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Extend the functionality of create_library so images of all sizes are…
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… aligned correctly.

Images, details and buttons have individual rows to ensure correct alignment.
Details and buttons can be hidden to allow a gallery to be created instead of a library.
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hreikin committed Mar 9, 2023
1 parent 69df61d commit 6555495
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 14 deletions.
66 changes: 52 additions & 14 deletions src/streamlit_uploads_library/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import streamlit as st
from pathlib import Path
from math import ceil

class Library():
"""Create a simple library out of streamlit widgets.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ def __init__(self, directory, file_extensions=(".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"), number_
self.file_extensions = file_extensions
self.number_of_columns = number_of_columns
self.show_details = show_details
self.library = self.create_library()
self.library = self.create_library(self.number_of_columns, self.show_details)

def fetch_files(self):
"""Returns a list of all files and filenames.
Expand All @@ -46,28 +47,65 @@ def fetch_files(self):
return self.all_files, self.all_filenames

@st.cache_resource(show_spinner="Refreshing library...")
def create_library(_self):
@st.cache_resource(experimental_allow_widgets=True, show_spinner="Refreshing library...")
def create_library(_self, number_of_columns, show_details):
"""Creates a simple library with columns.
Creates a library using columns out of streamlit widgets.
library_container (st.container or st.expander): A streamlit widget containing the library.
library_container (st.container): A streamlit widget containing the library.
_self.library_container = st.container()
with _self.library_container:
# To be able to display the images, details and buttons all in one row and aligned
# correctly so that images of different sizes don't affect the alignment of the details
# and buttons we need do some minor maths and keep track of multiple index values.
# First we instantiate some defaults.
_self.col_idx = 0
_self.filename_idx = 0
_self.max_idx = _self.number_of_columns-1
_self.max_idx = number_of_columns-1
# Get the file list and filename list, work out the total number of files from the
# length of the file list.
_self.library_files, _self.library_filenames = _self.fetch_files()
_self.all_columns = list(st.columns(_self.number_of_columns))
for img in _self.library_files:
with _self.all_columns[_self.col_idx]:
st.image(img, use_column_width=True)
if _self.col_idx < _self.max_idx:
_self.col_idx += 1
_self.col_idx = 0
_self.filename_idx += 1
_self.num_of_files = len(_self.library_files)
# Work out the number of rows required by dividing the number of files by the number of
# columns and rounding up using `math.ceil`.
_self.num_of_rows_req = ceil(_self.num_of_files / number_of_columns)
# Create the required number of rows (st.container).
_self.library_rows = list()
_self.library_rows_idx = 0
for i in range(_self.num_of_rows_req):
# For each library row we need to create separate rows (st.container) for images,
# details and buttons to keep them aligned correctly.
for idx in range(_self.num_of_rows_req):
with _self.library_rows[_self.library_rows_idx]:
_self.imgs_row = st.container()
_self.imgs_columns = list(st.columns(number_of_columns))
_self.details_row = st.container()
_self.details_columns = list(st.columns(number_of_columns))
_self.btns_row = st.container()
_self.btns_columns = list(st.columns(number_of_columns))
# Since we are keeping track of the column and filename indexes we can use
# those to slice the `library_files` list at the correct points for each row
# and then increase or reset the indexes as required.
for img in _self.library_files[_self.filename_idx:(_self.filename_idx + number_of_columns)]:
with _self.imgs_columns[_self.col_idx]:
st.image(img, use_column_width=True)
if show_details == True:
with _self.details_columns[_self.col_idx]:
st.markdown("EXAMPLE DETAILS")
with _self.btns_columns[_self.col_idx]:
st.button(label="Save", key=f"save_{_self.filename_idx}", help="Save file detail changes.", type="primary")
# Keeps track of the current column, if we reach the `max_idx` we reset it
# to 0 and increase the row index. This combined with the slicing should
# ensure all images, details and buttons are aligned correctly.
if _self.col_idx < _self.max_idx:
_self.col_idx += 1
_self.col_idx = 0
_self.library_rows_idx += 1
_self.filename_idx += 1

return _self.library_container

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