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《Effective Modern C++》, Scott Meyers


  • lvalue: 和地址密切联系,all parameters are lvalues
  • function object可以是定义了operator ()的object,只要有function-calling syntax就行
  • deprecated feature: std::auto_ptr -> std::unique_ptr
  • Undefined behavior: 数组越界、dereferencing an uninitialized iterator、engaging in a data race

chpt 1 Deducing Types

deducing types的机制:

  • c++98: function template


  • c++11: auto, decltype


  • c++14: decltype(auto)

Item 1: Understand template type deduction 、Constexpr

auto的deduction机制和template type deduction紧密相联


template<typename T> 
void f(ParamType param);

f(expr); // deduce T and ParamType from expr
  • Case 1: ParamType is a Reference or Pointer, but not a Universal Reference

  • Case 2: ParamType is a Universal Reference

    • 右值->右值引用;左值->左值引用

    • 唯一T会deduce为引用的场景

  • Case 3: ParamType is Neither a Pointer nor a Reference

    • Param will be a copy
      • 去除 const、&、volatile等修饰
    • const char* const ptr = // ptr is const pointer to const object "Fun with pointers"; 保留左边的const
  • array arguments

    • the type of an array that’s passed to a template function by value is deduced to be a pointer type
    • 需要注意数组传引用的时候不一样!存在数组引用constchar(&)[13] => 利用它来推断数组大小
// return size of an array as a compile-time constant. (The
// array parameter has no name, because we care only about
// the number of elements it contains.)
template<typename T, std::size_t N> // see info 
constexpr std::size_t arraySize(T (&)[N]) noexcept // below on 
{																									// constexpr
	return N; // and
}// noexcept

int keyVals[] = { 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 22, 35 };      // keyVals has 7 elements
int mappedVals[arraySize(keyVals)]; // so does mappedVals

std::array<int, arraySize(keyVals)> mappedVals; // mappedVals' size is 7

static_assert(arraySize(keyVals) == 7);
constexpr static double keyVals[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
Item 2: Understand auto type deduction.

原则:只有明确需要 copy 才使用 auto,其它需要 auto 的情况用 auto*, auto&

  • A& g(); auto a = g(); A a = g();
template<typename T> 
void f(ParamType param);

f(expr); // deduce T and ParamType from expr

auto对应T,type specifier对应ParamType,因此同Item1,也有三个cases,但有一个exception

唯一的exception:auto x = { 20 }; the deduced type is a std::initializer_list,如果里面元素类型不一致,不会编译

  • the only real difference between auto and template type deduction is that auto assumes that a braced initializer represents a std::initializer_list, but template type deduction doesn’t

Things to Remember

  • auto type deduction is usually the same as template type deduction, but auto type deduction assumes that a braced initializer represents a std::initializer_list, and template type deduction doesn’t.
  • auto in a function return type or a lambda parameter implies template type deduction, not auto type deduction.
Item 3: Understand decltype.

In C++11, perhaps the primary use for decltype is declaring function templates where the function’s return type depends on its parameter types.

  • the type returned by a container’s operator[] depends on the container,比如vector<bool>返回的不是引用
    • c++14甚至可以不需要->,用模版判断,但存在无法引用的问题
template<typename Container, typename Index>  // works, but requires 			
auto authAndAccess(Container& c, Index i)     // refinement
	-> decltype(c[i])
  return c[i];

template<typename Container, typename Index> // C++14; works,
decltype(auto)															 // but still requires 
authAndAccess(Container& c, Index i)				 // refinement
  return c[i];

  • decltype(auto)利用decltype rule,帮助单独的auto返回引用
    • 本质上是因为auto难以识别type specifier
    • decltype((x)) is therefore int&. Putting parentheses around a name can change the type that decltype reports for it!
Item 4: Know how to view deduced types.
template<typename T>       // declaration only for TD;
class TD;                  // TD == "Type Displayer"

TD<decltype(x)> xType;     // elicit errors containing
TD<decltype(y)> yType;     // x's and y's types

std::cout << typeid(x).name() << '\n'; // display types for std::cout << typeid(y).name() << '\n'; // x and y

std::type_info::name 对模版中变量类型的判断不准

#include <boost/type_index.hpp>
template<typename T>
void f(const T& param)
  using std::cout;
  using boost::typeindex::type_id_with_cvr;
  // show T
  cout << "T = "<< type_id_with_cvr<T>().pretty_name() << '\n';
  // show param's type
  cout << "param = "<< type_id_with_cvr<decltype(param)>().pretty_name() 
    	 << '\n'; 

chpt 2 auto

Item 5: Prefer auto to explicit type declarations.
template<typename It>
void dwim(It b, It e)
  while (b != e) {
// algorithm to dwim ("do what I mean")
// for all elements in range from
// b to e
		typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type 
			currValue = *b;


auto derefUPLess =
[](const std::unique_ptr<Widget>& p1,
const std::unique_ptr<Widget>& p2) 
{ return *p1 < *p2; };

// C++14内部也可用auto

std::function<bool(const std::unique_ptr<Widget>&, const std::unique_ptr<Widget>&)>
derefUPLess = [](const std::unique_ptr<Widget>& p1, const std::unique_ptr<Widget>& p2)
               { return *p1 < *p2; };

// std::function相比auto占用内存多,效率低(对象统一进行了转化)
Item 6: Use the explicitly typed initializer idiom when auto deduces undesired types.

有关vector<bool>:because operator[] for std::vector<T> is supposed to return a T&, but C++ forbids references to bits.

std::vector<bool>::reference is an example of a proxy class: a class that exists for the purpose of emulating and augmenting the behavior of some other types

proxy class

  • invisible: vector<bool>
  • apparent: std::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr
  • expression templates: Matrix sum = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4;

chpt 3 Moving to Modern C++

Item 7: Distinguish between () and {} when creating objects.

std::vector<int> v{ 1, 3, 5 }; // v's initial content is 1, 3, 5


  • uncopyable objects (e.g., std::atomics—see Item 40)

std::atomic<int> ai1{ 0 }; // fine

  • it prohibits implicit narrowing conversions among built-in types
  • immunity to C++’s most vexing parse
  • A side effect of C++’s rule that anything that can be parsed as a declaration must be interpreted as one


  • the unusually tangled relationship among braced initializers, std::initializer_lists, and constructor overload resolution

    • Widget(std::initializer_list<long double> il);对{}的优先级极高,只有在实在转换不了的情况下才会用non-std::initializer_list constructors
    • Empty braces mean no arguments, not an empty std::initializer_list
    • vector对{}和()初始化的区分是不合理的
    • 因此:重载initializer_list参数的函数尤其要谨慎
Item 8: Prefer nullptr to 0 and NULL.
  1. 0和NULL混用带来函数重载问题 -> counterintuitive behavior
  2. nullptr’s advantage is that it doesn’t have an integral type, but you can think of it as a pointer of all types
  3. NULL和0在template type deduction中问题更严重
Item 9: Prefer alias declarations to typedefs.
template<typename T> // MyAllocList<T> 
using MyAllocList = std::list<T, MyAlloc<T>>; // is synonym for
                                                  // std::list<T,
                                                  //   MyAlloc<T>>
MyAllocList<Widget> lw; // client code

template<typename T> // MyAllocList<T>::type 
struct MyAllocList { // is synonym for std::list<T, MyAlloc<T>>
	typedef std::list<T, MyAlloc<T>> type;
MyAllocList<Widget>::type lw;           // client code

template<typename T>
class Widget {
	typename MyAllocList<T>::type list;


template metaprogramming (TMP)

  • C++11中的type traits是用typedef实现的,因此使用的时候要在前面声明typename
std::remove_const<T>::type					// yields T from const T
std::remove_reference<T>::type			// yields T from T& and T&&
std::add_lvalue_reference<T>::type	// yields T& from T
template <class T>
using remove_const_t = typename remove_const<T>::type;

template <class T>
using remove_reference_t = typename remove_reference<T>::type;

template <class T>
using add_lvalue_reference_t =
	typename add_lvalue_reference<T>::type;
Item 10: Prefer scoped enums to unscoped enums.
enum class Color { black, white, red };
auto c = Color::white;

enum Color;               // error!
enum class Color;         // fine

=> The reduction in namespace pollution

=> There are no implicit conversions from enumerators in a scoped enum to any other type

=> scoped enums may always be forward-declared, unscoped enums只有指定了underlying type才可以

  • 普通的enum默认是char,编译器需要选类最小的类型=> unscoped enums不需要大部分重新编译
  • Scoped enums默认类型int,可指定
enum class Status: std::uint32_t; // underlying type for
																	// Status is std::uint32_t
                                  // (from <cstdint>)

unscoped enum更好的少数场景,uiEmail有implicit转换为size_t

enum UserInfoFields { uiName, uiEmail, uiReputation };
   UserInfo uInfo;                        // as before
auto val = std::get<uiEmail>(uInfo); // ah, get value of // email field

enum class UserInfoFields { uiName, uiEmail, uiReputation };
   UserInfo uInfo;                        // as before
auto val = std::get<static_cast<std::size_t>(UserInfoFields::uiEmail)>(uInfo);


template<typename E>
constexpr typename std::underlying_type<E>::type
	toUType(E enumerator) noexcept
	return static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>(enumerator);

c++14可以用 static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<E>>(enumerator)

template<typename E> // C++14 
constexpr auto
	toUType(E enumerator) noexcept
	return static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<E>>(enumerator); 
auto val = std::get<toUType(UserInfoFields::uiEmail)>(uInfo);
Item 11: Prefer deleted functions to private undefined ones.

e.g.: std::basic_ios,禁止copy streams

相比undefined private function

  • 错误信息更清晰

  • 可以delete非成员函数

  • 针对模版

template<typename T>
void processPointer(T* ptr);

void processPointer<void>(void*) = delete;
void processPointer<char>(char*) = delete;
void processPointer<const void>(const void*) = delete;
void processPointer<const char>(const char*) = delete;

// const volatile char*, const volatile void*, std::wchar_t, std::char16_t, std::char32_t.

void Widget::processPointer<void>(void*) = delete;
Item 12: Declare overriding functions override.
class Base {
  virtual void doWork();
class Derived: public Base {
  virtual void doWork();
std::unique_ptr<Base> upb = std::make_unique<Derived>();
// derived class function is invoked
  • override的各种要求,还包括reference qualifier

  • 改变signature方便看有多少依赖

  • Applying final to a virtual function prevents the function from being overridden in derived classes. final may also be applied to a class, in which case the class is prohibited from being used as a base class.

  • Member function reference qualifiers make it possible to treat lvalue and rvalue objects (*this) differently.

class Widget {
  using DataType = std::vector<double>;
  DataType& data() & { return values; }
  DataType data() && { return std::move(values); } ...
    DataType values;
Item 13: Prefer const_iterators to iterators.

pointer-to-const == const_iterators

there’s no portable conversion from a const_iterator to an iterator, not even with a static_cast. Even the semantic sledgehammer known as reinterpret_cast can’t do the job.

std::vector<int> values; // as before ...
auto it = // use cbegin
	std::find(values.cbegin(),values.cend(), 1983); // and cend
values.insert(it, 1998);
template<typename C, typename V>
void findAndInsert(C& container,
  const V& targetVal,
  const V& insertVal)
  using std::cbegin;
  using std::cend;
  auto it = std::find(cbegin(container), cend(container),
  container.insert(it, insertVal); 
template <class C>
auto cbegin(const C& container)->decltype(std::begin(container)) {
  return std::begin(container);         // see explanation below

Non-member cbegin只有C++14才有;C++11中,即使是vector非const,begin返回的带const引用的vector也会是const_iterator类型

Item 14: Declare functions noexcept if they won’t emit exceptions.


e.g. C++11,vector.push_back(std::move(XX))可能违反异常安全性(比如vector重新申请内存的场景),std::vector::push_back takes advantage of this “move if you can, but copy if you must” strategy,依据是否declared noexcept来判断

  • 内部实现-> std::move_if_noexcept -> std::is_nothrow_move_constructible
template <class T, size_t N>
void swap(T (&a)[N], // see
					T (&b)[N]) noexcept(noexcept(swap(*a, *b))); // below

template <class T1, class T2>
struct pair {
	void swap(pair& p) noexcept(noexcept(swap(first, p.first)) && 						   								 					noexcept(swap(second, p.second)));
  • Wide contract functions更适合noexcept,因为没有后续调试抛出异常的需求

Things to Remember

• noexcept is part of a function’s interface, and that means that callers may depend on it.

• noexcept functions are more optimizable than non-noexcept functions.

• noexcept is particularly valuable for the move operations, swap, memory deallocation functions, and destructors.

• Most functions are exception-neutral rather than noexcept.

Item 15: Use constexpr whenever possible.
int pow(int base, int exp) noexcept
constexpr auto numConds = 5;
std::array<int, pow(3, numConds)> results;

constexpr int pow(int base, int exp) noexcept     //c++11
	return (exp == 0 ? 1 : base * pow(base, exp - 1)); 

constexpr int pow(int base, int exp) noexcept
  auto result = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < exp; ++i) result *= base;
  return result;

P100: 自定义的类型也可以constexpr

  • C++14中即使是Point.set也可以constexpr
Item 16: Make const member functions thread safe.
class Polynomial {
    using RootsType = std::vector<double>;
    RootsType roots() const
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> g(m);
      if (!rootsAreValid) {
        rootsAreValid = true;
      return rootVals;
  	mutable std::mutex m;
    mutable bool rootsAreValid{ false };
    mutable RootsType rootVals{};

私有成员mutable std::atomic<unsigned> callCount{ 0 };适合用于计数

  • std::mutex和std::atomic都是move-only types,不能copy
    • 如果想定义一个数组,数组中的对象包含atomic类型,不能用vector直接构造(因为会调用复制构造函数),可以构造vector<shared_ptr<Object>>
    • atomic适合递增操作,但如果是先运算后赋值,可能出现竞争
    • mutable 字段,表示“这个成员变量不算对象内部状态”,不禁止const函数修改它
class Widget {
  int magicValue() const
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m);
    if (cacheValid) return cachedValue;
    else {
      auto val1 = expensiveComputation1();
      auto val2 = expensiveComputation2();
      cachedValue = val1 + val2;
      cacheValid = true;
      return cachedValue;
  mutable std::mutex m;
  mutable int cachedValue;
  mutable bool cacheValid{ false };
Item 17: Understand special member function generation

问题的来源:memberwise move的思路,move能move的,剩下的copy

special member functions:

  • c++98: the default constructor, the destructor, the copy constructor, and the copy assignment operator
  • c++11: the move constructor and the move assignment operator
    • 和copy constructor的区别在于,c++11的这两个fucntion是dependent的
    • 如果有explicit copy constructor,move constructor不会自动生成

the rule of three: copy constructor, copy assignment operator, or destructor

动机:the rule of three 和 move/copy 的 dependent 特性有冲突 => C++11 does not generate move operations for a class with a user-declared destructor


//! moving is allowed; copying is disallowed; default construction not possible
~TCPConnection();  //!< destructor sends a RST if the connection is still open
TCPConnection() = delete;
TCPConnection(TCPConnection &&other) = default;
TCPConnection &operator=(TCPConnection &&other) = default;
TCPConnection(const TCPConnection &other) = delete;
TCPConnection &operator=(const TCPConnection &other) = delete;

Note: Member function templates never suppress generation of special member functions.

chpt 4 Smart Pointers

Item 18: Use std::unique_ptr for exclusive-ownership resource management.
  • unique_ptr is a move-only type
  • also applied to the Pimpl Idiom (Item 22)
  • 还有std::unique_ptr<T[]>
    • About the only situation I can conceive of when a std::unique_ptr<T[]> would make sense would be when you’re using a C-like API that returns a raw pointer to a heap array that you assume ownership of.
  • std::shared_ptr<Investment> sp = makeInvestment( arguments );
class Investment {
  virtual ~Investment();
class Stock:
public Investment { ... };
class Bond:
public Investment { ... };
class RealEstate:
public Investment { ... };

template<typename... Ts> std::unique_ptr<Investment> makeInvestment(Ts&&... params);

	auto pInvestment = // pInvestment is of type 
		makeInvestment( arguments ); // std::unique_ptr<Investment>
}// destroy *pInvestment
auto delInvmt = [](Investment* pInvestment)
                  delete pInvestment;

template<typename... Ts>
std::unique_ptr<Investment, decltype(delInvmt)> // 如果是C++14,返回值可以用auto,delInvmt的定义也可放入makeInvestment函数内
makeInvestment(Ts&&... params) {
	std::unique_ptr<Investment, decltype(delInvmt)> pInv(nullptr, delInvmt);
  if ( /* a Stock object should be created */ ){
		pInv.reset(new Stock(std::forward<Ts>(params)...)); 
  else if ( /* a Bond object should be created */ ){
		pInv.reset(new Bond(std::forward<Ts>(params)...)); 
  else if ( /* a RealEstate object should be created */ ){
		pInv.reset(new RealEstate(std::forward<Ts>(params)...)); 
  return pInv;


  • std::forward: 为了在使用右值引用参数的函数模板中解决参数的perfect-forward问题。(Item 25), reference
  • unique_ptr可以作为函数返回值
  • 不能直接给unique_ptr赋值裸指针,reset(new)是标准用法
  • 引入deleter后unique_ptr的size变化:如果是函数指针,1 word -> 2 word;如果是函数对象,取决于函数内部的state
Item 19: Use std::shared_ptr for shared-ownership resource management.

dynamically allocated control blocks, arbitrarily large deleters and allocators, virtual function machinery, and atomic reference count manipulations

shared_ptr的使用, 一篇看不太懂的shared_ptr使用技巧

As with garbage collection, clients need not concern themselves with managing the life‐ time of pointed-to objects, but as with destructors, the timing of the objects’ destruc‐ tion is deterministic.

reference count的影响:

  • std::shared_ptrs are twice the size of a raw pointer
  • Memory for the reference count must be dynamically allocated,除非用std::make_shared
  • Increments and decrements of the reference count must be atomic

=> move assignment is faster than copy assignment


对于custom deleter,和unique_ptr的区别在于deleter不影响shared_ptr的类型

  • 这样便于函数传参、放入同一容器
  • 始终two words size:
auto loggingDel = [](Widget *pw){
										delete pw; 
std::unique_ptr<Widget, decltype(loggingDel) > upw(new Widget, loggingDel);
std::shared_ptr<Widget> spw(new Widget, loggingDel);
// deleter type is not part of ptr type

关于control block的rules

  • std::make_shared (see Item 21) always creates a control block
  • A control block is created when a std::shared_ptr is constructed from a unique-ownership pointer (i.e., a std::unique_ptr or std::auto_ptr).
  • When a std::shared_ptr constructor is called with a raw pointer, it creates a control block


  • 用同一个裸指针创建两个shared_ptr是undefined behaviour
    • 正确写法:
std::shared_ptr<Widget> spw1(new Widget);
std::shared_ptr<Widget> spw2(spw1);
  • 类似地,不要用this指针创建shared_ptr

    • 正确写法:The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)
    • 注意 shared_from_this() 必须在对象生成 shared_ptr 后调用
      • 为了防止process一个不存在shared_ptr的对象,常把ctors设成private
      • shared_from_this() 不能在构造函数里调用,在构造时它还没有交给 shared_ptr 接管
class Widget: public std::enable_shared_from_this<Widget> {
  // factory function that perfect-forwards args to a private ctor
	template<typename... Ts>
	static std::shared_ptr<Widget> create(Ts&&... params);
	void process(){
  Widget Widget();
  Widget(Widget &&other);
  Widget(const Widget &other);
  TCPConnection() = delete;


  • std::vector<std::shared_ptr<A> > a_vec(n, std::make_shared<A>());这个用法是错的,会给里面元素赋值同一个智能指针,正确写法如下:
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<A>> a(size);
std::for_each(std::begin(a), std::end(a),[](std::shared_ptr<A> &ptr) {
                    ptr = std::make_shared<A>();
  • shared_ptr没有array的版本。一律建议用std::vector
  • shared_ptr不能循环指向,会永不析构内存泄漏
Item 20: Use std::weak_ptr for std::shared_ptr-like pointers that can dangle.


  • Potential use cases for std::weak_ptr include caching, observer lists, and the prevention of std::shared_ptr cycles.
auto spw = std::make_shared<Widget>();
std::weak_ptr<Widget> wpw(spw);
spw = nullptr;
if (wpw.expired()) ...
auto spw2 = wpw.lock();
std::shared_ptr<Widget> spw3(wpw); // if wpw's expired, throw std::bad_weak_ptr


std::unique_ptr<const Widget> loadWidget(WidgetID id);


std::shared_ptr<const Widget> fastLoadWidget(WidgetID id) {
	static std::unordered_map<WidgetID, std::weak_ptr<const Widget>> cache;
	auto objPtr = cache[id].lock();
  if (!objPtr) {
    objPtr = loadWidget(id);
    cache[id] = objPtr;
  return objPtr;

Item 21: Prefer std::make_unique and std::make_shared to direct use of new.


  • 参数只能是 unbounded array: std::unique_ptr<Vec3[]> v3 = std::make_unique<Vec3[]>(5);
// C++14 make_unique
namespace detail {
constexpr bool is_unbounded_array_v = false;
template<class T>
constexpr bool is_unbounded_array_v<T[]> = true;
constexpr bool is_bounded_array_v = false;
template<class T, std::size_t N>
constexpr bool is_bounded_array_v<T[N]> = true;
} // namespace detail
template<class T, class... Args>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_array<T>::value, std::unique_ptr<T>>
make_unique(Args&&... args)
    return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
template<class T>
std::enable_if_t<detail::is_unbounded_array_v<T>, std::unique_ptr<T>>
make_unique(std::size_t n)
    return std::unique_ptr<T>(new std::remove_extent_t<T>[n]());
template<class T, class... Args>
std::enable_if_t<detail::is_bounded_array_v<T>> make_unique(Args&&...) = delete;
auto spw1(std::make_shared<Widget>());   //能用auto


  • 不用的话,有潜在的内存泄漏风险,和异常安全性有关
    • 先new再创建shared_ptr,如果在这中间computePriority抛出异常,则内存泄漏
processWidget(std::shared_ptr<Widget>(new Widget), computePriority());
  • make_shared更高效,一次分配对象和control block的内存


  • deleter
  • make_shared的perfect forwarding code用(),而非{}; {}只能用new,除非参考Item 2
// create std::initializer_list
auto initList = { 10, 20 };
// create std::vector using std::initializer_list ctor
auto spv = std::make_shared<std::vector<int>>(initList);
  • using make functions to create objects of types with class-specific versions of operator new and operator delete is typically a poor idea. 因为只能new/delete本对象长度的内存,而非加上control block的
  • shared_ptr的场景,必须要所有相关weak_ptr全destroy,指针控制块的内存才会释放


std::shared_ptr<Widget> spw(new Widget, cusDel);
processWidget(std::move(spw), computePriority()); // both efficient and exception safe
Item 22: When using the Pimpl Idiom, define special member functions in the implementation file.

设计模式:减少client(只include .h文件)的相关编译


class Widget {
  struct Impl;
  Impl *pImpl;


#include "widget.h" 
#include "gadget.h" 
#include <string> 
#include <vector>
struct Widget::Impl {
  std::string name;
  std::vector<double> data;
  Gadget g1, g2, g3;
Widget::Widget() : pImpl(new Impl) {}
Widget::~Widget() { delete pImpl; }


  • 不要在.h文件里generate析构函数


class Widget {
  Widget(Widget&& rhs);
  Widget& operator=(Widget&& rhs);
  struct Impl;
  std::unique_ptr<Impl> pImpl;


#include "widget.h" 
#include "gadget.h" 
#include <string> 
#include <vector>
struct Widget::Impl {
  std::string name;
  std::vector<double> data;
  Gadget g1, g2, g3;
Widget::Widget(): pImpl(std::make_unique<Impl>()) {}
Widget::~Widget() = default;
Widget::Widget(Widget&& rhs) = default;
Widget& Widget::operator=(Widget&& rhs) = default;
Widget::Widget(const Widget& rhs)
: pImpl(std::make_unique<Impl>(*rhs.pImpl)) {}
Widget& Widget::operator=(const Widget& rhs)
	*pImpl = *rhs.pImpl;
  return *this;


chpt 5 Rvalue References, Move Semantics, and Perfect Forwarding

Rvalue references => Move Semantics and Perfect Forwarding

it’s especially important to bear in mind that a parameter is always an lvalue, even if its type is an rvalue reference

Item 23: Understand std::move and std::forward.

std::move doesn’t move anything. std::forward doesn’t forward anything

std::move unconditionally casts its argument to an rvalue, while std::forward performs this cast only if a particular condition is fulfilled

template<typename T> 
decltype(auto) move(T&& param) {
	using ReturnType = remove_reference_t<T>&&;
	return static_cast<ReturnType>(param); 
} // C++14
// remove_reference是因为Item 1 => T有可能被推断为lvalue reference

First, don’t declare objects const if you want to be able to move from them. Move requests on const objects are silently transformed into copy operations.

Second, std::move not only doesn’t actually move anything, it doesn’t even guarantee that the object it’s casting will be eligible to be moved. The only thing you know for sure about the result of applying std::move to an object is that it’s an rvalue.

void process(const Widget& lvalArg);
void process(Widget&& rvalArg);
template<typename T>
void logAndProcess(T&& param) {
	auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
  makeLogEntry("Calling 'process'", now);

Widget w;
logAndProcess(w);                  // call with lvalue
logAndProcess(std::move(w));       // call with rvalue

std::forward: a conditional cast, it casts to an rvalue only if its argument was initialized with an rvalue. 原理参考Item 28

Item 24: Distinguish universal references from rvalue references.

T&&不一定是rvalue references,称其为universal references。用右值初始化即为右值引用,用左值初始化即为左值引用。


  • 模板:
template<typename T>
void f(T&& param); // param is a universal reference
  • auto: auto&& var2 = var1; // var2 is a universal reference

universal reference的场景有限制:

  • 必须是T&&,加const也不行
  • 必须有type deduction,e.g. push_back 's caller explicitly specifies the type,type deduction,而emplace_back
template<class T, class Allocator = allocator<T>>  // from C++
class vector {                                     // Standards
	void push_back(T&& x);
template<class T, class Allocator = allocator<T>>  
class vector {
	template <class... Args>
	void emplace_back(Args&&... args); ...

universal reference的应用:

auto timeFuncInvocation = [](auto&& func, auto&&... params){
  start timer;
  std::forward<decltype(func)>(func)( std::forward<decltype(params)>(params)... );
  stop timer and record elapsed time;
Item 25: Use std::move on rvalue references, std::forward on universal references.

std::forward 的动机是 conditionally cast

Perfect forwarding is often used with variadic templates to wrap calls to functions with an arbitrary number of arguments. For example, std::make_unique and std::make_shared both use perfect forwarding to forward their arguments to the constructor of the wrapped type.

Universal reference 的其中一个动机是替代“同时 overload lvalue、rvalue references”,后者的缺点是:1)某些场景的潜在开销;2)代码volume;3)scalability,多参数函数的拓展

Matrix // by-value return 
operator+(Matrix&& lhs, const Matrix& rhs) {
	lhs += rhs;
  return std::move(lhs);

template<typename T>
Fraction reduceAndCopy(T&& frac) {
	return std::forward<T>(frac);

Never apply std::move or std::forward to local objects if they would otherwise be eligible for the return value optimization.

  • copy elision
  • RVO 生效的要求
    • 类型一致
    • the local object is what’s being returned,比如不能是 referenced type、或函数参数
    • unnamed (named->NRVO)
  • 永远无需 move 的原因:"if the conditions for the RVO are met, but compilers choose not to perform copy elision, the object being returned must be treated as an rvalue."
Item 26: Avoid overloading on universal references.
  • Overloading on universal references almost always leads to the universal reference overload being called more frequently than expected.
  • Perfect-forwarding constructors are especially problematic, because they’re typically better matches than copy constructors for non-const lvalues, and they can hijack derived class calls to base class copy and move constructors.
    • 即使 compilers 因 Item 17 生成了相关构造函数,依然存在优先级低于 overloaded universal references 的情况
Item 27: Familiarize yourself with alternatives to overloading on universal references.
  • Abandon overloading
  • Pass by const T&
  • Pass by value
class Person {
	explicit Person(std::string n) : name(std::move(n)) {}
  explicit Person(int idx) : name(nameFromIdx(idx)) {}
  std::string name;
  • Use Tag dispatch
std::multiset<std::string> names;      // global data structure
template<typename T>                   // make log entry and add
void logAndAdd(T&& name)               // name to data structure
	auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
  log(now, "logAndAdd");

template<typename T>
void logAndAdd(T&& name)
		std::is_integral<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>()

template<typename T>
void logAndAddImpl(T&& name, std::false_type) {
	auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
  log(now, "logAndAdd");
// std::false_type(compile value) 而非 false(runtime value)

void logAndAddImpl(int idx, std::true_type) {
  • Constraining templates that take universal references
class Person {
	template<typename T,
					 typename = typename std::enable_if<condition>::type>
	explicit Person(T&& n);

class Person {
	template<typename T,
					 typename = typename std::enable_if<
																			typename std::decay<T>::type
  explicit Person(T&& n);

is_same -> is_base_of 进一步解决 Item 26 中派生类的问题
c++14: typename -> _t后缀
class Person {
		typename T,
		typename = std::enable_if_t<
			!std::is_base_of<Person, std::decay_t<T>>::value
explicit Person(T&& n)
: name(std::forward<T>(n)) 
  // assert that a std::string can be created from a T object
		std::is_constructible<std::string, T>::value, 
    "Parameter n can't be used to construct a std::string"
explicit Person(int idx) : name(nameFromIdx(idx)) 
{... }
  std::string name;

Disadvantages:perfect forwarding has failure cases (Item 30) and baffling error messages

Item 28: Understand reference collapsing

If either reference is an lvalue reference, the result is an lvalue reference. Otherwise (i.e., if both are rvalue references) the result is an rvalue reference.

Four contexts

  • template instantiation
  • auto type generation
  • the generation and use of typedefs and alias declarations (Item 9)
  • decltype (Item 3)

=> the implementation of std::forward

template<typename T>
T&& forward(typename
							remove_reference<T>::type& param)
	return static_cast<T&&>(param);

=> 回顾 auto&&


template<typename T>
class Widget {
  typedef T&& RvalueRefToT;
Item 29: Assume that move operations are not present, not cheap, and not used.

not cheap

  • move std::array runs in linear time
  • std::string 有SSO优化,小 string 存在对象内的 buffer 中,move 并不更快

not usable

  • The context in which the moving would take place requires a move operation that emits no exceptions, but that operation isn’t declared noexcept
Item 30: Familiarize yourself with perfect forwarding failure cases.

perfect forwarding 的含义:传递 type 信息,只针对 references

template<typename... Ts>
void fwd(Ts&&... params) {

应用:Item 42 (std::make_unique), Item 21 (emplace)

failure cases 的内在原因是 f 和 fwd 做的事情不一样

  • Braced initializers:f有能力做转换,而fwd会类型推断失败
  • 0 or NULL as null pointers
  • Declaration-only integral static const data members
    • 硬件层面,指针和引用含义类似
class Widget {
	static const std::size_t MinVals = 28; // MinVals' declaration

std::vector<int> widgetData; widgetData.reserve(Widget::MinVals); // use of MinVals

f(Widget::MinVals); // fine, treated as "f(28)"
fwd(Widget::MinVals); // error! shouldn't link

const std::size_t Widget::MinVals; // in Widget's .cpp file, remember to specify it only once
  • Overloaded function names and template names
    • 本质上也是 fwd 没有能力推断函数信息
using ProcessFuncType = int (*)(int);
ProcessFuncType processValPtr = processVal;
  • Bitfields
    • Pointers to bitfields don't exist.
struct IPv4Header {
  std::uint32_t version:4,
void f(std::size_t sz); // function to call
IPv4Header h;
f(h.totalLength); // fine
fwd(h.totalLength); // error

// copy bitfield value; see Item 6 for info on init. form 
auto length = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(h.totalLength);
fwd(length); // forward the copy

chpt 6 Lambda Expressions


  • STL algorithms, custom deleters, condition variables in threading API (Item 39)
  • callback functions, interface adaptation functions, context-specific functions for one-off calls


  • Compilation: lambda expressions, closure class

    • A closure class is a class from which a closure is instantiated. Each lambda causes compilers to generate a unique closure class. The statements inside a lambda become executable instructions in the member functions of its closure class.
  • Runtime: closure

    • A closure is the runtime object created by a lambda. Depending on the capture mode, closures hold copies of or references to the captured data.
  • Note

    • The mutable specification enables the body of a lambda expression to modify variables that are captured by value.
Item 31: Avoid default capture modes

There are two default capture modes in C++11: by-reference and by-value. Default by-reference capture can lead to dangling references. Default by-value capture lures you into thinking you’re immune to that problem (you’re not), and it lulls you into thinking your closures are self-contained (they may not be).

using FilterContainer =
FilterContainer filters;
void addDivisorFilter(){
  auto calc1 = computeSomeValue1();
  auto calc2 = computeSomeValue2();
  auto divisor = computeDivisor(calc1, calc2);
  	[&](int value) { return value % divisor == 0; }

template<typename C>
void workWithContainer(const C& container)
  auto calc1 = computeSomeValue1();
  auto calc2 = computeSomeValue2();
  auto divisor = computeDivisor(calc1, calc2);
  using ContElemT = typename C::value_type;
  using std::begin;
  using std::end;
  if (std::all_of(
  			begin(container), end(container),
    		[&](const ContElemT& value)
  			{ return value % divisor == 0; })
  	) {
  } else {

// C++14
if (std::all_of(begin(container), end(container),
								[&](const auto& value)
                { return value % divisor == 0; }))

auto生成的std::function对象的大小更小,少在 fixed size in closure

Captures apply only to non-static local variables (including parameters) visible in the scope where the lambda is created.

  • default by-value capture 实质上捕获的是 Widget's this pointer => 无意间捕获 this
class Widget {
  void addFilter() const;

	int divisor;
void Widget::addFilter() const {
		[=](int value) { return value % divisor == 0; }

void Widget::addFilter() const {
	filters.emplace_back( // C++14:
		[divisor = divisor](int value) // copy divisor to closure 
    { return value % divisor == 0; } // use the copy

An additional drawback to default by-value captures is that they can suggest that the corresponding closures are self-contained and insulated from changes to data outside the closures. In general, that’s not true, because lambdas may be dependent not just on local variables and parameters (which may be captured), but also on objects with static storage duration.

void addDivisorFilter() {
	static auto calc1 = computeSomeValue1();
  static auto calc2 = computeSomeValue2();
	static auto divisor = computeDivisor(calc1, calc2);
		[=](int value)
		{ return value % divisor == 0; }
// 虽然lambda expression写的是by-value,实质上捕获的是reference
Item 32: Use init capture to move objects into closures.

generalized lambda capture,能捕获表达式的结果

e.g. for move-only object like std::unique_ptr or std::future

Using an init capture makes it possible for you to specify

  • the name of a data member in the closure class generated from the lambda and
  • an expression initializing that data member.
auto pw = std::make_unique<Widget>();
auto func = [pw = std::move(pw)]
						{ return pw->isValidated()
										 && pw->isArchived(); };

如果用 C++11 实现:

  • moving the object to be captured into a function object produced by std::bind and
  • giving the lambda a reference to the “captured” object.
    • std::bind -> a bind object
    • the lifetime of the bind object is the same as that of the closure
// C++14
std::vector<double> data;
auto func = [data = std::move(data)] { /* uses of data */ };

// C++11
std::vector<double> data;
auto func =
		[](const std::vector<double>& data)
	  { /* uses of data */ }, 

auto func =
		[](std::vector<double>& data) mutable
	  { /* uses of data */ }, 
Item 33: Use decltype on auto&& parameters to std::forward them.
  • generic lambdas
    • Definition: lambdas that use auto in their parameter specifications
    • Implementation: operator() in the lambda’s closure class is a template.
auto f = [](auto x){ return func(normalize(x)); };
class SomeCompilerGeneratedClassName {
	template<typename T>
	auto operator()(T x) const
	{ return func(normalize(x)); }

利用reference collapse --->
auto f = [](auto&& x){ return func(normalize(std::forward<decltype(param)>(x))); };

auto f =
  [](auto&&... param){ 
  	return func(normalize(std::forward<decltype(param)...>(x)));
Item 34: Prefer lambdas to std::bind
  • Lambdas are more readable, more expressive, and may be more efficient than using std::bind.

  • In C++11 only, std::bind may be useful for implementing move capture or for binding objects with templatized function call operators.

lambdas are more readable

lambdas are faster (in some cases, function pointer called through std::bind is less likely to be inlined)

// typedef for a point in time (see Item 9 for syntax)
using Time = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point;
// see Item 10 for "enum class"
enum class Sound { Beep, Siren, Whistle };
// typedef for a length of time
using Duration = std::chrono::steady_clock::duration;

// at time t, make sound s for duration d
void setAlarm(Time t, Sound s, Duration d);

auto setSoundL =
[](Sound s) {
	// make std::chrono components available w/o qualification
	using namespace std::chrono;
  setAlarm(steady_clock::now() + hours(1),

// 错误写法:steady_clock::now()没有在 setAlarm 调用时调用(而是在 std::bind)
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace std::literals;
using namespace std::placeholders;
auto setSoundB =
						steady_clock::now() + 1h, // incorrect!


auto setSoundB =
						std::bind(std::plus<>(), steady_clock::now(), 1h),
// C++11: std::plus<steady_clock::time_point>()

// 假如overload setAlarm
void setAlarm(Time t, Sound s, Duration d, Volume v);

using SetAlarm3ParamType = void(*)(Time t, Sound s, Duration d);
auto setSoundB =

// C++14
auto betweenL =
     [lowVal, highVal]
     (const auto& val)                          
     { return lowVal <= val && val <= highVal; };

using namespace std::placeholders;
auto betweenB =
	std::bind(std::logical_and<>(), // C++14
						std::bind(std::less_equal<>(), lowVal, _1),
            std::bind(std::less_equal<>(), _1, highVal));

// C++11
auto betweenL =
     [lowVal, highVal]
     (int val)                          
     { return lowVal <= val && val <= highVal; };

using namespace std::placeholders;
auto betweenB =
	std::bind(std::logical_and<bool>(), // C++14
						std::bind(std::less_equal<int>(), lowVal, _1),
            std::bind(std::less_equal<int>(), _1, highVal));
  • std::bind: implicitly stored by value

    • std::bind stores values, and all arguments passed to bind objects are passed by reference
    • can store refs: auto compressRateB = std::bind(compress, std::ref(w), _1);
  • Lambdas: explicitly

enum class CompLevel { Low, Normal, High };
Widget compress(const Widget& w,
                CompLevel lev);
  • std::bind有优势的场景 (all in C++11)
    • Move capture (Item 32)
    • Polymorphic function objects
class PolyWidget {
 template<typename T>
	void operator()(const T& param);

PolyWidget pw;
auto boundPW = std::bind(pw, _1);

// C++14 lambda
auto boundPW = [pw](const auto& param) // C++14
							 { pw(param); };

chpt 7 The Concurrency API

futures: std::future or std::shared_future

Item 35: Prefer task-based programming to thread-based.
// thread-based
int doAsyncWork();
std::thread t(doAsyncWork);
// task-based
auto fut = std::async(doAsyncWork);
  • 优势:返回值;异常容错;脱离 thread 的概念
  • thread
    • Hardware threads are the threads that actually perform computation. Contemporary machine architectures offer one or more hardware threads per CPU core.
    • Software threads (also known as OS threads or system threads) are the threads that the operating system manages across all processes and schedules for execution on hardware threads. It’s typically possible to create more software threads than hardware threads, because when a software thread is blocked (e.g., on I/O or waiting for a mutex or condition variable), throughput can be improved by executing other, unblocked, threads.
    • limited resource: 超额申请 -> std::system_error (即使函数是noexcept属性)
    • oversubscription: 线程过多 -> context switch 成本、cache 一致性
    • std::threads are objects in a C++ process that act as handles to underlying software threads. Some std::thread objects represent “null” handles, i.e., corre‐ spond to no software thread, because they’re in a default-constructed state (hence have no function to execute), have been moved from (the moved-to std::thread then acts as the handle to the underlying software thread), have been joined (the function they were to run has finished), or have been detached (the connection between them and their underlying software thread has been severed).
  • Task model 脱离 thread 的概念 -> 不用自己做线程管理,交给 runtime scheduler
    • 有全局信息,安排 "run it on the thread needing the result"
    • improve load balancing across hardware cores through work-stealing algorithms
  • some situations where using threads directly may be appropriate
    • You need access to the API of the underlying threading implementation.
      • native_handle
    • You need to and are able to optimize thread usage for your application.
    • You need to implement threading technology beyond the C++ concurrency API
Item 36: Specify std::launch::async if asynchronicity is essential.
  • std::launch::async: on a different thread
    • GUI thread
  • std::launch::deferred: deferred until get or wait is invoked
  • default = std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred
using namespace std::literals;
void f() {
auto fut = std::async(f);
while (fut.wait_for(100ms) != std::future_status::ready){
  // loop until f has finished running...
  // which may never happen!
  // fut.wait_for will always return std::future_status::deferred


auto fut = std::async(f);
if (fut.wait_for(0s) == std::future_status::deferred) {
	// use wait or get on fut to call f synchronously
} else { // task isn't deferred
	while (fut.wait_for(100ms) != std::future_status::ready) {
template<typename F, typename... Ts>
std::future<typename std::result_of<F(Ts...)>::type>
reallyAsync(F&& f, Ts&&... params) {
  return std::async(std::launch::async,

template<typename F, typename... Ts>
inline auto reallyAsync(F&& f, Ts&&... params) {
  return std::async(std::launch::async,
Item 37: Make std::threads unjoinable on all paths.
  • Joinable std::thread
    • Blocked or waiting to be scheduled
    • have run to completion
  • Unjoinable std::thread
    • Default-constructed std::threads
    • std::thread objects that have been moved from.
    • std::threads that have been joined.
    • std::threads that have been detached.
constexpr auto tenMillion = 10000000;  
// C++ 14: tenMillion = 10'000'000
bool doWork(std::function<bool(int)> filter,
	          int maxVal = tenMillion) {
	std::vector<int> goodVals;
	std::thread t([&filter, maxVal, &goodVals] {
									for (auto i = 0; i <= maxVal; ++i){
                    if (filter(i)) goodVals.push_back(i);
  // use handle to set t's priority
  // Recommend: start t suspended
  auto nh = t.native_handle();
  if (conditionsAreSatisfied()) {
    return true;
	return false;

destruction of a joinable thread causes program termination:以下两种设计都不合理

  • An implicit join:
    • 潜藏性能问题
    • Item 39: a hung program ---> interruptible threads ---> Anthony Williams’ C++ Concurrency in Action (Manning Publications, 2012), section 9.2.
  • An implicit detach:更坏的设计,局部变量销毁

=> 设计 RAII object

  • Declare std::thread objects last in lists of data members.
class ThreadRAII {
	enum class DtorAction { join, detach };
	ThreadRAII(std::thread&& t, DtorAction a)
	: action(a), t(std::move(t)) {}
	~ThreadRAII() {
		if (t.joinable()) {
			if (action == DtorAction::join) {
			} else {
  ThreadRAII(ThreadRAII&&) = default;
  ThreadRAII& operator=(ThreadRAII&&) = default;
  std::thread& get() { return t; }
  DtorAction action;
  std::thread t;
Item 38: Be aware of varying thread handle destructor behavior.

both std::thread objects and future objects can be thought of as handles to system threads.

  • a future is one end of a communications channel through which a callee transmits a result to a caller

    • 信息存在哪? ---> callee's promise, caller's future 都不行 ---> shared state
  • Future destructors normally just destroy the future’s data members.

  • The final future referring to a shared state for a non-deferred task launched via std::async blocks until the task completes.

    • deferred task <--- an implicit join
    • 另一种产生 shared state 的方式:std::packaged_task
int calcValue();
std::packaged_task<int()> pt(calcValue);
auto fut = pt.get_future();

std::thread t(std::move(pt));

  std::packaged_task<int()> pt(calcValue);
	auto fut = pt.get_future();
	std::thread t(std::move(pt));
Item 39: Consider void futures for one-shot event communication
std::condition_variable cv;
std::mutex m;

// detect event, tell reacting task


... //prepare to react
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
  cv.wait(lk); // wait for notify
  ... // react to event

Reacting 代码的问题:

  • 可能不必要的 mutex
  • If the detecting task notifies the condvar before the reacting task waits, the reacting task will hang.
  • The wait statement fails to account for spurious wakeups.

---> cv.wait(lk, []{ return whether the event has occurred; });


while (!pred()) {


  • 缺点是 polling in the reacting task <--- not truly blocked
std::atomic<bool> flag(false);

flag = true;

while (!flag);


// detector
std::condition_variable cv;
std::mutex m;
bool flag(false);
	std::lock_guard<std::mutex> g(m);
	flag = true;

// reactor
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
  cv.wait(lk, [] { return flag; });


=> having the reacting task wait on a future that’s set by the detecting task (void future)

std::promise<void> p;

// detector

// reactor
  • 优点:不浪费资源、无 spurious wakeups、无 mutex

  • 缺点:incur heap-based allocation and deallocation, limited to one-shot mechanism


std::promise<void> p;
void react();

void detect()
  std::thread t([] {


std::promise<void> p;
void react();

void detect()
  ThreadRAII tr(
    std::thread t([] {
    ThreadRAII::DtorAction::join    // risky!
  ... // thread inside tr is suspended here.
      // if an exception emitted --> ThreadRAII never returns
  p.set_value(); // unsuspend thread inside tr


std::promise<void> p;
void react();

void detect()
  auto sf = p.get_future().share();
  std::vector<std::thread> vt;
  for (int i = 0; i < threadsToRun; i++) {
    vt.emplace_back([sf]{ sf.wait();
                        	react(); });
  for (auto& t : vt) {

std::vector<folly::Promise<Input>> pros(inputs.size());
std::vector<folly::Future<Output>> futs;
for (auto& p : pros) {
  auto f = p.getFuture().thenValue([func1](Input input){
      return folly::makeFuture<Output>(func1(input));
    .thenValue([func2](Output output)) {
        return folly::makeFuture<Output>(func2(output));
    .thenValue([func2](Output output)) {
        return folly::makeFuture<Output>(func2(output));
auto allf = folly::collectAll(futs);
auto it = ...;
for (auto& p : pros) {
auto& results = allf.value();
Item 40: Use std::atomic for concurrency, volatile for special memory.

std::atomic is for data accessed from multiple threads without using mutexes. It’s a tool for writing concurrent software.

  • what’s atomic is nothing more than the read of an std::atomic

  • read-modify-write (RMW) operations

  • Data race is an undefined behavior => 变量可能是任意值

  • 可用于满足 critical ordering requirement (using sequential consistency)

std::atomic<bool> valAvailable(false);
auto imptValue = computeImportantValue();
valAvailable = true;
  • the copy operations for std::atomic are deleted
    • 硬件不支持 read x and write y in a single atomic operation
    • Move operations aren't explicitly declared
  • load and store
std::atomic<int> y(x.load());;

x.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_release);
  • exchange

    • 返回值是旧值
    • auto pre_val =;
  • std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_release);

std::string computation(int);
void print( std::string );
std::atomic<int> arr[3] = { -1, -1, -1 };
std::string data[1000]; //non-atomic data
// Thread A, compute 3 values
void ThreadA( int v0, int v1, int v2 )
//assert( 0 <= v0, v1, v2 < 1000 );
data[v0] = computation(v0);
data[v1] = computation(v1);
data[v2] = computation(v2);
std::atomic_store_explicit(&arr[0], v0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
std::atomic_store_explicit(&arr[1], v1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
std::atomic_store_explicit(&arr[2], v2, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Thread B, prints between 0 and 3 values already computed.
void ThreadB()
int v0 = std::atomic_load_explicit(&arr[0], std::memory_order_relaxed);
int v1 = std::atomic_load_explicit(&arr[1], std::memory_order_relaxed);
int v2 = std::atomic_load_explicit(&arr[2], std::memory_order_relaxed);
// v0, v1, v2 might turn out to be -1, some or all of them.
// otherwise it is safe to read the non-atomic data because of the fences:
if( v0 != -1 ) { print( data[v0] ); }
if( v1 != -1 ) { print( data[v1] ); }
if( v2 != -1 ) { print( data[v2] ); }

volatile is for memory where reads and writes should not be optimized away. It’s a tool for working with special memory.

  • volatile 关键字本质上是阻止编译器做常量优化
  • no guarantee of operation atomicity and insufficient restrictions on code reordering
  • In a nutshell, it’s for telling compilers that they’re dealing with memory that doesn’t behave normally
  • special memory
    • Memory-mapped I/O,与 peripherals 交互
  • seemingly redundant loads and dead stores must be preserved when dealing with special memory

共用两个特性:volatile std::atomic<int> vai

chpt 8 Tweaks

Item 41: Consider pass by value for copyable parameters that are cheap to move and always copied.
class Widget {
	void addName(std::string newName) { 	

标题中 copyable 的含义讨论:

void setPtr(std::unique_ptr<std::string>&& ptr) {
  p = std::move(ptr);

assignment 场景不同于 construction 的 case:

  • applies to any parameter type that holds values in dynamically allocated memory
class Password {
	void changeTo(const std::string& newPwd) {
    text = newPwd; // can reuse text's memory if text.capacity() >= new Pwd.size()

that pass by value is susceptiable to the slicing problem

class Widget { ... };
class SpecialWidget: public Widget { ... };
void processWidget(Widget w); // suffers from slicing problem
SpecialWidget sw;
Item 42: Consider emplacement instead of insertion

insert, push_front, push_back, std::forward_list::insert_after


emplace, emplace_front, emplace_back, std::forward_list::emplace_after

  • 所有容器中,只有 std::forward_list, std::array 不支持 insert
  • emplace_hint

emplace_back uses perfect forwarding (limitations -> Item 30)

a heuristic that can help you identify situations where emplacement functions are most likely to be worthwhile

  • The value being added is constructed into the container, not assigned.
    • Node-based containers virtually always use construction to add new values, and most standard containers are node-based. The only ones that aren’t are std::vector, std::deque, and std::string. (std::array isn’t, either, but it doesn’t support insertion or emplacement, so it’s not relevant here.)
  • The argument type(s) being passed differ from the type held by the container.
  • The container is unlikely to reject the new value as a duplicate.

two other issues

  • shared_ptr + push_back 异常安全性
    • Fundamentally, the effectiveness of resource-managing classes like std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr is predicated on resources (such as raw pointers from new) being immediately passed to constructors for resource-managing objects. The fact that functions like std::make_shared and std::make_unique automate this is one of the reasons they’re so important.
std::list<std::shared_ptr<Widget>> ptrs;
void killWidget(Widget* pWidget);
ptrs.push_back(std::shared_ptr<Widget>(new Widget, killWidget));
ptrs.push_back({ new Widget, killWidget });

ptrs.emplace_back(new Widget, killWidget); // 异常安全性问题


std::shared_ptr<Widget> spw(new Widget, killWidget);
  • interaction with explicit constructors
    • emplace_back is not considered an implicit conversion request
    • 深入思考,direct initialization is permitted to use explicit constructors
std::vector<std::regex> regexes;
regexes.emplace_back(nullptr); // why is it valid?
regexes.push_back(nullptr); // compile error
std::regex upperCaseWord("[A-Z]+"); // std::regex constructor takeing a const char* pointer is explicit

std::regex r1 = nullptr; // compile error
std::regex r2(nullptr); // compiles

《More Effective C++》

Item 8: Understand the different meanings of new and delete
  • the difference between the new operator and operator new

    • new operator: 分配内存 + 初始化对象,含义定死了
      • string *ps = new string("Memory Management");
    • operator new: 分配内存
      • void * operator new(size_t size);
      • void *rawMemory = operator new(sizeof(string));
  • placement new

    • 自己精细管理内存(析构时需要先手动调用 destructor 再释放内存)
    • 在 shared memory or memory-mapped I/O 场景比较有用

class Widget {
		Widget(int widgetSize);

Widget * constructWidgetInBuffer(void *buffer, int widgetSize) {
	return new (buffer) Widget(widgetSize);


typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(MyData), alignof(MyData)>::type data;
MyData *ptr = new(&data) MyData(2);
  • operator new and operator delete is the C++ equivalent of malloc and free

  • array 形式的 operator new[],会分别为每个 object 做构造和析构

  • Delete this

  • 这个stackoverflow讨论了alignment:

    • The pointer returned from the allocation function operator new[]() is well aligned. But new T[n] is not required to, and usually does not, return operator new[](n * sizeof (T)). Almost every compiler adds metadata in front to track the number of elements (so that the right number of destructors are called), and sticking a header in front obviously changes the alignment.

      • 通常padding T的size,以确保数组中每个T的内存是对齐的
    • The other thing is that minimal correct alignment which you get from new[] is not the same as optimal alignment. For performance reasons you want certain structures aligned to the cache. As such, even if you update your answer to cite the correct section of the Standard, it still doesn't address the question asked. Also, some instructions (notably SSE) require more stringent alignment.

    • 其实x86下的内存对齐对性能影响不大,不对齐的主要负面作用是:

      • 踩到一些库的坑,比如内存不对齐则走入冷门分支,性能差(e.g. TVM C++ input tensor)
      • 跨平台踩坑,arm主要是atomic指令,要求对齐
    • std的alignment

Abseil C++ Tips

Tip of the Week #93: using absl::Span

  • It provides a read-only interface to the elements of the vector, but it can also be constructed from non-vector types (like arrays and initializer lists) without incurring the cost of copying the elements.
  • The caller can pass a slice of the original vector, or pass a plain array. It is also compatible with other array-like containers, like ...
  • examples
    • basic usage
    • Safer memcpy
    • Const Correctness for Vector of Pointers
void TakesVector(const std::vector<int>& ints);
void TakesSpan(absl::Span<const int> ints);

void PassOnlyFirst3Elements() {
  std::vector<int> ints = MakeInts();
  // We need to create a temporary vector, and incur an allocation and a copy.
  TakesVector(std::vector<int>(ints.begin(), ints.begin() + 3));
  // No copy or allocations are made when using Span.
  TakesSpan(absl::Span<const int>(, 3));

void PassALiteral() {
  // This creates a temporary std::vector<int>.
  TakesVector({1, 2, 3});
  // Span does not need a temporary allocation and copy, so it is faster.
  TakesSpan({1, 2, 3});
void IHaveAnArray() {
  int values[10] = ...;
  // Once more, a temporary std::vector<int> is created.
  TakesVector(std::vector<int>(std::begin(values), std::end(values)));
  // Just pass the array. Span detects the size automatically.
  // No copy was made.
// Good code
class DoThisInstead {
  absl::Span<const Foo* const> foos() const { return foos_; }

  std::vector<Foo*> foos_;

void Caller(const DoThisInstead& my_class) {
  // This one doesn't compile.
  // my_class.foos()[0]->SomeNonConstOp();
absl::Span<float> GetMutableNum(void* ctx) const {
  float* ctx_float = static_cast<float*>(ctx);
  return absl::MakeSpan(ctx_float, ctx_float + dim_size_);

auto span = GetMutableNum(ctx);
std::memcpy(, ...);

absl::Span<const float> a;
auto* mutable_a = const_cast<float*>(;

Tip of the Week #108: Avoid std::bind

  • Applying std::bind() to a type you don’t control is always a bug.
  • 用 bind_front

Use Absl

template <typename InputSequence, typename OutputIterator>
OutputIterator c_copy(const InputSequence& input, OutputIterator output) {
  return std::copy(container_algorithm_internal::c_begin(input),
                   container_algorithm_internal::c_end(input), output);

absl::c_copy(absl::Span<const float>, proto2::RepeatedFieldBackInserter(proto.mutable_num()));


3 Goals for Better Code

  • No Raw Loops
    • 问题:raw loop 影响对上下文理解、隐藏内部性能问题
    • 解决:STL functions
      • Now we can have the conversation about supporting multiple selections and disjoint selections!
    • Range based for loops for for-each and simple transforms
      • Use const auto& for for-each and auto& for transforms
      • Keep the body short
        • A general guideline is no longer than composition of two functions with an operator
template <typename I> // I models RandomAccessIterator
auto slide(I f, I l, I p) -> pair<I, I>
// 将 [f,l]上滑到 p 或 下滑到 p
    if (p < f) return { p, rotate(p, f, l) };
    if (l < p) return { rotate(f, l, p), p };
    return { f, l };

template <typename I, // I models BidirectionalIterator
          typename S> // S models UnaryPredicate
auto gather(I f, I l, I p, S s) -> pair<I, I> 
	return { stable_partition(f, p, not1(s)), stable_partition(p, l, s) };
// Next, check if the panel has moved to the left side of another panel.
auto f = begin(expanded_panels_) + fixed_index;
auto p = lower_bound(begin(expanded_panels_), f, center_x,
[](const ref_ptr<Panel>& e, int x){ return e->cur_panel_center() < x; }); // If it has, then we reorder the panels.
rotate(p, f, f + 1);
  • No Raw Synchronization Primitives
    • Synchronization primitives are basic constructs such as: Mutex、Atomic、Semaphore、Memory Fence
    • Amdahl's Law: 并行优化scaling特性取决于程序的异步、同步模型
    • Task Systems: object, thread pool
    • Unfortunately, we don’t yet have a standard async task model, std::async() is currently defined to be based on threads
      • This may change in C++14 and Visual C++ 2012 already implements std::async() as a task model
      • Windows - Window #read Pool and PPL
      • Apple - Grand Central Dispatch (libdispatch): Open sourced, runs on Linux and Android
      • Intel TBB - many platform
    • std::packaged_task can be used to marshall results, including exceptions, from tasks
      • std::packaged_task is also useful to safely bridge C++ code with exceptions to C code
      • see prior async() implementation for an example
template <typename T>
class bad_cow {
	struct object_t {
		explicit object_t(const T& x) : data_m(x) { ++count_m; }
		atomic<int> count_m;
		T data_m;
	object_t* object_m;
	explicit bad_cow(const T& x) : object_m(new object_t(x)) { }
	~bad_cow() { if (0 == --object_m->count_m) delete object_m; }
	bad_cow(const bad_cow& x) : object_m(x.object_m) { ++object_m->count_m; }
	bad_cow& operator=(const T& x) {
		if (object_m->count_m == 1) object_m->data_m = x; 
		else {
			object_t* tmp = new object_t(x);
			// --object_m->count_m;
      // =>
      // if (0 == --object_m->count_m) delete object_m;
			object_m = tmp;
    return *this;
// C++14 compatible async with libdispatch
namespace adobe {
template <typename F, typename ...Args>
auto async(F&& f, Args&&... args)
				-> std::future<typename std::result_of<F (Args...)>::type>
  using result_type = typename std::result_of<F (Args...)>::type;
	using packaged_type = std::packaged_task<result_type ()>;
	auto p = new packaged_type(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
  auto result = p->get_future();
  dispatch_async_f(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), p, [](void* f_) {
		packaged_type* f = static_cast<packaged_type*>(f_); (*f)();
		delete f;
    return result;
} // namespace adobe
// std::list can be used in a pinch to create thread safe data structures with splice
template <typename T> class concurrent_queue
	mutex   mutex_;
  list<T> q_;
  void enqueue(T x) {
    list<T> tmp;
			lock_guard<mutex> lock(mutex); 
      q_.splice(end(q_), tmp);
	// ...
  • No Raw Pointers

    Why Raw Pointers

    • For containers we’ve moved from intrusive to non-intrusive (STL) containers
      • Except for hierarchies - but containment hierarchies or non-intrusive hierarchies are both viable options
      • intrusive vs nontrusive
    • PIMPL and copy optimizations are trivially wrapped
    • See previous section regarding shared storage for asynchronous operations
    • Runtime polymorphism

    用智能指针处理的defects:1)要注意异常安全性=>make_shared;2)改变了对象的 semantics of copy, assignment and equality;3)thread-safety concerns

    • shared structure also breaks our ability to reason locally about the code
class my_class_t : public object_t
  void draw(ostream& out, size_t position) const {
    out << string(position, ' ') << "my_class_t" << endl; 
  /* ... */
int main() {
	document_t document;
	document.emplace_back(new my_class_t());
  draw(document, cout, 0);

======> 用封装防范两个函数修改同一个object

template <typename T>
void draw(const T& x, ostream& out, size_t position) {
  out << string(position, ' ') << x << endl; 
class object_t {
	template <typename T> // T models Drawable
  // Pass sink arguments by value and move into place
	object_t(T x) : self_(make_shared<model<T>>(move(x))) { }
	friend void draw(const object_t& x, ostream& out, size_t position) {
    x.self_->draw_(out, position); 

  struct concept_t {
		virtual ~concept_t() = default;
		virtual void draw_(ostream&, size_t) const = 0; 
	template <typename T> struct model : concept_t {
		model(T x) : data_(move(x)) { }
		void draw_(ostream& out, size_t position) const { 
      draw(data_, out, position); 
		T data_; 
  shared_ptr<const concept_t> self_; 
using document_t = vector<object_t>;
void draw(const document_t& x, ostream& out, size_t position)
    out << string(position, ' ') << "<document>" << endl;
    for (auto& e : x) draw(e, out, position + 2);
    out << string(position, ' ') << "</document>" << endl;

class my_class_t // 无需继承 object_t => my_class_t 可以同时满足多个 polymorphic settings
  void draw(ostream& out, size_t position){ 
  	out << string(position, ' ') << "my_class_t" << endl;

int main(){
	document_t document;
  auto saving = async([=]() { 
    cout << "-- save --" << endl;
    draw(document, cout, 0);
  draw(document, cout, 0);

性能友好的 C++ 代码 by 张青山

  • Static 修饰很关键,告诉编译器变量的可见范围在当前编译单元

    • const 没有意义,因为可以 const_cast
    • 也可以打包在结构体栈对象里面,全文传递
  • std::string_view v.s. std::string

    • 编译器会有一个编译单元,生成唯一的构造函数,专门初始化所有全局对象
  • 普通容器的构造函数通常在cpp文件内定义,编译器无法分析是否有副作用(修改全局变量、操作设备等),所以即使没人使用它们,也需要构造出来

  • 不要在头文件中定义容器对象【非 POD(plain old data) 数据】

    • 任何 include "xxx.h" 所编译出来的.o 文件里面都会创建这些对象,也就是说链接出来的二进制中有很多份对象
      • 之所以不得不创建,本质上是因为非POD数据有构造函数,需要动态分配内存,编译器不敢做优化
      • 非要这样做,可以考虑用 extern
    • C++标准在推更多 constexpr容器
    • Guideline: 能用array用array,放在头文件定义;不能用array的,放在cpp定义
#ifndef MAP
#define MAP(x, y)
#undef MAP
const std::unordered_map<std::string, int> map = {
#define MAP(x, y) {#x, y},
#include "xxx.def"

const std::vector<int> vec = {
#define MAP(x, y) y,
#include "xxx.def"
ANSI aliasing
  • 对 cast 完的指针做 dereference 是个 UB(Undefined Behavior) 行为

  • strict-aliasing

    • TBAA(type based alias analysis): 编译器假设不同类型指针指向的内存是不交叉的
      • O2以上默认开启
    • 本质上,要保证指针在生产和消费时的类型是一致的
    • 注意:alias 排除 void * 和char *,可以随便 cast 他们,是为了给比如 int *p = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); 留后门
  • uint8_t 的 strict aliasing 讨论:

  • -fno-strict-aliasing 来禁掉该优化,但如果关掉 strict-aliasing, 对程序的性能有巨大的影响

  • 慎用 C++ 异常

    • 发生异常会两次回溯整个调用栈,代价非常大,不要用来解决控制流切换
    • 对编译器的影响:1)eh_frame 生成数据,影响代码 size;2)插入代码,影响 icache
    • -fno-exceptions
  • 短函数尽量在头文件实现

    • 如果声明和实现分离,编译器不知道实现里做了什么
    • 可以用 LTO 优化来解决
// "a.h"
struct A() {
  int buf[1000];

int main() {
  A a;  // 不会优化成空语句
  return 0;

// "a.cpp"
A::A() {}
  • 循环条件外提
    • 这里编译器每次都会算 m.end()
    • range base for 假设循环不修改容器
void bar();
int foo(const std::vector<int>& m) {
  int sum = 1;
  for (auto it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); it++) {
    sum += *it;
  return sum;

C++ Potpourri






volatile特性:这条代码不要被编译器优化,volatile int counter = 0,避免出现意料之外的情况,常用于全局变量

C不能用for(int i=0; ; ) 需要先定义i

负数取余是负数,如果想取模:a = (b%m+m)%m;



/* Types for `void *' pointers.  */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
# ifndef __intptr_t_defined
typedef long int		intptr_t;
#  define __intptr_t_defined
# endif
typedef unsigned long int	uintptr_t;
# ifndef __intptr_t_defined
typedef int			intptr_t;
#  define __intptr_t_defined
# endif
typedef unsigned int		uintptr_t;

经典例子:x = a + b & c,加法更优先

  • 结构体局部变量要初始化(天坑......)
  • 结构体内存分配问题:内存对齐
    • 起始地址为该变量的类型所占的整数倍,若不足则不足部分用数据填充至所占内存的整数倍。
    • 该结构体所占内存为结构体成员变量中最大数据类型的整数倍。
    • e.g.: 1+4+1+8->4+4+8+8=24
    • 基于内存对齐特性,可以有一些巧妙的设计,利用上对齐的额外空间,增加新属性而不增加内存
    • 属性设置
      • 字节对齐:__attribute__ ((__packed__))
  • Bit-field in structures


  • __VA_ARGS__
#define LOGF_AND_PRINT(...) \
  printf(__VA_ARGS__);      \
  printf("\n");             \
  auto A = (__VA_ARGS__);
  • do while(0) 技巧

    • 宏中可使用局部变量
  • roundup

block_size = roundup(block_size, ::sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE));  // 4KB
  • Note
    • C 的预处理程序也可能引起某些意想不到的结果。例如,宏UINT_MAX 定义在limit.h中,但假如在程序中忘了include 这个头文件,下面的伪指令就会无声无息地失败,因为预处理程序会把预定义的UINT_MAX 替换成0:
#if UINT_MAX > 65535u


  1. Little-Endian就是低位字节排放在内存的低地址端,高位字节排放在内存的高地址端

  2. Big-Endian就是高位字节排放在内存的低地址端,低位字节排放在内存的高地址端(和字符串相似)

// 不同机器,统一返回小端
inline uint64_t native_to_little(uint64_t in) {
    const static union {
        uint32_t i;
        char c[4];
    } endian_test = {0x01000000};

    switch(endian_test.c[0]) {
        case 1:
            in = ((in >> 32) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL) |

                 ((in << 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL);
            in = ((in >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFULL) |

                 ((in << 16) & 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000ULL);
            in = ((in >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFULL) |

                 ((in << 8) & 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00ULL);
    return in;



  • int *p=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int));int *p=new int[10]
  • 二维数组的定义:TYPE(*p)[N] = new TYPE[][N];,要指出行数
  • 复制构造函数:常引用
  • 析构函数
    • 对象的 destructor 不被 call 的情形:Most stem from abnormal program termination. If an exception propagates out of a thread’s primary function (e.g., main, for the program’s initial thread) or if a noexcept specification is violated (see Item 14), local objects may not be destroyed, and if std::abort or an exit function (i.e., std::_Exit, std::exit, or std::quick_exit) is called, they definitely won’t be.
  • 虚函数 =>对象内有虚函数表,指向虚函数表的指针:32位系统4字节,64位系统8字节
    • 虚析构函数
  • 虚基类偏移量表指针
  • 总览

    • When used for data members it means that the data is allocated in the class and not in instances.
    • When used for data inside a function it means that the data is allocated statically, initialized the first time the block is entered and lasts until the program quits. Also the variable is visible only inside the function. This special feature of local statics is often used to implement lazy construction of singletons.
    • When used at a compilation unit level (module) it means that the variable is like a global (i.e. allocated and initialized before main is run and destroyed after main exits) but that the variable will not be accessible or visible in other compilation units.
  • Why can't I initialize non-const static member or static array in class?

class Class {
    static std::vector<int> & replacement_for_initialized_static_non_const_variable() {
        static std::vector<int> Static {42, 0, 1900, 1998};
        return Static;
using / namespace

namespace XXX{
using namespace XXX;
using XXX::object;

using namespace namespace_name1::namespace_name2;
  • 匿名命名空间:写在cpp文件里

    • 编译器在内部会为这个命名空间生成一个唯一的名字,而且还会为这个匿名的命名空间生成一条using指令
    • 具有internal属性,不会被外部文件声明extern链接
    • 不要在头文件中使用匿名命名空间,提倡在cpp/cc文件中使用匿名命名空间来代替static关键字。
      • 会在每个引用他的cpp文件中生成大量数据
  • 派生类中使用 using::父类::函数名

    • “隐藏”是指派生类的函数屏蔽了与其同名的基类函数,规则如下:
      • 如果派生类的函数与基类的函数同名,但是参数不同。此时,不论有无virtual关键字,基类的函数将被隐藏(注意别与重载混淆)。
      • 如果派生类的函数与基类的函数同名,并且参数也相同,但是基类函数没有virtual关键字。此时,基类的函数被隐藏(注意别与覆盖混淆)


  • 减少重复代码(避免用宏)
void object_loop(const std::function<void(Object&)>& func) {
  for (auto& input : inputs) {

void do_sth() {
  object_loop([&](Object& input) {
    if (is_valid(input)) {
  • 线程池使用
auto func = [&](int tid, size_t mi) {
my_thread_pool()->parallel_for(parallel_num, begin, end, func);
range iteration
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (int value : arr) {
// Use value
std::vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (int& ref : vec) {
// Modify ref

It supports arrays, types that provide begin and end member functions, and types for which begin and end functions are found via argument-dependent lookup

  • dynamic_cast
    • 会返回nullptr
  • typeid
    • const std::type_info& info = typeid(object_expression);
    • does not support reference types.
constexpr if

template<typename T>
auto get_value(T t)
    if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T>)
        return *t; // deduces return type to int for T = int*
        return t;  // deduces return type to int for T = int

std::is_same<T, MyType>::value



  • 既不能改变原运算符的运算优先级和结合性,也不能改变操作数的个数

    • “.”、“.”(成员指针运算符)、“::”(作用域分辨符)、“ ? : ”(三目运算符) 、sizeof 以及typeid这6个操作符不能重载。否则会带来难以琢磨的问题
  • 和类的概念紧密联系,操作数中至少有一个是自定义的类类型。 这一点也和编译原理有联系


  • 非成员函数不一定要作为类的友元,如果只通过外部接口访问类,当类的内部结构改变时,不用改操作符
inline WrappingInt32 operator++(WrappingInt32 &a, int) {
    uint32_t r = a.raw_value();
    a = a + 1;
    return WrappingInt32(r);
  • =, [], (), ->只能重载为成员函数
  • 友元函数实现
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class pwr {
	pwr(int i) { num = i; }
	friend int operator ^(pwr, pwr);
private: int num;
int operator ^(pwr b, pwr e)
	int t, temp;
	temp = b.num;
	for (t = e.num - 1; t; t--)
		b.num *= temp;
	return b.num;
  • 二目操作符的成员函数:参数常引用

bool operator==(const Operation& other) const { return node_ == other.node_; }

  • 二目操作符的友员函数
  • 单目操作符的成员函数
    • 前置重载++a视为无形参的成员函数,后置a++具有一个int类型形参
    • 前置重载++a返回值带引用,而后置重载返回值不带引用
  • 单目操作符的友元函数:见上面WrappingInt32的例子



  • 经典解法:考虑返回引用、连续赋值、等号两边相同的情形
CMyString& CMyString::operator=(const CMyString &str){
		return *this;
	delete []m_pData;
	m_pData = new char[strlen(str.m_pData)+1];
	strcpy(m_pData, str.m_pData);
	return *this;
  • 考虑异常安全性:上面的解法在 new 分配之前先 delete,违背了 Exception Safety 原则,我们需要保证分配内存失败时原先的实例不会被修改,因此可以先复制,或者创造临时实例。(临时实例利用了if语句,在if的大括号外会自动析构)
CMyString& CMyString::operator=(const CMyString &str){
		CMyString strTemp(str);
	return this;

2.<< 操作符的重载

  • ostream &operator << (ostream &output, 自定义类型&); //istream也可
  • 只能重载为类的友元函数(否则必须修改系统的ostream类,不被允许)
  • 为了级联输出,重载函数的形参和返回值必须是I / O对象的引用
  • 对于 cout << c1 << c2 << c3;语句,编译器需要一次性生成可执行代码,因为C++是编译型语言,不是BASIC那种边编译边执行的解释型语言。为了按照c1,c2,c3的顺序输出,就需要把对象按照c3,c2,c1的次序依此入栈,便于执行时的边出栈边打印,因此一次性传递完参数然后再从左向右执行。


operator 类型名()
	return 与类型名类型相同的转换结果;
  • 此函数前没有返回类型,函数也没有参数。函数将会自动返回与类型转换函数类型名相同的类型。
  • 这里的类型名是基本数据类型int,double等。
  • 类型转换函数只能作为相应类的成员函数。
  • 总的来看,类中的类型转换函数优先级很高,导致类的对象在运算时,不按常规方式操作,而是先进行类型强制转换,导致结果不可琢磨,因此类型转换函数要慎用!


Access Modifiers in C++

  • protected: 类似private,但可以被派生类调用


class SpecialPerson: public Person {
	SpecialPerson(const SpecialPerson& rhs) : Person(rhs) {... }
	SpecialPerson(SpecialPerson&& rhs) : Person(std::move(rhs)) {... }


class Solution;
typedef bool (Solution::*FP_func)(int n);
class Solution {
    FP_func m_pfn_func;
    bool isEven(int n){
        return (n&1)==0;
    vector<int> exchange(vector<int>& nums) {
        if(nums.empty())return nums;
        int i=-1,j=nums.size();
            while((this->*m_pfn_func)(nums[--j])) if(j==0)break;
        return nums;
  • 类的静态成员函数指针


static std::string read_file(const std::string& file_name) {
  std::string str = "";
  std::ifstream infile;;
  infile.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
  infile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

  return str;
  • 关于linux阻塞/非阻塞读
    • 返回非零值:实际read到的字节数
    • 返回-1
      • errno != EAGAIN (或!= EWOULDBLOCK) read 出错
      • errno == EAGAIN (或== EWOULDBLOCK) 设置了非阻塞读,并且没有数据到达
    • 返回0:读到文件末尾
    • 工程实践
      • cs144/sponge 的 eventloop 设计
class cplus_input{
        vector<int> num;
        void input_comma(){
            int a;
            while (cin >> a)
                if (cin.get() == '\n')

            // string s;
            // cin >> s;
            // char *str = (char *)s.c_str(); //string --> char
            // const char *split = ",";
            // char *p = strtok(str, split); //逗号分隔依次取出
            // while (p != NULL)
            // {
            //     sscanf(p, "%d", &a); //char ---> int
            //     num.push_back(a);
            //     p = strtok(NULL, split); //s为空值NULL,则函数保存的指针SAVE_PTR在下一次调用中将作为起始位置。
            // }


  • #、__FILE__、__LINE__ 的运用
#define CHECK(x)                                                \
  if (!(x))                                                       \
  LogMessageFatal(__FILE__, __LINE__).stream() \
      << "Check failed: " #x << ": "

namespace euclid {
namespace rosetta {

class LogMessageFatal {
  LogMessageFatal(const char* file, int line) {
    log_stream_ << file << ":" << line << ": ";
  std::ostringstream& stream() {
    return log_stream_;
  ~LogMessageFatal() noexcept(false) {
    throw std::runtime_error(log_stream_.str());

  std::ostringstream log_stream_;

multi-thread programming

#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <shared_mutex>

	std::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(mutex_);

std::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(mutex_);

lock.unlock(); //临时解锁
// do sth
lock.lock(); //继续上锁
// do sth
auto old = addr.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
while(not addr.compare_exchange_weak(old, old|1)) {};

std::atomic<Widget*> cachedWidget;

Widget* GetSingletonWidget()
 Widget* widget = cachedWidget;
 if (!widget) {
  widget = new(std::nothrow) Widget();
  if (widget) {
   Widget* previousWidget = nullptr;
   if (!cachedWidget.compare_exchange_strong(previousWidget, widget)) {
    // lost the race - destroy the redundant widget
    delete widget;
    widget = previousWidget;
 return widget;
struct ttas_lock {
  void lock() {
    for (;;) {
      if (!, std::memory_order_acquire)) {
      while (lock_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {

struct spinlock {
  std::atomic<bool> lock_ = {0};

  void lock() noexcept {
    for (;;) {
      // Optimistically assume the lock is free on the first try
      if (!, std::memory_order_acquire)) {
      // Wait for lock to be released without generating cache misses
      while (lock_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
        // Issue X86 PAUSE or ARM YIELD instruction to reduce contention between
        // hyper-threads

  bool try_lock() noexcept {
    // First do a relaxed load to check if lock is free in order to prevent
    // unnecessary cache misses if someone does while(!try_lock())
    return !lock_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) &&
           !, std::memory_order_acquire);

  void unlock() noexcept {, std::memory_order_release);
  • std::atomic
// 让并发函数中的某一global部分不并发
bool cur = false;
if (updating_.compare_exchange_weak(cur,true)) {
  if (timer_ptr_->tick()) {
  • 大量读,少量更新,可以用tbb::concurrent_hash_map<key_type, value_type>;
	typename map_type::const_accessor cit;
	bool found = _map.find(cit, key);
  typename map_type::accessor it;
  _map.insert(it, key);

using queue_type = tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<timed_key>;
std::mutex mu;
std::condition_variable cv;


void wait_task() {
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mu);
  cv.wait(lk, [this]() { return ready; });

void finish_task() {
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mu);
  ready = true;
  • Shared Store

    • 参考 shared_store.h
    • SharedStore<ObjectPool> 常见用法
  • Thread Local

  • Memory Coherence and Memory Consistency

    • 如何理解 C++11 的六种 memory order? - Furion W的回答 - 知乎
    • Memory Consistency Model
      • Sequential consistency model
      • 在无缓存的体系结构下实现SC
        • Write buffers with read bypassing
        • Overlapping writes
        • Nonblocking reads
      • 在有缓存的体系结构下实现SC
        • Cache coherence protocols
        • Detecting write completion
        • Maintaining write atomicity
    • C++11 memory order
      • Synchronized-with 与 happens-before 关系
      • 顺序一致次序 sequential consistent(memory_order_seq_cst)
      • 松弛次序 relaxed(memory_order_relaxed)
        • 在 relaxed ordering 中唯一的要求是在同一线程中,对同一原子变量的访问不可以被重排
      • 获取-释放次序 acquire release(memory_order_consume, memory_order_acquire, memory_order_release, memory_order_acq_rel)



CppCon 2014: Mike Acton "Data-Oriented Design and C++"

CppCon 2018: Stoyan Nikolov “OOP Is Dead, Long Live Data-oriented Design”


  • Concept
  • Coroutine: 可暂停和恢复的函数
    • 概念:只有并发的概念,没有并行的概念,协作式多任务;和 thread 是并列的关系
    • 分类:stack full, stackless
    • e.g. A调B,B可以随时主动suspend/resume,和A混着执行,控制权可以由用户决定
    • 场景:
      • IO Bound: 用同步样式的代码写异步逻辑
      • Ordered Tasks:性能更好
    • How to write: 有以下任一关键字的函数是coroutine
      • co_await
      • co_yield
      • co_return
    • Promise & coroutine_handle
    • co_await
    • co_yield

《The Art of Readable Code》 by Dustin Boswell and Trevor Foucher. Copyright 2012 Dustin Boswell and Trevor Foucher, 978-0-596-80229-5

chpt 1 Code Should Be Easy to Understand

  • Code should be written to minimize the time it would take for someone else to understand it.

Part I: Surface Level Improvements

chpt 2 Packing Information into Names

  • Word Alternatives

    • send: deliver, dispatch, announce, distribute, route
    • find: search, extract, locate, recover
    • start: launch, create, begin, open
    • make: create, set up, build, generate, compose, add, new
  • Avoid Generic Names Like tmp and retval

    • sum_squares += v[i] * v[i];
    • The name tmp should be used only in cases when being short-lived and temporary is the most important fact about that variable
      • tmp_file
    • loop iterators: ci, mi, ui
  • Prefer Concrete Names over Abstract Names

    • ServerCanStart() -> CanListenOnPort()
    • #define DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ClassName) ...
  • Attaching Extra Information to a Name

    • delay_secs, size_mb, max_kbps, degrees_cw (cw means clockwise)
    • untrustedUrl, plaintext_password, unescaped_comment, html_utf8, data_urlenc
    • 拓展:Hungarian notation
      • pszbuffer, z(zero-terminated)
  • How Long Should a Name Be?

    • Shorter Names Are Okay for Shorter Scope
    • ConvertToString()->ToString()
  • Use Name Formatting to Convey Meaning

    • kMaxOpenFile 方便和宏区分
    • 私有成员加下划线后缀
static const int kMaxOpenFiles = 100;
class LogReader {
		void OpenFile(string local_file);
		int offset_;
  • about HTML/CSS
    • use underscores to separate words in IDs and dashes to separate words in classes
    • <div id="middle_column" class="main-content">

chpt 3 Names That Can’t Be Misconstrued

  • filter() -> select() or exclude()
  • Clip(text, length) -> truncate(text, max_chars)
  • The clearest way to name a limit is to put max_ or min_ in front of the thing being limited.
  • when considering ranges
    • Prefer first and last for Inclusive Ranges
    • Prefer begin and end for Inclusive/Exclusive Ranges
  • when using bool
    • read_password -> need_password or user_is_authenticated
    • avoid negated terms
    • HasSpaceLeft() , use is or has
  • Matching Expectations of Users, users may expect get() or size() to be lightweight methods.
    • get_mean -> compute_mean()
    • list::size()不一定是O(1)
  • Example: Evaluating Multiple Name Candidates
    • inherit_from_experiment_id: or copy_experiment:

chpt 4 Aesthetics

  • principles

    • Use consistent layout, with patterns the reader can get used to.
    • Make similar code look similar.
    • Group related lines of code into blocks.
  • Rearrange Line Breaks to Be Consistent and Compact

public class PerformanceTester {
        // TcpConnectionSimulator(throughput, latency, jitter, packet_loss)
        //                            [Kbps]   [ms]    [ms]    [percent]
        public static final TcpConnectionSimulator wifi =
        		new TcpConnectionSimulator(500, 	80, 		200, 			1);
        public static final TcpConnectionSimulator t3_fiber =
        		new TcpConnectionSimulator(45000, 10, 			0, 			0);
        public static final TcpConnectionSimulator cell =
        		new TcpConnectionSimulator(100,  400, 		250, 			5);
  • Use Methods to Clean Up Irregularity
    • If multiple blocks of code are doing similar things, try to give them the same silhouette.
void CheckFullName(string partial_name,
                   string expected_full_name,
									 string expected_error) {
  // database_connection is now a class member
  string error;
  string full_name = ExpandFullName(database_connection, partial_name, &error); 			assert(error == expected_error);
  assert(full_name == expected_full_name);
  • Use Column Alignment When Helpful
  • Pick a Meaningful Order, and Use It Consistently
    • Match the order of the variables to the order of the input fields on the corresponding HTML form.
    • Order them from “most important” to “least important.”
    • Order them alphabetically.
  • Organize Declarations into Blocks
  • Break Code into “Paragraphs”
def suggest_new_friends(user, email_password):
  # Get the user's friends' email addresses.
  friends = user.friends()
  friend_emails = set( for f in friends)

  # Import all email addresses from this user's email account.
  contacts = import_contacts(, email_password)
  contact_emails = set( for c in contacts)

  # Find matching users that they aren't already friends with.
  non_friend_emails = contact_emails - friend_emails
  suggested_friends =
	# Display these lists on the page.
  display['user'] = user
	display['friends'] = friends
  display['suggested_friends'] = suggested_friends

	return render("suggested_friends.html", display)
  • Personal Style versus Consistency
    • Consistent style is more important than the “right” style.

chpt 5 Knowing What to Comment

The purpose of commenting is to help the reader know as much as the writer did.

  • What NOT to Comment
    • Don’t comment on facts that can be derived quickly from the code itself.
    • Don’t Comment Just for the Sake of Commenting
    • Don’t Comment Bad Names—Fix the Names Instead
# remove everything after the second '*'
name = '*'.join(line.split('*')[:2])
// Find a Node with the given 'name' or return NULL.
// If depth <= 0, only 'subtree' is inspected.
// If depth == N, only 'subtree' and N levels below are inspected.
Node* FindNodeInSubtree(Node* subtree, string name, int depth);
// Make sure 'reply' meets the count/byte/etc. limits from the 'request'
void EnforceLimitsFromRequest(Request request, Reply reply);

void ReleaseRegistryHandle(RegistryKey* key);
  • Recording Your Thoughts
    • Include “Director Commentary”
    • Comment the Flaws in Your Code
    • Comment on Your Constants
// Surprisingly, a binary tree was 40% faster than a hash table for this data.
// The cost of computing a hash was more than the left/right comparisons.

// This heuristic might miss a few words. That's OK; solving this 100% is hard.

// This class is getting messy. Maybe we should create a 'ResourceNode' subclass to
// help organize things.
// TODO: use a faster algorithm
// TODO(dustin): handle other image formats besides JPEG

// XXX: Danger! Major problem here!

// todo: (lower case) or maybe-later:
NUM_THREADS = 8; // as long as it's >= 2 * num_processors, that's good enough.

// Impose a reasonable limit - no human can read that much anyway.
const int MAX_RSS_SUBSCRIPTIONS = 1000;

image_quality = 0.72; // users thought 0.72 gave the best size/quality tradeoff
  • Put Yourself in the Reader’s Shoes
    • Anticipating Likely Questions
    • Advertising Likely Pitfalls
    • “Big Picture” Comments
    • Summary Comments
// Force vector to relinquish its memory (look up "STL swap trick")
// Calls an external service to deliver email.  (Times out after 1 minute.)
void SendEmail(string to, string subject, string body);

// Runtime is O(number_tags * average_tag_depth), so watch out for badly nested inputs.
def FixBrokenHtml(html): ...
// This file contains helper functions that provide a more convenient interface to
// our file system. It handles file permissions and other nitty-gritty details.
def GenerateUserReport():
  # Acquire a lock for this user
  # Read user's info from the database
  # Write info to a file
  # Release the lock for this user
  • Final Thoughts—Getting Over Writer’s Block
// Oh crap, this stuff will get tricky if there are ever duplicates in this list.
// Careful: this code doesn't handle duplicates in the list (because that's hard to do)

chpt 6 Making Comments Precise and Compact

Comments should have a high information-to-space ratio.

  • Keep Comments Compact
// CategoryType -> (score, weight)
typedef hash_map<int, pair<float, float> > ScoreMap;
  • Avoid Ambiguous Pronouns
// Insert the data into the cache, but check if it's too big first.
// Insert the data into the cache, but check if the data is too big first.
// If the data is small enough, insert it into the cache.
  • Polish Sloppy Sentences

    • e.g. Give higher priority to URLs we've never crawled before.
  • Describe Function Behavior Precisely

    • e.g. Count how many newline bytes ('\n') are in the file.
  • Use Input/Output Examples That Illustrate Corner Cases

// ...
// Example: Strip("abba/a/ba", "ab") returns "/a/"
String Strip(String src, String chars) { ... }

// Rearrange 'v' so that elements < pivot come before those >= pivot;
// Then return the largest 'i' for which v[i] < pivot (or -1 if none are < pivot)
// Example: Partition([8 5 9 8 2], 8) might result in [5 2 | 8 9 8] and return 1
int Partition(vector<int>* v, int pivot);
  • State the Intent of Your Code
void DisplayProducts(list<Product> products) {
  // Display each price, from highest to lowest
  for (list<Product>::reverse_iterator it = products.rbegin(); it != products.rend(); ++it)
  • “Named Function Parameter” Comments
void Connect(int timeout, bool use_encryption) { ... }

// Call the function with commented parameters
Connect(/* timeout_ms = */ 10, /* use_encryption = */ false);
  • Use Information-Dense Words
    • // This class acts as a caching layer to the database.
    • // Canonicalize the street address (remove extra spaces, "Avenue" -> "Ave.", etc.)

Part II: Simplifying Loops and Logic

chpt 7 Making Control Flow Easy to Read

  • The Order of Arguments in Conditionals
    • while (bytes_received < bytes_expected)
  • The Order of if/else Blocks
    • Prefer dealing with the positive case first instead of the negative—e.g., if (debug) instead of if (!debug).
    • Prefer dealing with the simpler case first to get it out of the way. This approach might also allow both the if and the else to be visible on the screen at the same time, which is nice.
    • Prefer dealing with the more interesting or conspicuous case first.
  • The ?: Conditional Expression (a.k.a. “Ternary Operator”)
    • By default, use an if/else. The ternary ?: should be used only for the simplest cases.
  • Avoid do/while Loops
public boolean ListHasNode(Node node, String name, int max_length) {
  while (node != null && max_length-- > 0) {
    if ( return true;
    node =;
  return false;
do {
} while (false);
// loop just once
struct StateFreeHelper {
  state* a;
  StateFreeHelper(state* a) : a(a) {}
  ~StateFreeHelper() { free(a); }

void func(state* a) {
  if (...) {
  } else {
def do_stuff(self):
  self.some_state = True
    # do stuff which may take some time - and user may quit here
    self.some_state = False
  • The Infamous goto

    • 问题在于滥用,比如多种goto混合、goto到前面的代码
  • Minimize Nesting

    • Removing Nesting by Returning Early
    • Removing Nesting Inside Loops: use continue for independent iterations
  • Can You Follow the Flow of Execution?


chpt 8 Breaking Down Giant Expressions

  • Explaining Variables
username = line.split(':')[0].strip()
if username == "root":
  • Summary Variables
final boolean user_owns_document = ( == document.owner_id);
if (user_owns_document) {
if (!user_owns_document) {
  // document is read-only...
  • Using De Morgan’s Laws
  • Abusing Short-Circuit Logic
    • There is also a newer idiom worth mentioning: in languages like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby, the “or” operator returns one of its arguments (it doesn’t convert to a boolean), so code like: x = a || b || c, can be used to pick out the first “truthy” value from a, b, or c.
assert((!(bucket = FindBucket(key))) || !bucket->IsOccupied());
bucket = FindBucket(key);
if (bucket != NULL) assert(!bucket->IsOccupied());
  • Example: Wrestling with Complicated Logic
struct Range {
	int begin;
	int end;
  // For example, [0,5) overlaps with [3,8)
  bool OverlapsWith(Range other);

bool Range::OverlapsWith(Range other) {
  return (begin >= other.begin && begin < other.end) ||

         (end > other.begin && end <= other.end) ||

         (begin <= other.begin && end >= other.end);

bool Range::OverlapsWith(Range other) {
  if (other.end <= begin) return false;  // They end before we begin
  if (other.begin >= end) return false;  // They begin after we end
  return true;  // Only possibility left: they overlap
  • Breaking Down Giant Statements

  • Another Creative Way to Simplify Expressions

 void AddStats(const Stats& add_from, Stats* add_to) {
   #define ADD_FIELD(field) add_to->set_##field(add_from.field() + add_to->field())
   #undef ADD_FIELD

chpt 9 Variables and Readability

  • Eliminating Variables
    • Useless Temporary Variables
    • Eliminating Intermediate Results
    • Eliminating Control Flow Variables
  • Shrink the Scope of Your Variables
    • Another way to restrict access to class members is to make as many methods static as possible. Static methods are a great way to let the reader know “these lines of code are isolated from those variables.”
    • break the large class into smaller classes
    • if Statement Scope in C++
    • Creating “Private” Variables in JavaScript
    • JavaScript Global Scope
      • always define variables using the var keyword (e.g., var x = 1)
    • No Nested Scope in Python and JavaScript
      • 在最近祖先手动定义 xxx = None
    • Moving Definitions Down
if (PaymentInfo* info = database.ReadPaymentInfo()) {
  cout << "User paid: " << info->amount() << endl;
var submit_form = (function () {
	var submitted = false; // Note: can only be accessed by the function below
	return function (form_name) {
    if (submitted) {
      return;  // don't double-submit the form
		submitted = true;
  • Prefer Write-Once Variables
    • The more places a variable is manipulated, the harder it is to reason about its current value.
  • A Final Example
var setFirstEmptyInput = function (new_value) {
  for (var i = 1; true; i++) {
    var elem = document.getElementById('input' + i);
    if (elem === null)
      return null;  // Search Failed. No empty input found.
    if (elem.value === '') {
      elem.value = new_value;
      return elem;

Part III: Reorganizing Your Code

chpt 10 Extracting Unrelated Subproblems

  • Introductory Example: findClosestLocation()
  • Pure Utility Code
    • read file to string
  • Other General-Purpose Code
var format_pretty = function (obj, indent) {
  // Handle null, undefined, strings, and non-objects.
  if (obj === null) return "null";
  if (obj === undefined) return "undefined";
  if (typeof obj === "string") return '"' + obj + '"';
  if (typeof obj !== "object") return String(obj);
  if (indent === undefined) indent = "";
  // Handle (non-null) objects.
  var str = "{\n";
  for (var key in obj) {
    str += indent + "  " + key + " = ";
    str += format_pretty(obj[key], indent + " ") + "\n";
  return str + indent + "}";
  • Create a Lot of General-Purpose Code

  • Project-Specific Functionality

CHARS_TO_REMOVE = re.compile(r"['\.]+")
CHARS_TO_DASH = re.compile(r"[^a-z0-9]+")

def make_url_friendly(text):
  text = text.lower()
  text = CHARS_TO_REMOVE.sub('', text)
  text = CHARS_TO_DASH.sub('-', text)
  return text.strip("-")

business = Business() = request.POST["name"]
business.url = "/biz/" + make_url_friendly(
business.date_created = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
  • Simplifying an Existing Interface
  • Reshaping an Interface to Your Needs
def url_safe_encrypt(obj):
  obj_str = json.dumps(obj)
  cipher = Cipher("aes_128_cbc", key=PRIVATE_KEY, init_vector=INIT_VECTOR, op=ENCODE)
  encrypted_bytes = cipher.update(obj_str)
  encrypted_bytes += # flush out the current 128 bit block
  return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(encrypted_bytes)
  • Taking Things Too Far

chpt 11 One Task at a Time

  • Tasks Can Be Small
    • e.g. 分解 old vote 和 new vote
  • Extracting Values from an Object
var first_half, second_half;

if (country === "USA") {
  first_half = town || city || "Middle-of-Nowhere";
  second_half = state || "USA";
} else {
  first_half = town || city || state || "Middle-of-Nowhere";
  second_half = country || "Planet Earth";

return first_half + ", " + second_half;
  • A Larger Example

chpt 12 Turning Thoughts into Code

  • Describing Logic Clearly
    • “rubber ducking”
    • You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother. —Albert Einstein
if (is_admin_request()) {
  // authorized
} elseif ( <img src="" alt="document && (" class="ee_img tr_noresize" eeimg="1"> document['username'] == $_SESSION['username'])) {
  // authorized
} else {
  return not_authorized();
// continue rendering the page ...
  • Knowing Your Libraries Helps
  • Applying This Method to Larger Problems
def PrintStockTransactions():
  stock_iter = ...
	price_iter = ...
  num_shares_iter = ...

  while True:
    time = AdvanceToMatchingTime(stock_iter, price_iter, num_shares_iter)
    if time is None:

    # Print the aligned rows.
    print "@", time,
    print stock_iter.ticker_symbol,
    print price_iter.price,
    print num_shares_iter.number_of_shares

def AdvanceToMatchingTime(row_iter1, row_iter2, row_iter3):
  while row_iter1 and row_iter2 and row_iter3:
    t1 = row_iter1.time
    t2 = row_iter2.time
    t3 = row_iter3.time

    if t1 == t2 == t3:
      return t1

    tmax = max(t1, t2, t3)

    # If any row is "behind," advance it.
    # Eventually, this while loop will align them all.
    if t1 < tmax: row_iter1.NextRow()
    if t2 < tmax: row_iter2.NextRow()
    if t3 < tmax: row_iter3.NextRow()

  return None  # no alignment could be found

chpt 13 Writing Less Code

  • Don’t Bother Implementing That Feature—You Won’t Need It

  • Question and Break Down Your Requirements

    • Example: A Store Locator ---- For any given user’s latitude/longitude, find the store with the closest latitude/longitude.
      • When the locations are on either side of the International Date Line
      • When the locations are near the North or South Pole
      • Adjusting for the curvature of the Earth, as “longitudinal degrees per mile” changes
    • Example: Adding a Cache
  • Keeping Your Codebase Small

  • Be Familiar with the Libraries Around You

    • Example: Lists and Sets in Python
  • Example: Using Unix Tools Instead of Coding

    • When a web server frequently returns 4xx or 5xx HTTP response codes, it’s a sign of a potential problem (4xx being a client error; 5xx being a server error).

PART IV Selected Topics

chpt 14 Testing and Readability

  • Make Tests Easy to Read and Maintain
  • What’s Wrong with This Test?
void CheckScoresBeforeAfter(string input, string expected_output) {
  vector<ScoredDocument> docs = ScoredDocsFromString(input);
  string output = ScoredDocsToString(docs);
  assert(output == expected_output);

vector<ScoredDocument> ScoredDocsFromString(string scores) {
  vector<ScoredDocument> docs;
  replace(scores.begin(), scores.end(), ',', ' ');
  // Populate 'docs' from a string of space-separated scores.
  istringstream stream(scores);
  double score;
  while (stream >> score) {
    AddScoredDoc(docs, score);
  return docs;
string ScoredDocsToString(vector<ScoredDocument> docs) {
  ostringstream stream;
  for (int i = 0; i < docs.size(); i++) {
    if (i > 0) stream << ", ";
    stream << docs[i].score;
  return stream.str();
  • Making Error Messages Readable
    • Python import unittest
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(output, expected_output)
  • Choosing Good Test Inputs

    • In general, you should pick the simplest set of inputs that completely exercise the code.
    • Simplifying the Input Values
      • -1e100、-1
      • it’s more effective to construct large inputs programmatically, constructing a large input of (say) 100,000 values
  • Naming Test Functions

  • What Was Wrong with That Test?

  • Test-Friendly Development

    • Test-driven development (TDD)
    • Table 14.1: Characteristics of less testable code
      • Use of global variables ---> gtest set_up()
      • Code depends on a lot of external components
      • Code has nondeterministic behavior
  • Going Too Far

    • Sacrificing the readability of your real code, for the sake of enabling tests.
    • Being obsessive about 100% test coverage.
    • Letting testing get in the way of product development.

chpt 15 Designing and Implementing a “Minute/Hour Counter”

  • Defining the Class Interface
// Track the cumulative counts over the past minute and over the past hour.
// Useful, for example, to track recent bandwidth usage.
class MinuteHourCounter {
  // Add a new data point (count >= 0).
  // For the next minute, MinuteCount() will be larger by +count. 
  // For the next hour, HourCount() will be larger by +count.
  void Add(int count);

  // Return the accumulated count over the past 60 seconds.
  int MinuteCount();
  // Return the accumulated count over the past 3600 seconds.
  int HourCount();
  • Attempt 1: A Naive Solution
    • list, reverse_iterator,效率低
  • Attempt 2: Conveyor Belt Design
    • 两个传送带,内存消耗大,拓展成本高
  • Attempt 3: A Time-Bucketed Design
    • 本质利用了统计精度可牺牲的特点,离散化实现
// A class that keeps counts for the past N buckets of time.
class TrailingBucketCounter {
    // Example: TrailingBucketCounter(30, 60) tracks the last 30 minute-buckets of time.
    TrailingBucketCounter(int num_buckets, int secs_per_bucket);
    void Add(int count, time_t now);
    // Return the total count over the last num_buckets worth of time
    int TrailingCount(time_t now);
class ConveyorQueue;


#define bGarbage 0xA3
bool fNewMemory(void** ppv, size_t size)
  char** ppb = (char**)ppv;
  ASSERT(ppv!=NULL && size!=0);
  *ppb = (char*)malloc(size);
  #ifdef DEBUG
    if( *ppb != NULL )
      memset(*ppb, bGarbage, size);
  return(*ppb != NULL);

 void FreeMemory(void* pv)
   ASSERT(pv != NULL);
   #ifdef DEBUG
     memset(pv, bGarbage, sizeofBlock(pv) );
void* memchr( void *pv, unsigned char ch, size_t size )
    unsigned char *pch = ( unsigned char * )pv;
    unsigned char *pchEnd = pch + size;  // 可能溢出
    while( pch < pchEnd )
        if( *pch == ch )
            return ( pch );
        pch ++ ;
    return( NULL );
void *memchr( void *pv, unsigned char ch, size_t size )
    unsigned char *pch = ( unsigned char * )pv;
    while ( size-- > 0)
        if( *pch == ch )
            return( pch );
        pch ++;
    return( NULL );

《Effective STL》

vector and string

Item 16: Know how to pass vector and string data to legacy APIs.
  • Cautions
    • 不要将迭代器视作指针,don't use v.begin() instead of &v[0]
    • string: 1) 内存不保证连续;2)不保证以 null character 结尾 => c_str() 方法只适于 const char *pString 参数的 C API
    • vector: 不要做更改长度的操作
size_t fillArray(double *pArray, size_t arraySize);
vector<double> vd(maxNumDoubles);
vd.resize(fillArray(&vd[0], vd.size()));

size_t fillString(char 'pArray, size_t arraySize);
vector<char> vc(maxNumChars);
size_t charsWritten = fillString(&vc[0], vc.size());
string s(vc.begin(), vc.begin()+charsWritten);



CppCon 2018: Jonathan Boccara “105 STL Algorithms in Less Than an Hour"

FluentC++ 对 STL 进行了归类, It's not just for_each.



// numeric algorithms
acculumate/(transform_)reduce // reduce的区别是输入可以没有initial value、支持parallel
                              // transform前缀在reduce之前transform
(transform_)inclusive_scan // 和前者的区别是支持parallel
(transform_)exclusive_scan // 和前者的区别是操作不包括自身
sample  // 取N个random元素
// querying a property
// 对于 empty input,all_of() and none_of() return true, and any_of() return false
// querying a property on 2 ranges
mismatch -> std::pair<Iterator, Iterator>

// searching a value
upper_bound // bound: insert place

// searching a range
search   // looking for a subrange
find_end // looking for a subrange but starting from the end
find_first_of // finding any value in the subrange
// searching a relative value



std::make_heap(begin(numbers), end(numbers));  // max heap
std::make_heap(begin(numbers), end(numbers), std::greater<>{}); // min heap

std::push_heap(begin(numbers), end(numbers));

std::pop_heap(begin(numbers), end(numbers));
// 假如不pop_back,而是持续pop_heap,相当于是在std::sort_heap

// priority_queue:


std::nth_element //内部是QuickSort的实现,保证了左边的都小于它,右边的都大于它
std::inplace_merge // an incremental step in MergeSort;实现利用了一块缓冲区(如果超过缓冲区长度,旋转操作后递归)


auto it = std::partition(v.begin(), v.end(), [](int i){return i % 2 == 0;});
std::partition_point // 返回 partition 的返回值


1 2 3 4 5 --- next_permutation --> 1 2 3 5 4
          <-- prev_permutation ---

algos on sets

set in C++: any sorted collection (including sorted vector)



std::copy(first, last, out);
// e.g. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -> 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 9 10

value modifiers

std::fill(first, last, 42);

std::generate(first, last, [n = 0] () mutable { return n++; });
std::iota(first, last, 42);
std::replace(first, last, 42, 43);

structure changers

auto iter = std::remove(begin(collection), end(collection), 99);
// remove、unique
collection.erase(iter, end(collection));

algos of raw memory

fill、copy、move -> operator =
uninitilized_fill、copy、move -> ctor、copy ctor、move ctor
std::uninitilized_fill(first, last, 42);
std::destroy(first, last);


Lonely islands

std::transform(begin(collection), end(collection), std::back_inserter(results), f);
// std::transform 支持二元函数 f(x,y)
std::transform(begin(collection1), end(collection1), begin(collection2), std::back_inserter(results), f);

// for_each has side-effects
std::for_each(begin(collection), end(collection), f);

Secret runes

stable_*   => stable_sort, stable_partition   // keep the relative order

is_* => is_sorted, is_partitioned, is_heap

*_copy => remove_copy, unique_copy, reverse_copy, rotate_copy, replace_copy, partition_copy, partial_sort_copy
*_if => find_if, find_if_not, count_if, remove_if, remove_copy_if, replace_if, replace_copy_if, copy_if
*_n => Raw Memory Operation + _n, generate_n, search_n, for_each_n
std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(v), 5, 42);


  • sort,自己定义cmp函数,注意cmp的定义:类内静态,传参引用

    • static bool cmp1(vector<int> &a, vector<int> &b)
  • fill_n 在-O3优化下,效率和memset一致,是首选

/* reset_1d_tensor Benchmark
type              for_loop  v.s.  with_slice  v.s.  fill_n
float              1.00             1.18          ** 1.00 **
Eigen::half        1.00             0.84          ** 0.65 **
int32_t            1.00             1.05          ** 1.00 **
tensorflow::int64  1.00             1.14          ** 1.00 **
std::string        1.00          ** 0.52 **          0.90

inline void reset_1d_tensor(std::shared_ptr<tensorflow::Tensor>& tensor,
                            const tensorflow::TensorShape& shape,
                            tensorflow::DataType type) {
  if (!tensor || tensor->shape().dim_size(0) < shape.dim_size(0)) {
    tensor.reset(new tensorflow::Tensor(type, shape));
  size_t len = shape.dim_size(0);
  if (type == tensorflow::DT_FLOAT) {
    auto data = tensor->flat<float>();
    std::fill_n(, len, 0);
  } else if (type == tensorflow::DT_HALF) {
    auto data = tensor->flat<Eigen::half>();
    std::fill_n(, len, Eigen::half(0));
  } else if (type == tensorflow::DT_INT32) {
    auto data = tensor->flat<int32_t>();
    std::fill_n(, len, 0);
  } else if (type == tensorflow::DT_INT64) {
    auto data = tensor->flat<tensorflow::int64>();
    std::fill_n(, len, 0);
  } else if (type == tensorflow::DT_STRING) {
    tensor->Slice(0, len).flat<std::string>().setConstant("");
  } else {
    LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported tensorflow::DataType: " << type;

inline void reset_1d_tensor_with_slice(
    std::shared_ptr<tensorflow::Tensor>& tensor,
    const tensorflow::TensorShape& shape, tensorflow::DataType type) {
  if (!tensor || tensor->shape().dim_size(0) < shape.dim_size(0)) {
    tensor.reset(new tensorflow::Tensor(type, shape));
  size_t len = shape.dim_size(0);
  if (type == tensorflow::DT_FLOAT) {
    tensor->Slice(0, len).flat<float>().setZero();
  } else if (type == tensorflow::DT_HALF) {
    tensor->Slice(0, len).flat<Eigen::half>().setZero();
  } else if (type == tensorflow::DT_INT32) {
    tensor->Slice(0, len).flat<int32_t>().setZero();
  } else if (type == tensorflow::DT_INT64) {
    tensor->Slice(0, len).flat<tensorflow::int64>().setZero();
  } else if (type == tensorflow::DT_STRING) {
    tensor->Slice(0, len).flat<std::string>().setConstant("");
  } else {
    LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported tensorflow::DataType: " << type;


  • 适合长度在编译时就确定
void foo(const std::array<std::string, 5> &arr);

template <std::size_t N>
void bar(const std::array<std::string, N> &arr);

int main() {
  std::array<std::string, 5> arr1;
  foo(arr1); // OK
  std::array<std::string, 6> arr2;
  foo(arr2); // ERROR
  bar(arr1); // OK
  bar(arr2); // OK
  return 0;

// c++17 支持不需要指定参数个数的初始化方式(在构造函数自动推导模版类型)
static const std::array vec = {"Hello", "Kitty"};
std::string_view foo() {
  return vec[0]; // 优化成 Hello


# ifndef NDEBUG
# define _assert(ex)	{if (!(ex)) \
                         {(void)fprintf(stderr, \
                           "Assertion failed: file \"%s\", line %d\n", \
                           __FILE__, __LINE__);exit(1);}}
# define assert(ex)	_assert(ex)
# else
# define _assert(ex)
# define assert(ex)
# endif


  • 用 int 初始化 bitset
using BloomFilterStore = uint16_t
struct BloomFilterStoreItf {
    static constexpr uint32_t BIT_CAP = 16;
    static BloomFilterStore INLINE_OR_NOT insert(const BloomFilterStore store, const FID fid) {
      return neo::MurmurHash64A(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&fid),
                                sizeof(FID), 2) | store;
    static bool INLINE_OR_NOT contains(BloomFilterStore store, const FID fid) {
      auto fid_hashes = neo::MurmurHash64A(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&fid),
                                sizeof(FID), 2);
      std::bitset<BIT_CAP> bit_hashes(fid_hashes);
      std::bitset<BIT_CAP> bit_store(store);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < BIT_CAP; i++) {
        if (bit_hashes[i] && !bit_store[i]) {
          return false;
      return true;


auto server_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(

5s: C++14’s duration literal suffixes

#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
void some_complex_work();
int main()
  // Fixed time step
  using clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
  clock::time_point next_time_point = clock::now() + 5s;
  // Measure
  clock::time_point start = clock::now();
  // A long task...
  clock::time_point end = clock::now();
  clock::duration execution_time = end - start;
  // Sleep
  std::chrono::milliseconds sleepDuration(20);

<deque> / <queue>


std::ifstream ifs(filepath.str());
if (! {
	int i;
  while (ifs >> i) {
    if (ifs.peek() == ',') {

// read binary file to string
int read_binary_file_to_string(const std::string &filename, std::string *out) {
  std::ifstream in(filename, std::ifstream::binary);
  if (!in.is_open()) {
    return -1;
  return 0;


  • 参考LRU cache,类似双向链表的实现
    • map<int,list<pair<int,int>>::iterator> m;
  • r.push_front(…), r.begin(), r.back()




  • auto str = "abc"s; 后缀s初始化string

  • string_view

    • 本身不 own 内存,只是维护指针
    • 适合字符串literal,或者常驻内存的字符串
static const std::string_view str = "Hello";
auto c = str[2];
int main(){
    string s1 = "This string will be printed as the"
                " one. You can include as many lines"
                "as you wish. They will be concatenated";
    copy(s1.begin(), s1.end(),
         std::ostream_iterator<char>(cout, ""));
    cout << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  • 如何判断string是否以某一字符串开头?

str.rfind("pattern", 0) == 0

char buf[10];
string str("ABCDEFG");
length = str.copy(buf, 9);
buf[length] = '\0';

char buf[10];
string str("ABCDEFG");
strcpy(buf, str.c_str());//strncpy(buf, str.c_str(), 10);
  • 用find查找字串
    • 截取子串
      • s.substr(pos, n) 截取s中从pos开始(包括0)的n个字符的子串,并返回
      • s.substr(pos) 截取s中从从pos开始(包括0)到末尾的所有字符的子串,并返回
    • 替换子串
      • s.replace(pos, n, s1) 用s1替换s中从pos开始(包括0)的n个字符的子串
    • 查找子串
      • s.find(s1) 查找s中第一次出现s1的位置,并返回(包括0)
      • s.rfind(s1) 查找s中最后次出现s1的位置,并返回(包括0)
      • s.find_first_of(s1) 查找在s1中任意一个字符在s中第一次出现的位置,并返回(包括0)
      • s.find_last_of(s1) 查找在s1中任意一个字符在s中最后一次出现的位置,并返回(包括0)
      • s.fin_first_not_of(s1) 查找s中第一个不属于s1中的字符的位置,并返回(包括0)
      • s.fin_last_not_of(s1) 查找s中最后一个不属于s1中的字符的位置,并返回(包括0)
# Interprets an unsigned integer value in the string str.
std::string str;
std::cout << "Enter an unsigned number: ";
size_t idx = 0;
unsigned long ul = std::stoul(str,&idx,0);


  • std::piecewise_construct
    • e.g. tensorflow/core/lib/monitoring/gauge.h
const LabelArray& label_array = {{labels...}};
  • 用set自己的lower_bound方法,不要用std::lower_bound(复杂度O(n))


  • operator[] hasn't a const qualifier, you cannot use it directly on a const instance, use at instead
T& operator[](const key_type& x);
T& operator[](key_type&& x);
T&       at(const key_type& x);
const T& at(const key_type& x) const;


  • 初始化,可以用列表

    • 也可以 int a[10]={…};vector<int> b(a,a+10); 左闭右开
  • 动态扩容,容量翻倍,可以用reserve()预留容量

  • 方法:

    • reverse(nums.begin(),nums.end());
    • reserve(size_type n) 预先分配内存
  • 关于vector的内存释放问题

    • 方法一:shrink_to_fit(size_t size)
    • 方法二:vector<int>().swap(nums);
    • 方法三:利用代码块和临时变量 { vector<int> tmp = curLevel; curLevel.swap(tmp); }
  • clear虽然不会deallocate释放空间,但是会destroy执行析构函数,所以可以用同一个空间构造节点,如果swap了就要重新分配空间再构造节点。因此对于同一个vector的重复利用,可以直接用clear();

  • 无法构造有atomic类型成员的对象的vector


gcc 内嵌

__builtin_clz 返回左起第一个1之前0的个数


boost::uuids::uuid uuid = boost::uuids::random_generator()();
auto id = boost::uuids::to_string(uuid);


try {
  boost::property_tree::ptree data_pt;
  std::istringstream json(json_result);
  boost::property_tree::read_json(json, data_pt);
  auto data1 = data_pt.get_child(KEY1);
  auto data2 = data1.get_child(KEY2);

  for (auto iter = data2.begin(); iter != data2.end(); iter++) {
    std::string id3 = iter->second.get<std::string>(KEY3);
} catch (boost::property_tree::json_parser_error e) {
  return Status::Error(
    "Parse result error. exception: %s. content: %s",
    e.message().c_str(), json_result.c_str());
} catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_path e) {
  return Status::Error(
    "Get attributes error. exception: %s. content: %s",
    e.what(), json_result.c_str());
} catch (std::invalid_argument e) {
  return Status::Error("Value format is wrong: %s. content: %s",
                       e.what(), json_result.c_str());


throw invalid_argument("Invalid input.");


How To Use gflags (formerly Google Commandline Flags)



hashmap benchmarks


  • 注意使用封装好的线程操作接口


  • 应用
    • 注意 thread_local 关键字,避免多个thread在相同的时间节点产生一样的随机数
// Choose a random element
static thread_local std::mt19937 rng(std::random_device{}());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(0, RAND_MAX-1);
int32_t sleep_time = static_cast<int32_t>(
        _expire_delta * ((double) distribution(rng)/ (RAND_MAX)) * _expire_num);

// Flip a biased coin
std::random_device random_device;
std::mt19937 random_engine{random_device()};
std::bernoulli_distribution coin_distribution{0.25};
bool outcome = coin_distribution(random_engine);

// Seed a random number engine with greater unpredictability.
std::random_device r;
std::seed_seq seed_seq{r(), r(), r(), r(), r(), r()};
std::mt19937 engine{seed_seq};
  • glibc的 random 函数涉及一个锁性能问题,使用的相比pthread_mutex,没有spin的实现,性能有差距


void va_start(va_list ap, last_arg);

/* Print error message and exit with error status. */
static void
errf (char *fmt, ...)
  va_list ap;
  va_start (ap, fmt);
  error_print (0, fmt, ap);
  va_end (ap);



pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &m->set)

#ifndef __common_h__
#define __common_h__

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>

double GetTime() {
    struct timeval t;
    int rc = gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
    assert(rc == 0);
    return (double) t.tv_sec + (double) t.tv_usec/1e6;

void Spin(int howlong) {
    double t = GetTime();
    while ((GetTime() - t) < (double) howlong)
    ; // do nothing in loop

struct timeval start, end;
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
printf("Time (seconds): %f\n\n", (float) (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec + (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000) / 1000000);

#endif // __common_h__