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Fast and Accurate Evaluation, Random Number Generation and Parameter Estimation of Skew Stable Distributions

libstableR provides functions to work with skew stable distributions in a fast and accurate way. It performs:

  • Fast and accurate evaluation of the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative density function (CDF).
  • Fast and accurate evaluation of the quantile function (CDF^{-1}).
  • Random numbers generation.
  • Skew stable parameter estimation with:
    • McCulloch's method of quantiles.
    • Koutrouvellis' method.
    • Maximum likelihood estimation.
    • Modified maximum likelihood estimation.
  • The evaluation of the PDF and CDF is based on the formulas provided by John P Nolan.


  • Javier Royuela del Val <> (Maintainer)
  • Federico Simmross Wattenberg
  • Carlos Alberola López

(I just rounded out some corners and added macOS compatiblity)

What's in the tin?

  • stable_cdf: PDF and CDF of a skew stable distribution.
  • stable_fit: Methods for parameter estimation of skew stable distributions.
  • stable_fit_init: Methods for parameter estimation of skew stable distributions.
  • stable_fit_koutrouvelis: Methods for parameter estimation of skew stable distributions.
  • stable_fit_mle: Methods for parameter estimation of skew stable distributions.
  • stable_fit_mle2d: Methods for parameter estimation of skew stable distributions.
  • stable_pdf: PDF and CDF of a skew stable distribution.
  • stable_pdf_and_cdf: PDF and CDF of a skew stable distribution.
  • stable_q: Quantile function of skew stable distributions
  • stable_rnd: Skew stable distribution random sample generation.


# devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/libstableR") # macOS compatibility
# install.packages("libstableR") # macOS compat not on CRAN yet


# Set alpha, beta, sigma and mu stable parameters in a vector
pars <- c(1.5, 0.9, 1, 0)

# Generate an abscissas axis and probabilities vector
x <- seq(-5, 10, 0.05)
p <- seq(0.01, 0.99, 0.01)

# Calculate pdf, cdf and quantiles
pdf <- stable_pdf(x, pars)
#> [1] 0.0006156733 0.0006353004 0.0006559238 0.0006776202 0.0007004754
#> [6] 0.0007245854

cdf <- stable_cdf(x, pars)
#> [1] 0.001808881 0.001840151 0.001872428 0.001905762 0.001940209 0.001975830

xq  <- stable_q(p, pars)
#> [1] -2.662445 -2.282506 -2.070792 -1.918121 -1.796182 -1.693242

# Generate 300 random values
rnd <- stable_rnd(300, pars)
#> [1] 79.6139859 -1.7023197 -0.8170737  6.0255344  0.1403793  1.6730137

# Estimate the parameters of the skew stable distribution given
# the generated sample:

# Using the McCulloch's estimator:
pars_est_M <- stable_fit_init(rnd)
#> [1] 1.35696331 0.66541472 0.95827920 0.03719542

# Using the Koutrouvelis' estimator:
pars_est_K <- stable_fit_koutrouvelis(rnd, pars_est_M)
#> [1]  1.38704434  0.88882173  0.96496141 -0.09001025
alpha <- 1.25;  # stability index
beta  <- 0.95;  # skew index
sigma <- 2.0;   # scale parameter
mu    <- 0.0;   # location parameter

pars <- c(alpha, beta, sigma, mu)

# abscissae vector
x    <- seq(from=-5, to=100, by=0.1)

# evaluation of pdf and cdf
pdf  <- stable_pdf(x, pars, parametrization=0, tol=1e-12)
cdf  <- stable_cdf(x, pars, parametrization=0, tol=1e-12)

# probabilities vector and quantile function evaluation
p  <- seq(from=0.01, to=0.99, by=0.01)
q  <- stable_q(p, pars, parametrization=0, tol=1e-12)

# Random numbers generation
N   <- 300;
rnd <- stable_rnd(N, pars, seed=1234)

# Parameter estimation with Koutrouvelis method.
# McCulloch estimator will be used for initialization.
pars_init <- stable_fit_init(rnd)
pars_K    <- stable_fit_koutrouvelis(rnd, pars_init)

# Get the pdf given by the estimated parameters
pdf_init <- stable_pdf(x, pars_init)
pdf_K    <- stable_pdf(x, pars_K)

# Plot histogram, true pdf and pdf from the estimated parameters
xlim <- c(-5, 30)
ylim <- c(0, 0.15)
breaks <- seq(min(rnd)-1, max(rnd)+1, 0.5);
hist(rnd, breaks=breaks, freq=FALSE, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

lines(x, pdf, col = "red", lwd=2)
lines(x, pdf_init, col = "green", lwd=2)
lines(x, pdf_K, col = "blue", lwd=2)

legend(20, 0.15,
       c("Histogram", "True pdf", "McCulloch", "Koutrouveils"),#,"Max. likelihood"),
       lty = c(1,1,1,1,1),
       lwd = c(2,2,2,2,2),


libstableR for osx







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