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Couchbase Server

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NOTE: This role is experimental and not intended for production use. Feel free to use the role for evaluation, development, or testing, and definitely borrow the ideas contained within for your own production role or playbooks. As with other Couchbase Labs projects, this is primarily for experimentation.

Couchbase Server is a high performance NoSQL document database available in Community and Enterprise editions for several supported operating systems.

This Ansible role can be used to install Couchbase Server on cluster nodes, initialize working clusters, create buckets, and load buckets with test documents with the playbooks included in the examples directory.


This role is tested for basic functionality with the following software:

  • Couchbase Server (versions 2.5.2-3.1.0)
  • Ansible (version 1.9.2)
  • CentOS (versions 6-7)
  • Debian (version 7)
  • Ubuntu (versions 12.04-13.10)

Works with Ansible Galaxy

This role is designed to be installed via the ansible-galaxy command instead of being directly run from the git repository.

You should install it like this:

ansible-galaxy install couchbase.couchbase-server

You'll want to make sure you have write access to /etc/ansible/roles/ since that is where the role will be installed by default, or define your own Ansible role path by creating a $HOME/.ansible.cfg file with these contents:

roles_path = <path_to_your_preferred_role_location>

Change <path_to_your_preferred_role_location> to a directory you have write access to.

See the ansible-galaxy documentation for more details.

Role Variables

In cases where you want simple clusters for development or other non-production use, the values for Couchbase Server role's default variables can be left as-is.

However, should you need specific performance or otherwise wish to tweak them for your particular purpose, this section describes all of the role's variables in detail including their default values for your reference.

Default Variables

Name Default Description
couchbase_server_edition enterprise Couchbase Server edition: Community or Enterprise
couchbase_server_admin Administrator Couchbase Server administrator user name
couchbase_server_password couchbase : Couchbase Server administrator user password
couchbase_server_ram 3072 The per server RAM quota specified in megabytes
couchbase_server_admin_port 8091 Administration and web console port
couchbase_server_api_port 8092 Couchbase Server API port
couchbase_server_admin_ssl_port 18091 SSL enabled Couchbase Server REST port
couchbase_server_api_ssl_port 18092 SSL enabled Couchbase Server CAPI port
couchbase_server_internal_ports 11209:11211 Memcached and client ports
couchbase_server_node_data_ports 21100:21299 Distributed Erlang communication ports
couchbase_server_home_path /opt/couchbase Base path to Couchbase Server installation
couchbase_server_bin_path /opt/couchbase/bin Path to Couchbase Server binary utilities
couchbase_server_config_file /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config/config.dat Full path to the config.dat file
couchbase_server_filesystem EXT4 Default filesystem for data and index volumes
couchbase_server_mountpoint / Logical volume mountpoint
couchbase_server_partition /dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root Logical volume partition
couchbase_server_mount_options 'noatime,barrier=0,errors=remount-ro' Additional mount options
couchbase_server_data_path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data Path to data files
couchbase_server_index_path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data Path to index files
couchbase_server_log_path /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs Path to log files
couchbase_server_cbbackup_path /tmp Path to output of cbbackup on node
couchbase_server_cbcollect_path /tmp Path to cbcollect_info output on node
couchbase_server_tmpdir /tmp System wide TMPDIR for cbcollect_info
couchbase_server_tune_os false Whether to tune OS with optimized settings
couchbase_server_firewall false Whether to use strict firewall rules
couchbase_server_local_package false Whether to copy vs. download package

Variable Notes

  • couchbase_server_local_package: Place the Couchbase Server package you wish to install into the files directory and set this to true to skip package download. This can greatly speed up the playbook for large clusters and is useful for cluster nodes without necessary access to directlyy download the package.

Special Variables

The following variables should be set with caution as they have potential negative performance implications; they should not be used without knowledge of the changes which are made to the operating system configuration:

Name Default Description
couchbase_server_tune_os false Whether to tune OS with optimized settings


The examples directory contains some basic playbooks, host inventory examples, and Vagrant bits (primarily for development use) as follows:

  • cluster_backup.yml full backup of cluster and retrieval of backup tarball
  • cluster_collect_info.yml gathers cluster logs with cbcollect_info
  • cluster_init.yml installs Couchbase Server and initializes the cluster
  • cluster_install.yml prepares OS and installs Couchbase Server only
  • create_bucket.yml creates an example bucket
  • load_bucket.yml loads sample JSON data into a bucket
  • node_failover.yml manual failover of cluster node
  • retreive_ssl_cert.yml retrieve and store node's SSL certificate
  • site.yml basic role inclusion example
  • example_hosts example hosts inventory in format required by this project
  • Vagrantfile example Vagrant development cluster definition
  • vagrant_hosts default Vagrant hosts inventory file

Create Buckets

The example playbook create_bucket.yml for bucket creation can be used as follows:

Upon first execution without specifying variable arguments via the ansible-playbook extra vars ('-e') option, the playbook will generate a bucket with the following properties:

  • Bucket name: default
  • Bucket type: couchbase
  • Bucket port: 11211
  • Bucket RAM size: 256MB
  • Bucket replica number: 1

If you'd like to create your own buckets, then use the ansible-playbook extra vars ('-e') option and specify values for the b_name, b_type, b_port, b_ramsize, and b_replica variables like so:

ansible-playbook -i vagrant_hosts create_bucket.yml \
-e "b_name=danika b_type=couchbase b_port=11223 b_ramsize=256 b_replica=2"

or perhaps you'd like to make a memcached based bucket? No problem:

ansible-playbook -i vagrant_hosts create_bucket.yml \
-e "b_name=breandon b_type=memcached b_port=11224 b_ramsize=512 b_replica=0"

Quick Start for 3-Node Development Cluster

Follow these steps to have a simple 3 node CentOS based development or evaluation cluster on a machine with >= 8GB RAM, using VirtualBox and Vagrant:

  2. ansible-galaxy install couchbase.couchbase-server
  3. cd $ROLESPATH/couchbase.couchbase-server/examples
  4. vagrant up

Note that $ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH defaults to /etc/ansible/roles or the path you've specified in ~/.ansible.cfg for roles_path.

This will install three (3) CentOS 6.5 nodes with 1.5GB RAM each and cluster them together. The nodes will be available at,, and as defined in the Vagrantfile.

To install Debian based nodes, change the command in step 4 to:

BOX_NAME=chef/debian-7.4 vagrant up

To install Ubuntu based nodes, change the command in step 4 to:

BOX_NAME=ubuntu/trusty64 vagrant up

See examples/ for more Vagrant cluster based details.





Author Information

  • Brian Shumate (brian at