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fix(nuxt): use parser to treeshake <ClientOnly> (nuxt#8713)
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huang-julien committed Feb 8, 2023
1 parent e451a99 commit 113ce71
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Showing 13 changed files with 412 additions and 54 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion packages/nuxt/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"scule": "^1.0.0",
"strip-literal": "^1.0.1",
"ufo": "^1.0.1",
"ultrahtml": "^1.2.0",
"unctx": "^2.1.1",
"unenv": "^1.1.0",
"unhead": "^1.0.21",
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions packages/nuxt/src/components/module.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,35 +192,35 @@ export default defineNuxtModule<ComponentsOptions>({
const mode = isClient ? 'client' : 'server'

config.plugins = config.plugins || []
sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode],
experimentalComponentIslands: nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands
if (nuxt.options.experimental.treeshakeClientOnly && isServer) {
sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode],
sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode],
experimentalComponentIslands: nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands
nuxt.hook('webpack:config', (configs) => {
configs.forEach((config) => {
const mode = === 'client' ? 'client' : 'server'
config.plugins = config.plugins || []
sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode],
experimentalComponentIslands: nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands
if (nuxt.options.experimental.treeshakeClientOnly && mode === 'server') {
sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode],
sourcemap: nuxt.options.sourcemap[mode],
experimentalComponentIslands: nuxt.options.experimental.componentIslands
Expand Down
185 changes: 152 additions & 33 deletions packages/nuxt/src/components/tree-shake.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'
import { parseURL } from 'ufo'
import MagicString from 'magic-string'
import type { Node } from 'ultrahtml'
import { parse, walk, ELEMENT_NODE } from 'ultrahtml'
import { walk } from 'estree-walker'
import type { CallExpression, Property, Identifier, ImportDeclaration, MemberExpression, Literal, ReturnStatement, VariableDeclaration, ObjectExpression, Node } from 'estree'
import { createUnplugin } from 'unplugin'
import escapeStringRegexp from 'escape-string-regexp'
import type { Component } from '@nuxt/schema'
import { resolve } from 'pathe'
import { distDir } from '../dirs'
Expand All @@ -13,57 +14,115 @@ interface TreeShakeTemplatePluginOptions {
getComponents (): Component[]

const PLACEHOLDER_RE = /^(v-slot|#)(fallback|placeholder)/
type AcornNode<N> = N & { start: number, end: number }

const SSR_RENDER_RE = /ssrRenderComponent/
const PLACEHOLDER_EXACT_RE = /^(fallback|placeholder)$/

export const TreeShakeTemplatePlugin = createUnplugin((options: TreeShakeTemplatePluginOptions) => {
const regexpMap = new WeakMap<Component[], [RegExp, string[]]>()
const regexpMap = new WeakMap<Component[], [RegExp, RegExp, string[]]>()
return {
name: 'nuxt:tree-shake-template',
enforce: 'pre',
enforce: 'post',
transformInclude (id) {
const { pathname } = parseURL(decodeURIComponent(pathToFileURL(id).href))
return pathname.endsWith('.vue')
async transform (code, id) {
const template = code.match(/<template>([\s\S]*)<\/template>/)
if (!template) { return }

transform (code, id) {
const components = options.getComponents()

if (!regexpMap.has(components)) {
const clientOnlyComponents = components
.filter(c => c.mode === 'client' && !components.some(other => other.mode !== 'client' && other.pascalName === c.pascalName && other.filePath !== resolve(distDir, 'app/components/server-placeholder')))
.flatMap(c => [c.pascalName, c.kebabName])
.concat(['ClientOnly', 'client-only'])
const tags = clientOnlyComponents
.map(component => `<(${component})[^>]*>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/(${component})>`)
.flatMap(c => [c.pascalName, c.kebabName.replaceAll('-', '_')])
.concat(['ClientOnly', 'client_only'])

regexpMap.set(components, [new RegExp(`(${tags.join('|')})`, 'g'), clientOnlyComponents])
regexpMap.set(components, [new RegExp(`(${clientOnlyComponents.join('|')})`), new RegExp(`^(${ => `(?:(?:_unref\\()?(?:_component_)?(?:Lazy|lazy_)?${c}\\)?)`).join('|')})$`), clientOnlyComponents])

const [COMPONENTS_RE, clientOnlyComponents] = regexpMap.get(components)!
const s = new MagicString(code)
const importDeclarations: AcornNode<ImportDeclaration>[] = []

const [COMPONENTS_RE, COMPONENTS_IDENTIFIERS_RE] = regexpMap.get(components)!
if (!COMPONENTS_RE.test(code)) { return }

const s = new MagicString(code)
walk(this.parse(code, { sourceType: 'module', ecmaVersion: 'latest' }) as Node, {
enter: (_node) => {
const node = _node as AcornNode<CallExpression | ImportDeclaration>
if (node.type === 'ImportDeclaration') {
} else if (
node.type === 'CallExpression' &&
node.callee.type === 'Identifier' &&
) {
const [componentCall, _, children] = node.arguments
if (componentCall.type === 'Identifier' || componentCall.type === 'MemberExpression' || componentCall.type === 'CallExpression') {
const componentName = getComponentName(node)
const isClientComponent = COMPONENTS_IDENTIFIERS_RE.test(componentName)
const isClientOnlyComponent = /^(?:_unref\()?(?:_component_)?(?:Lazy|lazy_)?(?:client_only|ClientOnly\)?)$/.test(componentName)
if (isClientComponent && children?.type === 'ObjectExpression') {
const slotsToRemove = isClientOnlyComponent ? => prop.type === 'Property' && prop.key.type === 'Identifier' && !PLACEHOLDER_EXACT_RE.test( as AcornNode<Property>[] : as AcornNode<Property>[]

const ast = parse(template[0])
await walk(ast, (node) => {
if (node.type !== ELEMENT_NODE || !clientOnlyComponents.includes( || !node.children?.length) {
for (const slot of slotsToRemove) {
const componentsSet = new Set<string>()
s.remove(slot.start, slot.end + 1)
const removedCode = `({${code.slice(slot.start, slot.end + 1)}})`
const currentCode = s.toString()
walk(this.parse(removedCode, { sourceType: 'module', ecmaVersion: 'latest' }) as Node, {
enter: (_node) => {
const node = _node as AcornNode<CallExpression>
if (node.type === 'CallExpression' && node.callee.type === 'Identifier' && SSR_RENDER_RE.test( {
const componentNode = node.arguments[0]

if (componentNode.type === 'CallExpression') {
const identifier = componentNode.arguments[0] as Identifier
if (!isRenderedInCode(currentCode, removedCode.slice((componentNode as AcornNode<CallExpression>).start, (componentNode as AcornNode<CallExpression>).end))) { componentsSet.add( }
} else if (componentNode.type === 'Identifier' && !isRenderedInCode(currentCode, {
} else if (componentNode.type === 'MemberExpression') {
// expect componentNode to be a memberExpression (mostly used in dev with $setup[])
const { start, end } = componentNode as AcornNode<MemberExpression>
if (!isRenderedInCode(currentCode, removedCode.slice(start, end))) {
componentsSet.add(((componentNode as MemberExpression).property as Literal).value as string)
// remove the component from the return statement of `setup()`
walk(this.parse(code, { sourceType: 'module', ecmaVersion: 'latest' }) as Node, {
enter: (node) => {
removeFromSetupReturnStatement(s, node as Property, ((componentNode as MemberExpression).property as Literal).value as string)
const componentsToRemove = [...componentsSet]
for (const componentName of componentsToRemove) {
let removed = false
// remove const _component_ = resolveComponent...
const VAR_RE = new RegExp(`(?:const|let|var) ${componentName} = ([^;\\n]*);?`)
s.replace(VAR_RE, () => {
removed = true
return ''
if (!removed) {
// remove direct import
const declaration = findImportDeclaration(importDeclarations, componentName)
if (declaration) {
if (declaration.specifiers.length > 1) {
const componentSpecifier = declaration.specifiers.find(s => === componentName) as AcornNode<Identifier> | undefined

const fallback = node.children.find(
(n: Node) => === 'template' &&
Object.entries(n.attributes as Record<string, string>)?.flat().some(attr => PLACEHOLDER_RE.test(attr))

try {
// Replace node content
const text = fallback ? code.slice(template.index! + fallback.loc[0].start, template.index! + fallback.loc[fallback.loc.length - 1].end) : ''
s.overwrite(template.index! + node.loc[0].end, template.index! + node.loc[node.loc.length - 1].start, text)
} catch (err) {
// This may fail if we have a nested client-only component and are trying
// to replace some text that has already been replaced
if (componentSpecifier) { s.remove(componentSpecifier.start, componentSpecifier.end + 1) }
} else {
s.remove(declaration.start, declaration.end)

Expand All @@ -78,3 +137,63 @@ export const TreeShakeTemplatePlugin = createUnplugin((options: TreeShakeTemplat

* find and return the importDeclaration that contain the import specifier
* @param {AcornNode<ImportDeclaration>[]} declarations - list of import declarations
* @param {string} importName - name of the import
function findImportDeclaration (declarations: AcornNode<ImportDeclaration>[], importName: string): AcornNode<ImportDeclaration> | undefined {
const declaration = declarations.find((d) => {
const specifier = d.specifiers.find(s => === importName)
if (specifier) { return true }
return false

return declaration

* test if the name argument is used to render a component in the code
* @param code code to test
* @param name component name
function isRenderedInCode (code: string, name: string) {
return new RegExp(`ssrRenderComponent\\(${escapeStringRegexp(name)}`).test(code)

* retrieve the component identifier being used on ssrRender callExpression
* @param {CallExpression} ssrRenderNode - ssrRender callExpression
function getComponentName (ssrRenderNode: AcornNode<CallExpression>): string {
const componentCall = ssrRenderNode.arguments[0] as Identifier | MemberExpression | CallExpression

if (componentCall.type === 'Identifier') {
} else if (componentCall.type === 'MemberExpression') {
return ( as Literal).value as string
return (componentCall.arguments[0] as Identifier).name

* remove a key from the return statement of the setup function
function removeFromSetupReturnStatement (s: MagicString, node: Property, name: string) {
if (node.type === 'Property' && node.key.type === 'Identifier' && === 'setup' && node.value.type === 'FunctionExpression') {
const returnStatement = node.value.body.body.find(n => n.type === 'ReturnStatement') as ReturnStatement | undefined
if (returnStatement?.argument?.type === 'Identifier') {
const returnIdentifier =
const returnedDeclaration = node.value.body.body.find(n => n.type === 'VariableDeclaration' && (n.declarations[0].id as Identifier).name === returnIdentifier) as AcornNode<VariableDeclaration>
const componentProperty = (returnedDeclaration?.declarations[0].init as ObjectExpression)?.properties.find(p => ((p as Property).key as Identifier).name === name) as AcornNode<Property>
if (componentProperty) { s.remove(componentProperty.start, componentProperty.end + 1) }
} else if (returnStatement?.argument?.type === 'ObjectExpression') {
const componentProperty = returnStatement.argument?.properties.find(p => ((p as Property).key as Identifier).name === name) as AcornNode<Property>
if (componentProperty) { s.remove(componentProperty.start, componentProperty.end + 1) }
Binary file not shown.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
<Glob />
{{ hello }}
<div class="not-client">
<HelloWorld />
<Glob />
<SomeGlob />
<div class="should-be-treeshaken">
this should not be visible
<ClientImport />
<Treeshaken />
<ResolvedImport />

<script setup>
import { Treeshaken } from 'somepath'
import HelloWorld from '../HelloWorld.vue'
import { Glob, ClientImport } from '#components'
const hello = 'world'

<style scoped>
.not-client {
color: "red";
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions packages/nuxt/test/scan-components.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,6 +147,18 @@ const expectedComponents = [
prefetch: false,
preload: false
chunkName: 'components/client-with-client-only-setup',
export: 'default',
global: undefined,
island: undefined,
kebabName: 'client-with-client-only-setup',
mode: 'all',
pascalName: 'ClientWithClientOnlySetup',
prefetch: false,
preload: false,
shortPath: 'components/client/WithClientOnlySetup.vue'
mode: 'server',
pascalName: 'ParentFolder',
Expand Down

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