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Update descriptions in most docstrings to improve the documentation.
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hreikin committed Apr 7, 2022
1 parent 64b123b commit d1d540b
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 10 deletions.
57 changes: 47 additions & 10 deletions tkintermd/
Expand Up @@ -199,29 +199,46 @@ def popup(self, event):
self.right_click.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root)

def on_scrollbar(self, *args):
"""Scrolls the text area scrollbar when clicked/dragged with a mouse."""
"""Scrolls the text area scrollbar when clicked/dragged with a mouse.
- Queries and changes the vertical position of the text area view.
# # This links the scrollbars but is currently causing issues.
# self.preview_area.html.yview(*args)

def on_mousewheel(self, *args):
"""Moves the scrollbar and scrolls the text area on mousewheel event."""
"""Moves the scrollbar and scrolls the text area on mousewheel event.
- Sets the fractional values of the slider position (upper and lower
ends as value between 0 and 1).
- Calls `on_scrollbar` function.
# # This links the scrollbars but is currently causing issues.
# self.preview_area.vsb.set(*args)
self.on_scrollbar('moveto', args[0])

def select_all(self, *args):
"""Select all text within the editor window."""
"""Select all text within the editor window.
- Add tag TAGNAME to all characters between INDEX1 and INDEX2.
- Set mark MARKNAME before the character at index.
- Scroll so that the character at INDEX is visible.
self.text_area.tag_add(SEL, "1.0", END)
self.text_area.mark_set(0.0, END)

def find(self, *args):
"""Simple search for a string within the editor window.
"""Simple search dialog for within the editor window.
Displays a simple dialog with a field to enter the search string into and
two buttons.
- Get the current text area content.
- Displays a simple dialog with a field to enter a search string into
and two buttons.
- If a string is provided then search for it within the text area.
- Add tag TAGNAME to all characters between INDEX1 and INDEX2.
- Highlight any found strings within the text editor.
self.text_area.tag_remove('found', '1.0', END)
target = simpledialog.askstring('Find', 'Search String:')
Expand All @@ -241,6 +258,12 @@ def open_md_file(self):
Opens a native OS dialog and expects markdown formatted files. Shows an
error message if it fails.
- Display a native OS dialog and request a filename to open.
- If a filename is provided then `try` to open it in "read" mode.
- Replace the text area content.
- Set the `constants.cur_file` value to the filename that was opened.
- If any of the above fails then display an error message.
open_filename_md = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Markdown File", "*.md , *.mdown , *.markdown"), ("Text File", "*.txt"), ("All Files", "*.*")))
if open_filename_md:
Expand All @@ -258,7 +281,12 @@ def save_as_md_file(self):
"""Saves the file with the given filename.
Opens a native OS dialog for saving the file with a name and markdown
extension. Shows an error message if it fails.'
extension. Shows an error message if it fails.
- Display a native OS dialog and request a filename to save.
- If a filename is provided then `try` to open it in "write" mode.
- Set the `constants.cur_file` value to the filename that was opened.
- If any of the above fails then display an error message.
self.file_data = self.text_area.get("1.0" , END)
self.save_filename_md = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes = (("Markdown File", "*.md"), ("Text File", "*.txt")) , title="Save Markdown File")
Expand All @@ -273,8 +301,10 @@ def save_as_md_file(self):
def save_md_file(self):
"""Quick saves the file with its current name.
If it fails because no name exists it calls the "save_as_md_file"
- Get the current text area content.
- `try` to save the file with the `constants.cur_file` variable.
- If it fails because no name exists it calls the "save_as_md_file"
self.file_data = self.text_area.get("1.0" , END)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,7 +333,14 @@ def on_input_change(self, event):
self.text_area.edit_modified(0) # resets the text widget to generate another event when another change occours

def load_style(self, stylename):
"""Load Pygments style for syntax highlighting within the editor."""
"""Load Pygments style for syntax highlighting within the editor.
- Load and configure the text area and `tags` with the Pygments styles
and custom `Lexer` tags.
- Set the background and text colour CSS values to match the values of
the currently selected style.
- Load the CSS into the HTML previeW area.
""" = get_style_by_name(stylename)
self.syntax_highlighting_tags = []
for token, opts in
Expand Down

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