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A Super Light-Weight JavaScript Framework

Chop.JS Dispenser

Browser support

ChopJS supports most major modern browsers, however, for Internet Explorer, only IE9+ is supported.


Put the following code at the bottom of body tag:

<script src="chop.js" ch-main="js/main.js"></script>
  • The ch-main attribute indicates the entry point/script of the web page.

ChopJS Modules

See module page

APIs - HTML attributes


Initializes data sources. E.g. ch-init="list = []; msg = {from: 'a', to: 'b'}"


Loads Chop.js modules. E.g.: ch-use="event; string; local/module"


Sets chop.js view.

ch-keypress, ch-keydown, ch-click, ch-dbclick, ch-change, ch-mouseover, ch-mouseenter, ch-mouseout, ch-mouseleave, ch-mousemove, ch-mouseup, ch-mousedown, ch-mousewheel, ch-drag, ch-dragstart, ch-dragend, ch-dragover, ch-dragenter, ch-drop

Adds event listener. Use $$event for event parameter. To access "data source", use {{sourceName}}. Filter can also be used in data-source expression, e.g. {{users | filter: superUserFilter}}.


Defines/adds data sources.

To use inline data source, the DOM element then has to have an ID. E.g.:

<div id="inline-div" ch-source>This is a inline {{data}} source.</div>


Turns the enclosed HTML element into an inline chop.js template, and renders the template according the value chop.js expression.

Each ch-inline element has to have an id.

APIs - $ch

$ch.find(query [, context])

Returns an HTML element in the form of a chop.js element object. If no elements found, returns undefined.

context could be an HTML element. E.g. $ch.find('#btn', $ch.find('#context').el).

$ch.findAll(query [, context])

Returns an chop.js element array that contains all the found elements. If no elements found, returns an emptry array.

context could be an HTML element. E.g. $ch.findAll('.btn', $ch.find('#context').el).


Converts a DOM element into Chop.js element object, and returns the Chop.js element object.

DOMElement can be either a DOM element or an element string.


Alias function to $ch.chopEl.

$ch.source(source, data)

If only source provided, returns the value of source. Otherwise, sets the value of source to data.


Creates and returns a chop.js view object. If no param provided, returns false.

param should at least contains an html property, which can be either a value or a function with return value. The html represents the HTML of the chop.js view.

To manually render a view, call render().

$ch.template(template, data)

Returns a processed string against the template. If no data provided, returns the content of template.

Use type='text/template' to define a template in script elements. Use {{something}} to indicate the place to be processed.

data should be in the form of an object.

$ch.http(url, param)

Performs an AJAX request.

url: the target URL of the AJAX call.

The object param contains:

  • method: HTTP verb (get, post, put, delete)
  • header: HTTP request headers to be set in the form of an object (e.g. {'header1': 'value1', 'header2': 'value2'})
  • async: asynchronous, default: true (true or false)
  • responseType: the response type of the AJAX request
  • data: data to be sent in the form of an object
  • done: the callback function for async AJAX
  • cache: indicates if the AJAX request should be cached. Default false

If async is false, returns the returned AJAX object.

$ch.jsonp(url, callback)

Performs a JSONP request.

url should be in the format of:{callback}.

callback is a function and takes a data parameter refers to the loaded JSON.

$ch.define(name[, require], function)

Defines a chop.js module.

  • name: the name of the module. Has to be same with filename, but without extension name (i.e. .js)
  • require: [optional] the modules to be synchronously required.
  • function: the function of the module. The return value will be stored in $ch.module.module_name.

Each customized module HAS TO BE packed in a module folder.


Returns the returned data of module.

$ch.use(module, useLoader[, callback])

Uses/loads a chop.js module, and returns the returned value of module.

  • module: chop.js module name. If multiple modules, then in the form of an array. If a particular version is needed, Use @ to indicate. e.g. $ch.require(['ui@0.2', 'layout']).

For details on module versions, see jsDelivr and search for modules by adding chopjs- before modules' names. E.g. to search event, type chopjs-event.

  • useLoader: [Optional] either true or false to define if to use Chop.js online module loader. Default: true.

  • callback: if callback presented, load module asynchronously and then fire callback. The parameters to callback are the returned value of each module.

$ch.readFile(src[, callback])

Reads and returns the content of local file src. If callback presented, read the file asynchronously and fire callback after loading.

$ch.each(obj, callback)

Iterates obj call callback. Parameters to callback:

  • for array: currentItem, index, obj
  • for object: key, value, index, obj

$ch.filter(obj, expression)

Filters and returns the array in obj according to expression.

expression is a function which takes a parameter representing obj and returns either true or false.


Returns an object deserialized from formStr.

APIs - chop.js element

css(style, value)

Sets CSS style. If no parameters, returns CSS text.


Sets inner HTML into html. If no html provided, returns inner HTML.


Sets text content to html. If no html presented, returns text content.


Appends html.


Prepends html.


Appends HTMLElement as child.


Prepends HTMLElement as child.


If no value presented, set the element's scrollTop to value. Otherwise, returns current scrollTop.


If no value presented, set the element's scrollLeft to value. Otherwise, returns current scrollLeft.


Returns the offset properties of the element in the form of:

    left: offsetLeft,
    top: offsetTop,
    width: offsetWidth,
    height: offsetHeight,
    parent: offsetParent


Returns property value of the element.

set(property, value)

Sets property of the element to value.


Adds class.


Removes class.


Toggles class.


Submits the form element, otherwise returns false.

animate(style, options[, callback])

Performs animation style (in the form of an object) according to options.

options can either be the form of {duration: duration, easing: easing}, or just duration in ms.

If callback presented, fire callback when animation is finished.


Sets value to value. If no value provided, returns value.

attr(key, value)

Sets attribute key to value. If no parameters, returns all attributes.


Checks if the element has attribute key.


Removes attribute key.


Renders the inline-tempalte element with object data.


Serializes a form element.


Shows the element.


Hides the element.

on(event, callback)

Registers callback to event.

detach(event, callback)

Detaches the subscription of callback on event.

delegate(event, callback, query)

Adds callback to all query element on event. Multiple query can present.


aViewObject.delegate('click', triggerSomething, 'button', 'div.btn');

// all buttons and btn-class divs in 'aViewObject' will fire 'triggersomething'
on click.


Adds event listener on click. If no callback, trigger click event.


Adds event listener on keypress.


Adds event listener on keydown.


Adds event listener on change.

Chop.js global variables

  • $ch/$$CHOP -- chop.js main variable.
  • $$CHOPEL -- chop.js html element.
  • $$CHOPVIEW -- chop.js view.


Super Light-Weight JavaScript Framework







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