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:mod:`htcondor` API Reference

.. module:: htcondor
   :platform: Unix, Windows, Mac OS X
   :synopsis: Interact with the HTCondor daemons
.. moduleauthor:: Brian Bockelman <>

This page is an exhaustive reference of the API exposed by the :mod:`htcondor` module. It is not meant to be a tutorial for new users but rather a helpful guide for those who already understand the basic usage of the module.

Interacting with Collectors

.. autoclass:: Collector

   .. automethod:: locate
   .. automethod:: locateAll
   .. automethod:: query
   .. automethod:: directQuery
   .. automethod:: advertise

.. autoclass:: DaemonTypes

.. autoclass:: AdTypes

Interacting with Schedulers

.. autoclass:: Schedd

   .. automethod:: transaction
   .. automethod:: query
   .. automethod:: xquery
   .. automethod:: act
   .. automethod:: edit
   .. automethod:: history
   .. automethod:: submit
   .. automethod:: submitMany
   .. automethod:: spool
   .. automethod:: retrieve
   .. automethod:: refreshGSIProxy
   .. automethod:: reschedule

.. autoclass:: JobAction

.. autoclass:: TransactionFlags

.. autoclass:: QueryOpts

.. autoclass:: BlockingMode

.. autoclass:: HistoryIterator

.. autoclass:: QueryIterator

   .. automethod:: nextAdsNonBlocking
   .. automethod:: tag
   .. automethod:: done
   .. automethod:: watch

.. autofunction:: poll

.. autoclass:: BulkQueryIterator

.. autoclass:: JobStatus

Submitting Jobs

.. autoclass:: Submit

   .. automethod:: queue
   .. automethod:: queue_with_itemdata
   .. automethod:: expand
   .. automethod:: jobs
   .. automethod:: procs
   .. automethod:: itemdata
   .. automethod:: getQArgs
   .. automethod:: setQArgs
   .. automethod:: from_dag

.. autoclass:: QueueItemsIterator

.. autoclass:: SubmitResult

   .. automethod:: cluster
   .. automethod:: clusterad
   .. automethod:: first_proc
   .. automethod:: num_procs

Interacting with Negotiators

.. autoclass:: Negotiator

   .. automethod:: deleteUser
   .. automethod:: getPriorities
   .. automethod:: getResourceUsage
   .. automethod:: resetAllUsage
   .. automethod:: resetUsage
   .. automethod:: setBeginUsage
   .. automethod:: setCeiling
   .. automethod:: setLastUsage
   .. automethod:: setFactor
   .. automethod:: setPriority
   .. automethod:: setUsage

Managing Starters and Claims

.. autoclass:: Startd

   .. automethod:: drainJobs
   .. automethod:: cancelDrainJobs

.. autoclass:: DrainTypes

.. autoclass:: VacateTypes

Security Management

.. autoclass:: Credd

    .. automethod:: add_password
    .. automethod:: delete_password
    .. automethod:: query_password
    .. automethod:: add_user_cred
    .. automethod:: delete_user_cred
    .. automethod:: query_user_cred
    .. automethod:: add_user_service_cred
    .. automethod:: delete_user_service_cred
    .. automethod:: query_user_service_cred
    .. automethod:: check_user_service_creds

.. autoclass:: CredTypes

.. autoclass:: CredCheck

.. autoclass:: CredStatus

.. autoclass:: SecMan

   .. automethod:: invalidateAllSessions
   .. automethod:: ping
   .. automethod:: getCommandString
   .. automethod:: setConfig
   .. automethod:: setGSICredential
   .. automethod:: setPoolPassword
   .. automethod:: setTag
   .. automethod:: setToken

.. autoclass:: Token

   .. automethod:: write

.. autoclass:: TokenRequest

Reading Job Events

The following is a complete example of submitting a job and waiting (forever) for it to finish. The next example implements a time-out.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import htcondor

# Create a job description.  It _must_ set `log` to create a job event log.
logFileName = "sleep.log"
submit = htcondor.Submit(
    executable = /bin/sleep
    transfer_executable = false
    arguments = 5

    log = {logFileName}

# Submit the job description, creating the job.
result = htcondor.Schedd().submit(submit, count=1)
clusterID = result.cluster()

# Wait (forever) for the job to finish.
jel = htcondor.JobEventLog(logFileName)
for event in
    # HTCondor appends to job event logs by default, so if you run
    # this example more than once, there will be more than one job
    # in the log.  Make sure we have the right one.
    if event.cluster != clusterID or event.proc != 0:

    if event.type == htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_TERMINATED:
            print(f"Job terminated normally with return value {event['ReturnValue']}.")
            print(f"Job terminated on signal {event['TerminatedBySignal']}.");

    if event.type in { htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_ABORTED,
                       htcondor.JobEventType.CLUSTER_REMOVE }:
        print("Job aborted, held, or removed.")

    # We expect to see the first three events in this list, and allow
    # don't consider the others to be terminal.
    if event.type not in { htcondor.JobEventType.SUBMIT,
                           htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_UNSUSPENDED }:
        print(f"Unexpected job event: {event.type}!");

The following example includes a deadline for the job to finish. To make it quick to run the example, the deadline is only ten seconds; real jobs will almost always take considerably longer. You can change arguments = 20 to arguments = 5 to verify that this example correctly detects the job finishing. For the same reason, we check once a second to see if the deadline has expired. In practice, you should check much less frequently, depending on how quickly your script needs to react and how long you expect the job to last. In most cases, even once a minute is more frequent than necessary or appropriate on shared resources; every five minutes is better.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import time
import htcondor

# Create a job description.  It _must_ set `log` to create a job event log.
logFileName = "sleep.log"
submit = htcondor.Submit(
    executable = /bin/sleep
    transfer_executable = false
    arguments = 20

    log = {logFileName}

# Submit the job description, creating the job.
result = htcondor.Schedd().submit(submit, count=1)
clusterID = result.cluster()

def waitForJob(deadline):
    jel = htcondor.JobEventLog(logFileName)
    while time.time() < deadline:
        # In real code, this should be more like stop_after=300; see above.
        for event in
            # HTCondor appends to job event logs by default, so if you run
            # this example more than once, there will be more than one job
            # in the log.  Make sure we have the right one.
            if event.cluster != clusterID or event.proc != 0:
            if event.type == htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_TERMINATED:
                    print(f"Job terminated normally with return value {event['ReturnValue']}.")
                    print(f"Job terminated on signal {event['TerminatedBySignal']}.");
                return True
            if event.type in { htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_ABORTED,
                               htcondor.JobEventType.CLUSTER_REMOVE }:
                print("Job aborted, held, or removed.")
                return True
            # We expect to see the first three events in this list, and allow
            # don't consider the others to be terminal.
            if event.type not in { htcondor.JobEventType.SUBMIT,
                                   htcondor.JobEventType.JOB_UNSUSPENDED }:
                print(f"Unexpected job event: {event.type}!");
                return True
        print("Deadline expired.")
        return False

# Wait no more than 10 seconds for the job finish.
waitForJob(time.time() + 10);

Note that which job events are terminal, expected, or allowed may vary somewhat from job to job; for instance, it's possible to submit a job which releases itself from certain hold conditions.

.. autoclass:: JobEventLog

   .. automethod:: events
   .. automethod:: close

.. autoclass:: JobEvent

   .. autoattribute:: type
   .. autoattribute:: cluster
   .. autoattribute:: proc
   .. autoattribute:: timestamp
   .. automethod:: get
   .. automethod:: keys
   .. automethod:: values
   .. automethod:: items

.. autoclass:: JobEventType
.. autoclass:: FileTransferEventType

HTCondor Configuration

.. autodata:: param
.. autofunction:: reload_config
.. autoclass:: _Param

.. autoclass:: RemoteParam

   .. automethod:: refresh

.. autofunction:: platform
.. autofunction:: version

HTCondor Logging

.. autofunction:: enable_debug
.. autofunction:: enable_log

.. autofunction:: log
.. autoclass:: LogLevel

Esoteric Functionality

.. autofunction:: send_command
.. autoclass:: DaemonCommands

.. autofunction:: send_alive

.. autofunction:: set_subsystem
.. autoclass:: SubsystemType


For backwards-compatibility, the exceptions in this module inherit from the built-in exceptions raised in earlier (pre-v8.9.9) versions.

.. autoclass:: HTCondorException

.. autoclass:: HTCondorEnumError
.. autoclass:: HTCondorInternalError
.. autoclass:: HTCondorIOError
.. autoclass:: HTCondorLocateError
.. autoclass:: HTCondorReplyError
.. autoclass:: HTCondorTypeError
.. autoclass:: HTCondorValueError

Thread Safety

Most of the htcondor module is protected by a lock that prevents multiple threads from executing locked functions at the same time. When two threads both want to call locked functions or methods, they will wait in line to execute them one at a time (the ordering between threads is not guaranteed beyond "first come first serve"). Examples of locked functions include: :meth:`Schedd.query`, :meth:`Submit.queue`, and :meth:`Schedd.edit`.

Threads that are not trying to execute locked htcondor functions will be allowed to proceed normally.

This locking may cause unexpected slowdowns when using htcondor from multiple threads simultaneously.