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What this fork is about

Demonstrate if nix together with the Angular + Kendo framework is working as expected.

Checkout the original repo here



  • install nix the package manager -> read here
  • cd to project root

This project provides a nix-shell that will create an environment where all required tools are installed.

Usage of direnv to automatically enter the shell is recommended.

inside the devShell you can run npm install and node as usual. Without interference of your local system.


nix/pre-commit.nix specifies some pre-commit checks to be performed on staged code.

JS/TS Tools:

  • eslint
  • prettier
  • more could be added like tsc --noEmit for typechecking.

nix related tools:

  • nixpkgs-fmt # for formatting nix files
  • statix # for linting the nix syntax


Run nix-build to build all attributes. The build runs totally isolated and reproducible just like in any pipeline. (Also Locally on the developer machine).

currently the only attribute is staticSite

Note: you might also want to change the ng overlay from ./nix/overlay.nix to fit your needs.

Adding new dependencies

After adding new dependencies it is required to update some nix files. package.json exposes a script for the required update. (node2nix)

run npm run update:nix

to update the node2nix files.

Roadmap on the build system

This project utilizes node2nix which is well tested and stable in the nix ecosystem. But there is currently (dream2nix)[] under construction which will replace node2nix in the future but as soon as possible.

dream2nix does unfortunately not yet work with this project (latest tests on 14.10.2022)