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The Tasks Manager

Exporting a model from one framework to some format (also called backend here) involves specifying inputs and outputs information that the export function needs. The way optimum.exporters is structured for each backend is as follows:

  • Configuration classes containing the information for each model to perform the export.
  • Exporting functions using the proper configuration for the model to export.

The role of the [~optimum.exporters.tasks.TasksManager] is to be the main entry-point to load a model given a name and a task, and to get the proper configuration for a given (architecture, backend) couple. That way, there is a centralized place to register the task -> model class and (architecture, backend) -> configuration mappings. This allows the export functions to use this, and to rely on the various checks it provides.

Task names

The tasks supported might depend on the backend, but here are the mappings between a task name and the auto class for both PyTorch and TensorFlow.

It is possible to know which tasks are supported for a model for a given backend, by doing:

>>> from optimum.exporters.tasks import TasksManager

>>> model_type = "distilbert"
>>> # For instance, for the ONNX export.
>>> backend = "onnx"
>>> distilbert_tasks = list(TasksManager.get_supported_tasks_for_model_type(model_type, backend).keys())

>>> print(distilbert_tasks)
['default', 'fill-mask', 'text-classification', 'multiple-choice', 'token-classification', 'question-answering']


Task Auto Class
text-generation, text-generation-with-past AutoModelForCausalLM
feature-extraction, feature-extraction-with-past AutoModel
fill-mask AutoModelForMaskedLM
question-answering AutoModelForQuestionAnswering
text2text-generation, text2text-generation-with-past AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
text-classification AutoModelForSequenceClassification
token-classification AutoModelForTokenClassification
multiple-choice AutoModelForMultipleChoice
image-classification AutoModelForImageClassification
object-detection AutoModelForObjectDetection
image-segmentation AutoModelForImageSegmentation
masked-im AutoModelForMaskedImageModeling
semantic-segmentation AutoModelForSemanticSegmentation
automatic-speech-recognition AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq


Task Auto Class
text-generation, text-generation-with-past TFAutoModelForCausalLM
default, default-with-past TFAutoModel
fill-mask TFAutoModelForMaskedLM
question-answering TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering
text2text-generation, text2text-generation-with-past TFAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
text-classification TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification
token-classification TFAutoModelForTokenClassification
multiple-choice TFAutoModelForMultipleChoice
semantic-segmentation TFAutoModelForSemanticSegmentation


[[autodoc]] exporters.tasks.TasksManager