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Craft Marketplace App

alt arts and crafts


E-commerce app for homemade goods and wares.

Team Members

  • Julia Gens - j-gens - Photo Carousel Service
  • Djason Sylvaince - ingdjason - Reviews Service
  • Emily Meeks - minglewook - Product Details Service
  • Logan Dudley - logandudley - Checkout Service

Photo Carousel Service Contributors

  • Silin Dang - silkyh13
    • Designed and built the front-end and UI
  • Julia Gens - j-gens
    • Replaced and built out photo carousel service back end
    • Optimized PostgreSQL data schema to reduce query time latency from 3s to 4ms
    • Executed horizontal scaling with multiple EC2 instances and implemented load balancer for 200% increase in throughput while maintaining response time latency


  • JavaScript
  • Node/Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • AWS (EC2/S3)
  • New Relic

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  1. Clone the repository onto your local machine
$ git clone
  1. Change directories into the craft-marketplace-app root directory
$ cd craft-marketplace-app
  1. Install the dependencies in a local node_modules folder
$ npm install
  1. Generate the data and seed the PostgreSQL database

This command will generate product data (10M entries) and image data (35M entries)

$ npm run-script seed
  1. Assemble the bundle within the public folder
$ npm run-script build
  1. Start the server on your local machine
$ npm start
  1. View in browser by going to http://localhost:3000


The legacy tests were written using Jest. Run them with the following command:

$ npm run-script test

Performance Testing

Local performance testing was done with k6 as the load testing tool.

Below is one of the k6 results printout from testing. Things to note:

  • vus = active virtual users (with vus_max being the maximum possible number of virtual users)
    • For the test below, the vus_max was set to 1000
  • http_reqs = the total number of HTTP requests that k6 generated
    • For the test below, the http_reqs was 1173/s
  • http_req_duration = the total time for the request (how long the server took to process the request and respond)
    • For the test below, the http_req_duration was an average of 129ms and max of 1.22s

alt k6 test

Performance testing of the deployed app was done with as the cloud-based load testing tool.

Below is a results printout from testing 100 requests per second.

alt 100 rps test

Below is a second results printout from testing 1000 requests per second.

alt 1000 rps test


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


No description, website, or topics provided.







No releases published
