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hhh edited this page Oct 2, 2023 · 2 revisions


 * Type of NodeJS-like response objects.
interface NodeJSResponseLike {
    setHeader(key: string, value: string): void;
    write(content: string): void;
    end(): void;

 * Type of options of {@link NodeJSBackend}.
interface NodeJSBackendOptions<ResponseType extends NodeJSResponseLike> {
     * Response objects.
     * @default []
    responses?: Iterable<ResponseType>;
     * HTTP headers used in initialization.
     * @default defaultHeaders
    headers?: HTTPHeaders;

 * Class of NodeJS response adaptors.
class NodeJSBackend<ResponseType extends NodeJSResponseLike = NodeJSResponseLike> implements BackendAdaptor {

     * Constructor of {@link NodeJSBackend}.
    constructor(options?: NodeJSBackendOptions<ResponseType>);

     * Response objects.
    responses: Set<ResponseType>;

     * HTTP headers used in initialization.
    headers: HTTPHeaders;

     * Add a response and initialize it.
    addResponse(response: ResponseType): void;

     * Remove a response.
    removeResponse(response: ResponseType): void;

     * Initialize a single response.
    initializeResponse(response: ResponseType): void;

     * Initialize responses.
    initialize(): void;

     * Send content using `response.write()`.
    send(content: string): void;

     * End all responses and clear `this.responses`.
    clear(): void;
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