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About Protobuf and protocute

Protobuf is well-known somewhat poorly designed data exchange format.

Besides problems with design, it has really awful C++ implementation.

Not only average-sized protobuf files compile into megabytes of garbage-like c++ code, they are useless without linking to the protobuf library...

What's problem with linking? Many. Two most obvious is compiler options and library paths. If you build for many platforms, and 2 versions for some platforms (32-bit and 64-bit), linking to 3-d party library quickly becomes really tedious error-prone task. Another problem is that sometimes libraries compile so that .a and .so files end up in the same folder, which on some platforms cannot be selected during build - -lprotobuf will often select wrong one, making wrong static/dynamic linking choice.

We know a good example of projects which can be used without linking, like sqlite or lmdb. You drop a single source and single header file into your project and you are done, it is always compiled with the same options as the rest of the project, and you have no problem with library paths whatsoever.

BTW protobuf is just a byte-manipulation code, so it should be immediately easily portable.

We have an example of protobuf python implementation, which produces beautiful minimalistic code.

protocute is an experimental attempt to make minimalistic portable implementation of protobuf, so that using protobuf from C++ becomes a simple task.

It is being implemented step by step as more complicated .proto definitions are required projects where it is used.

If you like protocute but it lacks some protobuf feature you need - just add an issue and I will try to look into it.

For now protocute is not optimised too much for encoding/decoding speed, so if you need to parse gigabytes of messages really quickly, you probably would be better served by Google implementation.

There is some internal tests, but alas, no thorough testing.

protocute does not work on big endian platforms if packed fields are used.

How protocute compiles various features of .proto files


package test123;


namespace test123 { 


enum Side {
    LEFT  = 0;
    RIGHT = 1;
    UNKNOWN_SIDE = 99;


enum class Side {
	LEFT = 0,
	RIGHT = 1,


message Types {
    optional int32 value1 = 1;
    repeated uint64 value2 = 2 [packed = true];
    optional Side side = 3;
    optional string str = 4;
    optional bool boo = 5;
    optional bytes bite = 6;
    optional float num1 = 7;
    repeated double num2 = 8 [packed = true];


struct Types { 
	int32_t value1 = 0;
	std::vector<uint64_t> value2;
	Side side = ::test123::Side::LEFT;
	std::string str;
	bool boo = false;
	std::string bite;
	float num1 = 0;
	std::vector<double> num2;

string and bytes are compiled into std::string, numeric types to their c++ counterparts, repeated is compiled into std::vector.


message Point {
    optional int64 x = 1;
    optional int64 y = 2;
    optional int64 z = 3 [ protocute.optional = true ];


struct Point { 
	int64_t x = 0;
	int64_t y = 0;
	std::optional<int64_t> z;

optional and required are ignored, protocute.optional can be added to get std::optional.

When encoding, for std::optional fields value will be serialised if optional is not empty. For other single-value fields value will be serialised if it does not equal default value for field type (empty for string and bytes, 0 for numbers, false for bool).


message Something {
    oneof position {
        string name = 5;
        string name_alt = 6;
        Point pos = 7;


struct Something { 
	> position;
	enum position_num {
		i_name = 1,
		i_name_alt = 2,
		i_pos = 3

std::variant is generated, plus enum mapped to variant index (if identical types are used, you can only set and get by index).

Enum contains field index in std::variant, not field number used as an identifier on wire (your code does not need to know that).

So in your code you can access particular field as

auto pos = std::get<Something::i_pos>(something.position);


default values

For now, protocute does not read default option from .proto definitions, and default value is selected based on field type. This is actually what Google recommends for all new .proto definitions.


void read(::test123::Point & v, iterator s, iterator e);
std::string write(const ::test123::Point & v);

Every enum and message will get the following pair of functions in protocute namespace generated, where iterator is defined as typedef const char * iterator; so that any memory buffer can be decoded without resorting to template code (for std::string str, just use read(v,, + str.size());.

Protobuf design deficiencies, that we cannot fix

Optional is broken

There is a distinction between optional on wire and optional in code, which is broken in Protobuf.

Let's start with simple struct Point.

struct Point {
	int x = 0;
	int y = 0;
	int z = 0;

We wish to save traffic, so we make fields optional on the wire, omitting some or all fields when we save.

We save x, y, z only if their value is not default, so the point Point{3, 5, 0} will be saved on wire as {x=3, y=5}.

What happens when the point is read back from the wire?

Point p; // x = 0, y = 0, z = 0
p.x = 3;
p.y = 5;

So we get exactly the same point which we saved.

This design is extendable. For example, we later modify Point to contain projective coordinate t.

struct Point {
	int x = 0;
	int y = 0;
	int z = 0;
	int t = 1;

If we read the previous version of the point {x=3, y=5} to the new point, we will get Point{3, 5, 0, 1}.

If we save the point with t == 1 by the new code and read it with the old code, we will get exactly same point as before.

If we save the point with t != 1 by the new code and read it with the old code, we will get x, y, z and lose t.

But if we mark fields optional in Protobuf, compiler will make them optional in the code, breaking intent and making working with the struct much harder.

Something like that (google uses its own wrapper instead of boost::optional but this does not matter for this discussion)

struct PointGoogle {
	std::optional<int> x;
	std::optional<int> y;
	std::optional<int> z;
	std::optional<int> t;

This is not what we want. And if we mark those fields as required we cannot read points of old version from the new code, because they contain no t.

So actual good design would be that all fields are optional on the wire, and the word optional would be used rarely to generate optional fields in structs.

protocute would just generates simple fields with no regard to optional keyword.

protocute would generate if(v != default_v) for saving optional fields, and would save required fields independent of their value.

If actual optional field is required, just add [ protocute.optional = true ]; to the required field.

Signed is broken

On the wire, there is varint type (field_type == 0), which is interpreted differently depending on the field type.

Let's make a demo first.

syntax = "proto2";
package test;

message Tint32 {
    optional int32 value = 1;

message Tsint32 {
    optional sint32 value = 1;

message Tuint32 {
    optional uint32 value = 1;

message Tint64 {
    optional int32 value = 1;

message Tsint64 {
    optional sint32 value = 1;

message Tuint64 {
    optional uint32 value = 1;

Let's see how values of 4 and -4 are saved (unsigned value cannot have value of -4, so marked with impossible).

value 4 -4
int32 04 fc ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 01
uint32 04 impossible
sint32 08 07
int64 04 fc ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 01
uint64 04 impossible
sint64 08 07

Ok, looks like we have actually 2 different representations of 4, and 2 different representation of -4. Moreover we have no way to know if signed or unsigned value was saved.

This means, that if we had uintXX, we cannot change it into sintXX, because all saved values will be doubled when read from wire. Reverse is also true.

Also, if we had uint64 field with 2^64-1 value and later changed field type to int64, we would always get silent conversion to -1 during reading.

Fixed types and packed option are somewhat broken

After trivial observation that large values require more bytes in varint, than in fixed coding, protobuf team added fixed types.

First problem with that is fixed32 has the same format on wire as float (same with fixed64 and double), so changing fixed32 field to float and back is impossible, because all saved values (even so mundane as 4) will be broken after read.

Second problem is with changing fixed32 into sfixed64. Values large than 2^31 will be broken on read.

Third problem is with repeated fields with packed = true option.

As the field type is lost when packed = true is used, the content of the packed bytes will be interpreted according to the declared type, so if you change int type to fixed32, all saved values (even so mundane as 4) will be broken after read.

Some observations on how protobuf library behaves (tests made for version 3.6.1)

fixed values on the wire are never even attempted to be read into varint fields and vice verse, so that changing field type between fixed and varint will not work anyway.

also fixed32 will never be attempted to be read as fixed64 and vice versa.

Of cause, repeated fixed32 field with size 2 * x will be happily read into repeated fixed64 field of size x...

Improving design

Largest 64-bit value in varint encoding actually stores 70 bit of data, more than enough to store actual value, with explicit sign.

So actual values from -2^63 to 2^64-1 will be stored, always zigzag-encoded. When reading, check will be performed if the actual value can be assigned to destination type. Negative values obviously cannot be assigned to unsigned ints, and very large unsigned values cannot be assigned to signed ints.

In case the silent conversion is desired for some field instead of error, the field could be marked with an option autoconvert = true or similar.

This technique cannot be applied to single fixed values, as by design there is no place to distinguish between signed and unsigned values, so best idea would be to allow fixed encoding only with packed = true repeated fields, as an additional option fixed = true.

Type of the original field would be saved in the first byte of packed header (varint uint32 int32 uint64 int64 float or double)

So that again actual value would be stored, and could be correctly converted to any type where it will fit. (autoconvert = true can also be used here). If no conversion is required (stored field type equals to type of field declared in the code), special path inside parsing code will ensure the parsing is lightning-fast in this case.

With this design we need just 4 normal integer types uint32 uint64 int32 and int64, not 10. Also we can switch from floating-point types to integers and back as long as actual saved values can be represented in new type.

If 128-bit or larger values are required later, design is easily extended without losing compatibility with buffers saved by previous versions unaware about longer types.


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