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Hung Q. Le edited this page Jan 23, 2018 · 1 revision


Thank you for your help in translating Manta. This project uses Crowdin as the translation platform, please follow these steps to get started:

1. Setup account

Click on this link to become a translator of this project:

After that, you'll be redirected to a page like this:


Login if you already have an account, otherwise, create a new account.

2. Pick a language

Click on the flag of the language that you want to translate. For example, I'll click on the French flag.


3. Start translating

Then you'll see a list of files need to translate (with the current progress on the right side). Right now there's only form.json which has all the necessary translation for the Form tab. I'll post more files soon.


Once the file is opened, click on each word/phrase on the left then enter your translation to the right and hit Save.

4. Voting

Please vote for a better translation so I know which to choose. :)

Thank you very much!


Krishna ###

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