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Reinforcement Learning for Mobile robot navigation.

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Mobile Robot Project - 2021 Fall TAMU CSCE 643

Comparison between Dynamic Window Approach based navigation and Reinforcement Learning based navigation

Download ROS full Packages

  • Ubuntu 18.04 | ROS Melodic full package including Gazebo
  • Python 3.6 virtual environment
$ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb bionic main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-melodic.list'
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver 'hkp://' --recv-key C1CF6E31E6BADE8868B172B4F42ED6FBAB17C654
$ curl -sSL '' | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full     // this will install gazebo simulators, perception, desktop.
$ echo "source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

Setup packages

Copy openai folder's file to real OpenAI package's folder to make rapid Environment

  • These files should be located in the openai_ros package to utilize openai gym.
$ cp MobileRobotRL/openai/robot_envs/ ~/openai_ros/src/openai_ros/robot_envs/
$ cp -rf MobileRobotRL/openai/task_envs/rapid ~/openai_ros/src/openai_ros/task_envs/
$ cp MobileRobotRL/openai/ ~/openai_ros/src/openai_ros/task_envs/

Or you can add the following lines in ~/openai_ros/src/openai_ros/task_envs/ file. You can customize your env

    elif task_env == 'RapidWorld-v0':


        # import our training environment
        from openai_ros.task_envs.rapid import rapid_world

Build - catkin make


Q-Learning to make a mobile robot head to the goal position without collision

$ roslaunch rl_rapid rapid_training.launch

If you want to change qlearn parameters...

$ vim ~/MobileRobotRL/rl_rapid/config/rapid_params.yaml
  • Customize the qlearn parameters: alpha, gamma, epsilon, epsilon_discount, number of episodes, number of steps, ....
rapid: #namespace
    task_and_robot_environment_name: 'RapidWorld-v0'
    ros_ws_abspath: "/home/jiyoon/python3_ws"
    running_step: 0.04 
    pos_step: 0.016     
    #qlearn parameters
    alpha: 0.1
    gamma: 0.7
    epsilon: 0.9
    epsilon_discount: 0.999
    nepisodes: 500
    nsteps: 1000
    running_step: 0.06
  • Customize the other parameters regarding gazebo environment
rapid: #namespace

    n_actions: 3 # We have 3 actions, Forwards,TurnLeft,TurnRight

    speed_step: 1.0 # Time to wait in the reset phases

    linear_forward_speed: 0.7 # Speed for going fowards / 0.7
    linear_turn_speed: 0.6 # Linear speed when turning / 0.1
    angular_speed: 0.9 # Angular speed when turning Left or Right
    init_linear_forward_speed: 0.3 # Initial linear speed in which we start each episode
    init_linear_turn_speed: 0.2 # Initial angular speed in shich we start each episode
    new_ranges: 5 # How many laser readings 
    min_range: 0.2 # Minimum meters below which we consider we have crashed
    max_laser_value: 6 # Value considered Ok, no wall
    min_laser_value: 0 # Value considered there is an obstacle or crashed
    max_linear_aceleration: 18.0 # Linear acceleration value in which we consider RAPID has crashed into something

    max_roll: 1.57 # pi/2
    max_pitch: 1.57 # pi/2

    desired_pose_x: -1.23  # Goal point position
    desired_pose_y: 2.13  # Goal point position
    desired_point_epsilon: 0.1  # Accuracy difference between Goal point and current position
    turn_reward: 5 # Points Given to turn as action
    get_to_goal_point: 2000 # Points given when arrived at goal point
    closer_to_goal_point: 100 # Points given when closer to goal point
    end_episode_points: 300 # Points given when ending an episode

Stop simulator

Use ctrl+c in the terminal that you give command of "roslaunch rl_rapid rapid_training.launch"
  • Shutting down the gazebo simulator will make two json files under rapid_results folder.

Draw a plot and save the results (It will save in the rapid_results folder)

1. Plot of Rewards - Episodes
$ python ~/rl_rapid/src/
2. Plot of Number of Steps of each Episode - Episodes
$ python ~/rl_rapid/src/ 

Dynamic Window Approach based Navigation without a global map

$ (term1) roslaunch rl_rapid rapid_gazebo.launch    // setup gazebo simulator
$ (term2) roslaunch rl_rapid nav_blankmap.launch    // make the robot move on rviz
$ (term3) python ~/rl_rapid/src/     // set the goal position and make the robot go to there

You can customize parameters for DWA planner

vim ~/rl_rapid/include/robot/params/dwa_local_planner_params.yaml

I recorded every video using OBS Studio


Reinforcement Learning for Mobile robot navigation.







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