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d3-plugins are JavaScript plug-ins for the awesomeness that is d3.js.

Each library is documented, and none are minified. If you want a minified version, please feel free to run the code through a minifier - I happen to like YUI Compressor. It is my intention to only commit un-minified versions to this repo so that all of the comments are intact and other engineers can easily see what I'm doing, how I'm doing it, and most importantly, why I'm doing it.

Plug-ins in the collection


Adds a marked map data visualization. The visualization has two clickable objects: country and marker, both of which can be referenced as this within the click handler. Each country has the properties id (the id from the topoJSON file), iso (the ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code for the country), and name (the name of the country in English). Each marker placed has a longitude, latitude, and size (in pixels). The container can either be a container into which the visualization is rendered or an HTML table containing marker information. The container may be omitted if an HTML table containing marker information and with the class earth-viz is present.


object[string container[, number width[, string style[, string|HTMLElement descriptor]]]])


  • accelerated: Fired when the speed at which a globe is rotating increases.
  • paused: Fired when a rotating globe is stopped.
  • rendered: Fired when a project is rendered.
  • resumed: Fired when a stopped globe resumes rotation.
  • slowed: Fired when the speed at which a globe is rotating decreases.



  • void instance.addOnCountryClick(function handler): Adds a click handler to the countries. The parameter handler is the handler is a JavaScript function executed when a country on the map is clicked. The 'this' keyword in the handler function will refer to the country clicked. The properties 'id', which is the id from the topoJSON file, 'iso', which is the ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code for the country, and 'name', which is the name of the country in English are among the properties available through the 'this' object.
  • void instance.addOnMarkerClick(function handler): Adds a click handler to the markers. The parameter handler is the handler is a JavaScript function executed when a marker on the map is clicked. The 'this' keyword in the handler function will refer to the marker clicked.
  • string instance.borderColor([string color]): Sets (if color is passed) and returns the hexadecimal value used when drawing borders. Default is '#ff0000'.
  • HTMLElement instance.element(): Returns the element that contains the SVG.
  • string[] Returns an array containing event names.
  • string Returns the id attribute of the SVG used to display the map.
  • string instance.markerAnimation([string type]): Sets (if type is passed) and returns the animation type. Valid values are one of 'pulse', 'ping', or 'none'. Default is 'pulse'.
  • number instance.markerAnimationDuration([number ms]): Sets (if ms is passed) and returns the animation duration, in milliseconds. Valid values are greater than 100. Default is 1500.
  • string instance.markerColor([string color]): Sets (if color is passed) and returns the color of the marker, in hexadecimal format. Default is '#ff0000'.
  • string[] instance.markerDescriptionData(string[] headers): Sets (if headers is passed) and returns the column headers of the marker description table. Note: column headers must match the data returned in the marker file.
  • object instance.markerFile([string|object file[, string type]]): Sets the URI and type of the marker data. Data passed in may either be a string URI, e.g., '/airports/sorties.csv', or an object, e.g., { name:'/airports/sorties.csv', type:'csv' }
  • object instance.markerOpacity([float opacity]): Sets (if opacity is passed) and returns the opacity of the marker. Valid values are between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0 (opaque).
  • integer instance.markerSize([integer px]): Sets (if px is passed) and returns the size of the marker in pixels. Default is 3.
  • void instance.on(string event, function handler): Sets an event handler for a named event.
  • object instance.palette([object palette]): Sets (if palette is passed) and returns the palette used in drawing the map. The palette should contain values for border, countries, marker, and ocean. For example, { border:'#333333', marker:'#663399' } will set the border color and marker colors while using the default country colors, whereas { border:'#333333', countries:['#ff0000', '#ff3333', '#ff6666', '#ff9999', '#ffcccc', '#ffffff'] } will set the border color as well as the colors used to draw countries.
  • void instance.parseMarkerData(string|HTMLElement table): Uses marker data presented in the table element specified in table. Data passed into the method may either be the value of the element id attribute or the table element.
  • void instance.refreshMarkerData(string|number interval): Sets the interval (in seconds) at which the marker data is refreshed using the markerFile information.
  • void instance.render([string style]): Renders the map using the specified style.
  • boolean instance.rendered(): Returns true if the SVG map is rendered, false if not.
  • boolean instance.rotatable(): Returns true if the map is rotatable, i.e., if it is a globe.
  • boolean instance.rotating(): Returns true if the map is rotating, i.e., if it is rotatable and the animation is set to run.
  • void instance.rotationDecrease(): Decreases the rotational speed of the map.
  • void instance.rotationIncrease(): Increases the rotational speed of the map.
  • void instance.rotationPause(): Stops the rotation.
  • void instance.rotationResume(): Resumes the rotation.
  • void instance.rotationStop(): Stops the rotation. Rotation that is 'stopped' is waiting for an explicit restart using rotationResume.
  • string[string style]): Sets (if style is passed) and returns the style used when rendering the map.
  • string[] instance.supportedTypes(): Returns an array of all supported styles.
  • string instance.topoFile([string URI]): Sets (if URI is passed) and returns the URI of the topoJSON file used.
  • object instance.topoJSON([object topoJSON]): Sets (if topoJSON is passed) and returns the topoJSON object used.
  • void instance.transition(string style[, integer duration]): Animates the transition from the current map style to the map style provided. Animation runs for the specified duration (in milliseconds). Default duration is 750ms.
  • void|object|object[] data, object marker, number duration, boolean loop, boolean combined): Animates travel along routes defined in the specified data - identified by a resource object (i.e., a URL string or an object with 'name' and type' properties) or an array of objects with 'origin' and 'destination' properties - using the specified marker. The animation runs for the specified duration (in milliseconds) or 1000ms.





Adds jQuery traversal methods to D3 selections.





  • selection selection.children([string selector]): Get the children of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
  • selection selection.closest([string selector]): For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree.
  • selection selection.contents([string selector]): Get the children of each element in the set of matched elements, including text and comment nodes.
  • selection selection.find([string selector]): Get the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements, filtered by a selector.
  • selection selection.first(): Returns the first element in the selection
  • number selection.height(): Returns the height, in pixels, of the item
  • selection selection.last(): Returns the last element in the selection
  • selection[string selector]): Get the immediately following sibling of each element in the set of matched elements. If a selector is provided, it retrieves the next sibling only if it matches that selector.
  • selection selection.nextAll([string selector]): Get all following siblings of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
  • selection selection.nextUntil([string selector[, string filter]]): Get all following siblings of each element up to but not including the element matched by the selector.
  • selection selection.not([string selector]): Remove elements from the set of matched elements.
  • selection selection.offsetParent([string selector]): Get the closest ancestor element that is positioned.
  • selection selection.parent([string selector]): Get the parent of each element in the current set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
  • selection selection.parents([string selector]): Get the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector
  • selection selection.parentsUntil([string selector[, string filter]]): Get the ancestors of each element in the current set of matched elements, up to but not including the element matched by the selector.
  • selection selection.prev([string selector]): Get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
  • selection selection.prevAll([string selector]): Get all preceding siblings of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
  • selection selection.prevUntil([string selector[, string filter]]): Get all preceding siblings of each element up to but not including the element matched by the selector.
  • selection selection.siblings([string selector]): Get the siblings of each element in the set of matched elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
  • number selection.width(): Returns the width, in pixels, of the item


  • var sel ='.control.clicked').closest('.filmstrip').find('.viewer .active');
  • var sel ='p').first();
  • var sel ='.control.clicked').closest('.filmstrip').find('.viewer .active').next();
  • var sel ='.control.clicked').closest('.filmstrip').find('.viewer .active').prevUntil('#image-3');
  • var sel ='.control.clicked').closest('.filmstrip').children().not('active');




Reads data from an HTML table. An optional configuration object containing: the index of the row or column containing property names - as 'row' or 'column', the row or column index where data starts - as 'start', the row or column index where data ends - as 'end', and a callback function - as 'callback', may be specified as the second argument. If 'row' or 'column' are not specified, the property names are taken from the first row of either the thead - if it exists - or the table. If a callback is specified, the callback will be invoked when the data is loaded or an error occurs; the callback is invoked with two arguments: the error, if any, and the data as an array of JavaScript objects. The data is undefined if an error occurs. If no callback is specified, the data is returned as an array.


object[] d3.table(HTMLElement|string table[, object config[, function callback]]);





  • var data = d3.table('#visitor-by-os');
  • var data = d3.table('#visitor-by-os', {row:0, start:1});
  • d3.table('#visitor-by-os', {column:0, start:1, end:8, callback:function(error, data) { if (data) {for (var i in data) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data [i])); }} } });
  • d3.table('#visitor-by-os', function(error, data) { if (data) {for (var i in data) { console.log(JSON.stringify(data [i])); }} });




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