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Blockchain Technology Project - SUTDcoin

Setting up the environment

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


All demonstrations can either be done locally or across multiple computers.

Automated local deployment allows for quick local deployment and demonstration of the SUTDCoin network. It will run as many instances as there are in ports_miner.txt for miners and ports_spv.txt for SPV Clients. The formatting of both files will be touched on later.

It runs both and with preset arguments, some of which are taken from the ports_*.txt files.

Command Demo
python3 Multiple honest miners
python3 -s 1 Selfish mining demo
python3 -d 1 Double-spending demo

ports_*.txt format

Both ports_miner.txt and ports_spv.txt have identical formats.

The format in the current repo is as follows: <port_number>\t<private_key>\t<public_key>\n

Note: Ensure 'tab character' is in between each field, as some IDEs might do 4 spaces.

  • <port_number> field is mandatory, and the code will run as many instances as there are ports in the file
  • <private_key> field is not mandatory, as the and files will generate their own private keys when no input is detected
  • <public_key> field is not used by any of the codes, and is more of a reference for the user for testing

Network deployment

There are two kinds of clients to be deployed, miners and SPV clients, using and respectively.

Change a line of code in both and in order to allow it to communicate with peers on the network.

Change, use_reloader=False, port=MY_PORT)

to'', debug=True, use_reloader=False, port=MY_PORT)


Argument Description Example Additional Notes
-p, --port Port number of miner to run on 25100 [Mandatory]
-m, --iminerfile Directory of list of other miner IPs ( miner_ip.txt [Optional]
-s, --ispvfile Directory of list of other miner IPs ( spv_ip.txt [Optional]
-c, --color Color of text r [Optional] Available colors: Red, White(Default), Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan
-d, --description Configures how much information to print to console 2 [Optional] 1(default): More information; 2: Less information
-f, --selfish Configures the miner to become a selfish miner 1 [Optional] 0(Default): Honest miner; 1: Selfish miner
-w, --wallet Sets the wallet's private key, if empty, generates new key b0cfe80... [Optional]

Sample startup:

  • -p 2200
  • -p 1500 -m miner_ip.txt -c g -s spv_ip.txt -d 2 -w b0cfe80dbda0d882b6d517321b3eb3343c48864ad097c5df
  • -p 1200 -m miner_ip.txt -c r -f 1


Argument Description Example Additional Notes
-p, --port Port number of SPV to run on 25200 [Mandatory]
-m, --iminerfile Directory of list of other miner IPs ( miner_ip.txt [Mandatory]
-w, --wallet Sets the wallet's private key. If empty, generates new key b0cfe80... [Optional]

Sample startup:

  • -p 2300 -m miner_ip.txt
  • -p 1500 -m miner_ip.txt -w c218953cd1e1ebff4cead74f25420dcffd6239ed1f48796f



GET /request_blockchain_header_hash

Miner and SPV

Returns an ordered list of header hashes of the longest chain from genesis block


GET /request_blockchain

Miner and SPV

Returns an ordered list of blocks of the longest chain from genesis block

Note: Miner includes list of ordered transactions for every block, while SPV does not


GET /request_full_blockchain

Miner and SPV

Returns an unordered list of all blocks within client

Note: Miner includes list of ordered transactions for every block, while SPV does not


GET /request_block/00000058867c95e45874590d1588aeb589b852bba48cdd5021e9ea5fda76457d

Miner and SPV

Returns full information for that particular block

Note: Miner includes list of ordered transactions, while SPV does not


GET /account_balance

Miner and SPV

Returns amount of coins in the queried SPV or Miner's wallet

Note: Miner will retrieve information locally, while SPV will ask a random full node/Miner


GET /account_balance/c0af4cd2f20cebccea8bedb0a7841d373cc51166ebbac05e

Miner and SPV

Returns amount of coins of any existing wallet in the network, search based on the wallet's public key

Note: Miner will retrieve information locally, while SPV will ask a random full node/Miner


POST /send_transaction?receiver=76d0551750414d853b0b6348b9da12352cf5ba36b2cd72ffbece44dfd162d1153dc85d643b4438c43bd4e841f4083012&amount=34

Miner and SPV

Submits transaction to the network to be processed


GET /verify_transaction/3c06ac050125b8e733fcfd0daafe081fe573142d68c317a29f9d0a86ba8cc83d

Miner and SPV

Returns information about the particular transactions, including number of confirmations

Note: Miner will retrieve and verify locally, while SPV will ask a random full node/Miner for merkle tree's proof and verify locally with the merkle tree root and header hashes


POST /verify_transaction_from_spv

Not meant to be accessed by user

Miner only

Called by SPV to get the merkle tree proof data from Miner


POST /block

Not meant to be accessed by user

Miner only

Called by other Miners, able to receive Block objects as Pickles from other Miners in body


POST /transaction

Not meant to be accessed by user

Miner only

Called by other Miners and SPV, able to receive Transactions as json in body


POST /block_header

Not meant to be accessed by user

SPV only

Called by Miners, able to receive SPVBlock objects as Pickles from other Miners in body


The utility/ folder includes three files

Generates a private/public key pair

Private key: 73389712abd6df649d92e4cf5a49c63582cbfdcee9f38932
Public key: e86f5e99bfe8095defd9f6d801456f2e38e1f5719e6c060dbf2d1b5d7191a002826c5963de797686bdf45a9cbbb25fe2

Generates random transactions at random intervals based on the wallet and port information in ports_miner.txt and ports_spv.txt

Sends periodic checks for account balances for the first two entries in ports_miner.txt, meant to be use in the Selfish demo only

Documentation of displayed features

Simulate miners running Nakamoto consensus and making transactions

Implemented features:

  • New blocks arrive every few (2-5) seconds
    • Static difficulty of 00000f
  • Coinbase transaction of 100 SUTDcoins
    • Under create_merkle method in
  • Transactions occur randomly
    • See
  • Validation checks (no double spending, validated sender, sender must have enough money)
    • See network_block method in
  • Forks resolved
    • Example: fork
    • Red miner originally had the block 0000ae565b after 000044cc2f while white miner had the block 00006e7b8c. The fork is only resolved when one chain becomes longer. The miner(s) with the shorter chain will stop mining on that chain and work on the longer one instead. fork_resolved
    • In this case, the red miner stopped working on a chain with his original block (0000ae56fb) and adopts the longer chain which builts on white's mined block (00006e7b8c).

Interaction of SPV clients with miners

Implemented features:

  • Acts as a wallet, and has both a public and private key
  • Associate key pairs
  • Receive block headers
    • Block headers are obtained from a separate blockchain. See
  • Receive and verify transactions
  • Send transactions


Implemented features:

  • Dictionary that stores public key as keys and account balance as values
  • Verifies transactions in the transaction queue
  • Updates account values accordingly when all transactions in the queue are verified
  • Creates new keys for new recipients
  • Rejects transactions when sender does not exist in ledger

Double-spending attack

  1. At a specified block in the code, the attacker will send a transaction.
  2. Right after the transaction in (1) is sent, the attacker empties his account by creating a new address and transferring the money to the new account. Subsequent mining will also be carried out under the new address.
  3. When at least one block has been mined since the transaction in (1), the attacker will start to mine blocks with the previous header hash being the block before the one with the transaction we would like to void. The attacker publishes the blocks after three blocks has been mined. If the attack is not successful, the attacker continues mining blocks for his intended fork and publishes them again after 3 blocks. Since attacker has majority hashing power, attacker will eventually overwrite block with bad transaction in (1).

Example output


  • Block following 000005d864 was originally 000005b93b but is 0000061ea after attack.


Selfish miner Honest miner
0 coins 0 coins
400 coins 200 coins
500 coins 300 coins
800 coins 100 coins
1200 coins 200 coins
1300 coins 300 coins
1700 coins 500 coins
2000 coins 700 coins
2400 coins 1200 coins
2700 coins 100 coins
3300 coins 400 coins
3400 coins 700 coins
3700 coins 1200 coins
3400 coins 900 coins
4000 coins 1200 coins
4500 coins 1200 coins
4700 coins 1700 coins
5200 coins 2000 coins
5500 coins 2000 coins
  • The Selfish miner holds n number of blocks after mining before releasing it to the network
  • The Selfish miner will try to mine at least one block faster than the rest of the network before releasing it to the network, this is to force the rest of the miners to switch to its fork
  • In the demo, the Selfish miner will reset its collection when it realises that the other miners have already n + 1 blocks, and is unable to catch up

Major differences between Bitcoin and SUTDcoin

Property Bitcoin SUTDcoin
Name Bitcoin SUTDcoin
Difficulty Dynamic, adjusts about once every 2 weeks Static
Transaction model UTXO Address:Balance
Peer2Peer network Peer discovery must happen All miners know the presence of all other miners
Block headers for SPVClients Query network nodes to find longest chain Obtained from spv blockchain


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