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fix broken go template if statements
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All available DOM parsers for node would move the contents of if
statements outside of them, breaking things like the accounts tab. Fixed
with a regex pre and post process to comment out then uncomment all template usage.

builds now depend on perl for some regex, this can likely be changed in
future though.
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hrfee committed Jan 8, 2022
1 parent e86f5f4 commit 1ebc648
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Showing 4 changed files with 76 additions and 19 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion html/admin.html
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
window.linkResetEnabled = {{ .linkResetEnabled }};
window.language = "{{ .langName }}";
{{ template "header.html" . }}
<title>Admin - jfa-go</title>
{{ template "header.html" . }}
<body class="max-w-full overflow-x-hidden section">
<div id="modal-login" class="modal">
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38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions package-lock.json

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions package.json
Expand Up @@ -21,12 +21,15 @@
"@types/node": "^15.0.1",
"a17t": "^0.10.1",
"browserslist": "^4.16.6",
"cheerio": "^1.0.0-rc.10",
"esbuild": "^0.8.57",
"fs-cheerio": "^3.0.0",
"inline-source": "^7.2.0",
"jsdom": "^19.0.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"mjml": "^4.8.0",
"nightwind": "github:yonson2/nightwind",
"perl-regex": "^1.0.4",
"remixicon": "^2.5.0",
"remove-markdown": "^0.3.0",
"typescript": "^4.0.3",
Expand Down
52 changes: 34 additions & 18 deletions scripts/missing-colors.js
@@ -1,48 +1,64 @@
let parser = require("jsdom");
let parser = require("cheerio");
let fs = require("fs");
let path = require("path");
let pre = require("perl-regex");

const hasDark = (item) => {
for (let i = 0; i < item.classList.length; i++) {
if (item.classList[i].substring(0,5) == "dark:") {
let list = item.attr("class").split(/\s+/);
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].substring(0,5) == "dark:") {
return true;
return false;

const fixHTML = (infile, outfile) => {
console.log(infile, outfile)
let doc = new parser.JSDOM(fs.readFileSync(infile));
function fixHTML(infile, outfile) {
let f = fs.readFileSync(infile).toString();
// Find all go template strings ({{ example }})
let templateStrings = pre.exec(f, "(?s){{(?:(?!{{).)*?}}", "gi");
for (let i = 0; i < templateStrings.length; i++) {
let s = templateStrings[i].replace(/\\/g, '');
// let s = templateStrings[i];
f = f.replaceAll(s, "<!--" + s.slice(3).slice(0, -3) + "-->");
let doc = new parser.load(f);
for (let item of ["badge", "chip", "shield", "input", "table", "button", "portal", "select", "aside", "card", "field", "textarea"]) {
let items = doc.window.document.body.querySelectorAll("."+item);
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
let items = doc("."+item);
items.each((i, elem) => {
let hasColor = false;
for (let color of ["neutral", "positive", "urge", "warning", "info", "critical"]) {
if (items[i].classList.contains("~"+color)) {
if (doc(elem).hasClass("~"+color)) {
hasColor = true;
// console.log("adding to", items[i].classList)
if (!hasDark(items[i])) {
if (!hasDark(doc(elem))) {
if (!hasColor) {
if (!hasDark(items[i])) {
if (!hasDark(doc(elem))) {
// card without ~neutral look different than with.
if (item != "card") items[i].classList.add("~neutral");
if (item != "card") doc(elem).addClass("~neutral");
if (!items[i].classList.contains("@low") && !items[i].classList.contains("@high")) {
if (!doc(elem).hasClass("@low") && !doc(elem).hasClass("@high")) {
let out = doc.html();
// let out = f
for (let i = 0; i < templateStrings.length; i++) {
let s = templateStrings[i].replace(/\\/g, '');
out = out.replaceAll("<!--" + s.slice(3).slice(0, -3) + "-->", s);
fs.writeFileSync(outfile, doc.window.document.documentElement.outerHTML);
fs.writeFileSync(outfile, out);
console.log(infile, outfile);

let inpath = process.argv[process.argv.length-2];
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