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eos-docker - bootstrap an EOSIO Testnet using docker-compose

This project has two parts. First, it provide the Dockerfile to build the EOS docker image from scratch. The result docker image contains the binary from and the contracts from Seconds, it provides the docker compose file to bootstrap an EOSIO Testnet with one nodeos process. It exposes the http port 8888 on the docker host for cleos to connect to.

This is just a single machine solution. If you need to create a Testnet running on a cluster, please use the kubernetes solution from

Getting Started on local machine

Get the docker-compose.yaml file from the docker image.

  docker run --rm -t huangminghuang/eos cat /docker-compose.yaml > docker-compose.yaml

Start a new Testnet with one nodeos process:

  export NODEOS_OPTIONS='---max-transaction-time 50000 --contracts-console --filter-on "*"' 
  docker-compose up

Stop the Testnet with the node gracefully shutted down:

  docker-compose stop

Start a previously stopped or killed Testnet:

  docker-compose start

Kill the Testnet:

  docker-compose kill

Shutdown the Testnet:

  docker-compose down

Creating the docker image

Build the image from scatch may take a long time and requres enough CPU/RAM resources available to your docker daemon. You can just use the image huangminghuang/eos from DockerHub unless you need further customization.

The image building process is intentionally separated into two steps in order to speed up the build time for CI purpose.

To build the image for the first time.

  docker build . -t $EOS_IMAGE --build-arg JOBS=2

If you encounter any internal compile error from g++, it is mostly because not enough RAM for your docker daemon. You may try JOBS=1 to reduce the number of parallel jobs for compilation.


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