderedCollection new;
emphases: OrderedCollection new;
tokens: OrderedCollection new
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
emphases: aCollectionOfMarkdownEmphases

emphases := aCollectionOfMarkdownEmphases
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

^ emphases
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Expand Up @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ parse: aString
tokenize: aString;
^ self attributes
^ self emphases

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Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ parsing
process: opener and: closer

| length |
self attributes add: (closer attributeStartingAt: opener).
self emphases add: (closer emphasisStartingAt: opener).
self removeDelimitersBetween: opener and: closer.
length := closer delimiterLengthForAttributeWith: opener.
length := closer delimiterLengthForEmphasisWith: opener.
self cutOpener: opener to: length.
^ self cutCloser: closer to: length
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Expand Up @@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
"class" : {
"instance" : {
"add:to:" : "jko 6/21/2019 14:36",
"attributes" : "jko 5/16/2019 17:07",
"attributes:" : "jko 5/16/2019 17:08",
"clean" : "jko 5/23/2019 14:44",
"add:to:" : "jst 7/25/2019 14:32",
"clean" : "jst 7/25/2019 14:07",
"createTokensFrom:" : "jst 6/29/2019 16:10",
"cutCloser:to:" : "lpf 5/23/2019 10:27",
"cutOpener:to:" : "lpf 5/23/2019 10:28",
"emphases" : "jst 7/25/2019 14:08",
"emphases:" : "jst 7/25/2019 14:07",
"findOpenerFor:ifFound:" : "jko 5/16/2019 17:34",
"followingCharacterOf:" : "jst 6/26/2019 23:26",
"initialize" : "jst 6/29/2019 16:09",
"interpretTokens" : "jko 6/21/2019 14:00",
"parse:" : "jko 6/21/2019 14:45",
"parse:" : "jst 7/25/2019 14:08",
"precedingCharacterOf:" : "jst 6/26/2019 23:26",
"privateFormat:" : "jst 6/28/2019 14:02",
"privateStyle:" : "jko 6/25/2019 22:04",
"process:and:" : "jko 5/23/2019 14:38",
"process:and:" : "jst 7/25/2019 14:28",
"processAdjacentTokens" : "jst 6/29/2019 16:11",
"removeDelimitersBetween:and:" : "lpf 5/23/2019 10:28",
"reset" : "jst 6/28/2019 14:03",
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"commentStamp" : "fgo 5/21/2019 15:43",
"instvars" : [
"attributes" ],
"emphases" ],
"name" : "MarkdownInlineTextStyler",
"pools" : [
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
= aMarkdownEmphasis

^ self endPosition = aMarkdownEmphasis endPosition
and: [self startPosition = aMarkdownEmphasis startPosition]
and: [self textAttribute = aMarkdownEmphasis textAttribute]
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

^ (self startPosition hash bitXor: self endPosition hash)
bitXor: self textAttribute hash
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"class" : {
"instance" : {
"=" : "kgr 7/23/2019 12:07",
"hash" : "kgr 7/23/2019 12:26" } }
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
"name" : "MarkdownEmphasis" }
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
tests - matching

| opener closer |
closer := MarkdownEmphasisDelimiter new content: '**'; yourself.
opener := MarkdownEmphasisDelimiter new content: '**'; yourself.

self assert: 2 equals: (closer delimiterLengthForAttributeWith: opener)
self assert: 2 equals: (closer delimiterLengthForEmphasisWith: opener)


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