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Swipeable interface in android studio

This demo was created to help everyone learn how to make swipeable interface in android studio. The code is commented and explained.

How to download and run:

  1. download the source code
  2. unzip it in any folder you want
  3. open Android Studio
  4. navigate to File > Open > Your folder
  5. run on your device

How to implement into your project

When following this tutorial please refer to source code in this repository.

  1. Create your main class (
  2. Create main layout which will include tab menu and ViewPager2 (activity_main.xml)
  3. Create class which extends FragmentStateAdapter for managing fragments (
    • This class will extend FragmentStateAdapter
    • We will overwrite methods createFragment and getItemCount
      • Those methods need to be overwritten so the ViewPager2 gets fragments from our List
  4. Create layouts for fragments (first_fragment.xml, second_fragment.xml, third_fragment.xml)
  5. Create classes for our fragments (,,, ...)
    • Each Fragment will be our view and item in tab menu
    • How to handle buttons is described in
  6. Now we'll make some changes in our main class in order to make this app work (refer to
    1. Set activity_main.xml as its layout
    2. Initiate ViewPager - add element which will be displaying our fragments (in our case it will be element with id viewPager)
    3. Create List of Maps where we will store our fragments
      • Maps will help us get to the correct fragment by using its name
    4. Create Maps of Fragments (we will create method setTablTitleAndFragment to help us do that) and add them to the List
    5. Create ViewPagerAdapter instance and pass him our main class (activity) and List with our Fragments
    6. We also added TabLayout in our activity_main.xml so we will tell our main class to use it
      • this will populate the menu
    7. Finally create mediator which will link TabLayout with ViewPager
      • The mediator will synchronize the ViewPager2's position with the selected tab when a tab is selected, and the TabLayout's scroll position when the user drags the ViewPager


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