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Play network for ethereum to test smart contracts and test the possibility of storage

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To create a simulated network of Ethereum nodes that can store Ether, mine Ether, and deploy smart contracts. This simulation uses Docker to create an instance(container) of each node. In it's current iteration, users can use the host machine's terminal in Linux and MacOS to access nodes and control functionality. Each container is running the Ethereum client Geth. This client is what initializes the nodes and keeps them running on the network. Nodes can be communicated to with the use of the library. allows users to interact directly with the nodes via their geth interface. Actions such as: start mining, checking mining status, check the ether balance, and creating new accounts can all be done through the host machine's terminal. Once there are a few nodes mining, users can then use Brownie framework to compile and deploy smart contracts onto the simulated network.

Dependencies on Linux

Directories and files for blockchain configuration, initialization, and node interaction


    • Uses the config.json configuration file to generate the Docker Compose file, key files for each account,

    • Contains function to create different sections of the Docker Compose file. The Docker Compose file is used for container composition.

    • Contains function to create Dockerfiles for each node which is represented as a Docker container. Each container is currently an instance of Linux. Dockerfiles allow the container to run automatically, meaning that software can be installed, files can be copied into the instance, ports can be opened, and running commands in the container's terminal.
    • Also creates the genesis file, which is used to establish certain conditions for the Ethereum network and the nodes connected to it at startup.

    • Contains functions to import the key files. Keyfiles are used for wallets nodes that allow Geth to recognize which funds belong to which nodes.

    • Contains functions that use the library to interact with nodes.
    • Current functions:
      • Create dummy accounts, with 0 ether(planning to remove)
      • have all but the first node mine for ethereum to produce blocks for the blockchain
      • stop nodes that are currently mining
      • unlock all nodes for fund usage
      • check if nodes are mining
      • check balance of all nodes
      • identify a node to use, and look for a particular transaction on the blockchain
  • /geth-dev-node_#

    • Contains the Dockerfile to create the container and image of each node
  • /keystore

    • Contains the keyfiles for each wallet node, contains information that allow dev nodes to commit transactions and deploy smart contracts
    • keystore files are created when is ran
  • cleanup (Directory)

    • Removes: containers, images, volumes, and networks from Docker
    • Removes: node directories, genesis file, Docker Compose file, and node keyfiles

    • Cleans all Docker artifacts and additional directories.

Genesis file structure: genesis.json

This is the genesis file which is used by the boot node and gives all of the conditions that are given at the start of the network. The genesis file is generated when is ran.

"config": {
    "chainId": 666666,
        - the ID of the blockchain is used by other nodes to identify which blockchain they are using to perform work

    *All fields below are used to indicate which block is the first block, the details of the different 
    types of blocks are beyond the scope of this project*

    "homesteadBlock": 0,
    "eip150Block": 0,
    "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "eip155Block": 0,
    "eip158Block": 0,
    "byzantiumBlock": 0,
    "constantinopleBlock": 0,
    "petersburgBlock": 0,
    "istanbulBlock": 0,
    "ethash": {}
"nonce": "0x0",
"timestamp": "0x61ca9f5b",
    - generated in the code. This is the epoch in which block 0 is generated, 
      block 0 isn't mined because there are no transactions. This is known as a the genesis block.
"extraData": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"gasLimit": "0x47b760",
    - makes sure that accounts don't spend too much gas for a single transaction
  "difficulty": "0x00001",
    - The lower this number is the less processing power is needed to mine blocks
  "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "alloc": {
    - all accounts in the "alloc" field are generated with a set amount of ethe.
    "0xdb3e57f6a5b8261240957fb1dc1fa2881614c7cc": {
      "balance": "0x200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    "0x2732455d19d965a6f806f004fac86167e950f7ba": {
      "balance": "0x200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    "0xcbf2c4cc3b471230d1901f4c93f97f7d001396d7": {
      "balance": "0x200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  "number": "0x0",
  "gasUsed": "0x0",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "baseFeePerGas": null

Docker Compose file structures: docker-compose.yaml

These are segments within the Docker Compose file that are generated from the set of functions. I've added comments below each field or variable to explain their purpose in the compose file

bootnode structure in Compose file

    hostname: geth-bootnode 
        - nodekeyhex=533faaa4fadeb29d47ccaa68d7c0039e42ecd2df72641b276e1b207380866dda
            - this is the public key for the boot node, it allows other nodes to connect to the boot node.
        - port=30301
            - this is the port of the boot node container, where nodes on the network will use to access 
              it, this variable is referenced in the Dockerfile
        context: ./geth-bootnode
            - the working directory where any files used by the container can be found
        - 30301:30301/udp
            - formatted for [host port:container point], designates a host port that the container will use
        - bootnode:/root/.ethash
            - [source voulme: destination voulme], can also be a local source such as directory if    looking for maximum sync potential 
            - name of the network that connects all of the nodes
                - IP address of the boot node

Wallet node structure in Compose file

    hostname: geth-dev-node_0
        - tells Docker that this container needs to wait for another containter to be build first
        - geth-bootnode
            - public hex ID that allows this node to connect to the boot node
        - bootnodeIp=
            - IP of the boot node
        - rpcPort=8545
            - port on the container that allows outside clients to access the nodes
        - discoverPort=30302
            - port used to connect to the boot node, this makes the node discoverable by other clients
        - bootnodePort=30301
            - port on the boot node 
        - networkId=666666
            - ID of the Ethereum network that this node will connect to
        context: . 
        - the working directory where any files used by the container can be found
        dockerfile: ./geth-dev-node_0/Dockerfile
        - location of the Dockerfile
    container_name: geth-dev-node_0
        - Name for the container
        - checks to see if the container is using that port.
        test: 'wget http://localhost:8545'
        interval: 2s
        timeout: 5s
        retries: 30
        - eth-data-0:/root/.ethhash
        - [source voulme: destination voulme], can also be a local source such as directory if
          looking for maximum sync potential 
        - 8545:8545
            - formatted for [host port:container point], designates a host port that the contain will use
        - 30302:30302/udp
            - formatted for [host port:container point], designates a host port that the contain will use

Dockerfile format

Boot node Dockerfile structure

FROM ubuntu:latest
    - Docker has images of containers that you can use as a base for your container

RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y wget software-properties-common \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
        - Get software to download and use Ethereum and Ethereum client software

WORKDIR "/root"
    - set the working directory to root

RUN add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum

ARG binary
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y ethereum
        - Install Ethereum and Ethereum client software

ENV nodekeyhex=""
ENV port=""
    - All enviornmental varaibles are loaded from the docker-compose.yaml file and used below
EXPOSE $port

CMD exec bootnode -nodekeyhex $nodekeyhex
    - starts the boot node in this container, using the bootnode key file

Wallet node Dockerfile structure

FROM ubuntu:latest
    - Docker has images of containers that you can use as a base that you can use for your container

RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y wget software-properties-common \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
        - Get software to download and use Ethereum and Ethereum client software

WORKDIR "/root"
    - set the working directory to root

RUN add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
    - Get Ethereum and Ethereum client software

ARG binary

RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y ethereum
        - Install Ethereum and Ethereum client software

COPY password.txt ./password.txt
    - Copy the password file that will be used to initiate the wallet node

COPY ./keystore/UTC--2021-12-29T01-46-08.660237000Z--b37f2566c04bdfb86ad1740d1ab67f49207f06bc 
    - The source key file to copy over
    - key file destination in the container 

COPY genesis.json ./genesis.json
    - copy the genesis file information 

RUN geth init genesis.json
    - initialize the genesis information, so this node is in sync with other nodes on the network

ENV bootnodeId=""
ENV bootnodeIp=""
ENV rpcPort=""
ENV discoverPort=""
ENV bootnodePort=""
ENV networkId=""
    - All enviornmental varaibles are loaded from the docker-compose.yaml file and used below

EXPOSE $rpcPort
EXPOSE $discoverPort

*geth command line breakdown*
CMD geth 
--bootnodes "enode://$bootnodeId@$bootnodeIp:$bootnodePort" 
    - identifiies the bootnode on the network
--networkid $networkId 
    - identifies the blockchain that the node is connecting to
--port $discoverPort 
    - identifies the discover port used to communicate with the boott node
--syncmode full 
    - determines how much data that the container needs to store in order to properly sync with the blockchain
    - allows for remote access to the wallet
--unlock 0 
    - unlocks the first account that is in the wallet
--password ./password.txt 
    - identifies the location of the password text file
    - uses HTTP for network protocol
    - server listening interface: set to 0
--http.api "eth,miner,personal,web3,net,debug" 
    - libraries available to use with the wallet node, used to interact with library
--http.corsdomain "*" 
    - HTTP path prefix: not sure what this means
--http.port $rpcPort
    - RPC port that will be used to communicate with library

Configuration file: config.json

        - location of the boot node key
    "bootnode_ip": "",
        - the ip of the boot node
        - the discovery port on the boot node that is used to recieve messages from other nodes 
    "ip_range": "",
        - IP range for all nodes
    "node_count": "3",
        - determines how many additional wallet nodes will be added
    "chain_id": "666666"
        - customizes the chain ID, in case developers want to make different chains with conditions

Running the program

In its current state the host machine has local ports that connect to each of the nodes. Meaning that nodes can be accessed via "http://localhost:port_number". Node count is determined by how many nodes are used


Running the command:

python3 config.json

Initializes all node and account information.

Additional files and directories added to main directory:

  • geth-dev-node_num: node directory containing the Dockerfiles for initialization
  • geth-bootnode: contains Dockerfile for bootnode
  • keystore: stores all node information
  • dockercompose.yaml: Docker compose file
  • genesis.json: boot node information for initializing the network via genesis block

Depending on how many nodes you have, the program will generate all of the appropriate Dockerfiles and account key files. It's recommended to have at least 3 nodes, with one being dedicated to deploying contracts. Nodes cannot mine and interact with smart contracts simultaneously In its current iteration, the "start_mining" function only has all nodes with a port number greater than 8486. This allows the node using port 8485 to deploy smart contracts and 8546 to interact with that smart contract

To get the network initialized run: docker compose up

The terminal should start up all of the node. If this is the first time running the program it may take a while to get all the nodes running. As mentioned in the Dockerfile section each node needs the Ubuntu software updates in order to run the Ethereum suite of software.

A good inidcator that your nodes are ready for use is if you see a message similar to this. This means all nodes can find each other and they are ready for use.

geth-dev-node_2   | INFO [03-15|09:56:05.206] Looking for peers    peercount=2 tried=3 static=0
geth-dev-node_0   | INFO [03-15|09:56:05.364] Looking for peers    peercount=2 tried=2 static=0
geth-dev-node_1   | INFO [03-15|09:56:05.378] Looking for peers    peercount=2 tried=1 static=0

Below is a picture of what the network looks like with 3 nodes


In another terminal instance you can interact with the nodes

A simple sequence of commands in another window:

  • python3 config.json start_mine
  • check back in previous terminal, where docker containers were initialized
  • wait for epoch 0 to finish initializing, which is seen in the picture below


  • go back to terminal window where mining command was entered
  • python3 config.json interact
  • After that command you should see
8545 is connected
8546 is connected
8547 is connected
Greeter 1: Hello, World!
Greeter 2: Hello, World!

Give the interact command sometime as it there needs to be a block mined with the transaction that deployed the smart contract. It also may take a while for the Greeter lines to come out as well. Note: if you have more than 3 nodes, there may be some bugs. This program has yet to handle multiple miners perfectly.


Once the network has been set up, it's time to mine nodes

Note about mining: Nodes do not go straight to mining until they create a DAG. This DAG is to create a transactional representation of the network. Once the DAG is created for Epoch 0, the nodes will begin to mine while also creating a DAG for Epoch 1. Although Epoch 1 is supposed to start at 30,000 blocks. This private network initialized the Epoch 1 DAG right after Epoch 0's DAG is initialized.

Node about mining: current difficulty for mining is set to 1000, to change this number see the Config.json section for more information.

python3 config.json start_mining

To stop mining:

python3 config.json stop_mining

To check mining status of all current nodes:

python3 config.json mine_check


To check the balance of ether for all nodes:

python3 config.json balance

Look for transactions

To connect to a node and look for a particular transaction on the blockchain

python3 config.json transaction

Then follow the prompts: one asks for the port to connect to the other asks for the transaction number.

Deploying and interact with a smart contract:

python3 config.json interact

This command has node 8545 deploy a smart contract then 8546 is able to reach that contract and interact with it.

Future plans:

  • Create a docker container to act as the local host, that way the network is more portable

  • have a way to designate specific nodes to mine without having the specified nodes in order

    • current iteration: only has all nodes with ports greater than 8546 (up to 8547 + number of nodes - 1)


Play network for ethereum to test smart contracts and test the possibility of storage






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