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(very) lightweight version of Jinja2 for C++
Lightweight templating engine for C++, based on Jinja2
- no dependencies, everything you need to build is included
- templates follow Jinja2 syntax
- supports:
- variable substitution
- for loops
- including nested for loops
- if statements - partially: only if variable exists or not
- variable substitution:
will be replaced by the value ofsomevar
- for loops:
{% for somevar in range(5) %}...{% endfor %}
will be expanded, assigning somevar the values of 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, accessible as normal template variables, ie in this case{{somevar}}
Simple example of using variable substitution:
Template mytemplate( R"d(
This is my {{avalue}} template. It's {{secondvalue}}...
Today's weather is {{weather}}.
)d" );
mytemplate.setValue( "avalue", 3 );
mytemplate.setValue( "secondvalue", 12.123f );
mytemplate.setValue( "weather", "rain" );
string result = mytemplate.render();
cout << result << endl;
string expectedResult = R"d(
This is my 3 template. It's 12.123...
Today's weather is rain.
EXPECT_EQ( expectedResult, result );
eg, example of using loops, eg to unroll some loops, maybe in an OpenCL kernel:
Template mytemplate( R"d(
{% for i in range(its) %}a[{{i}}] = image[{{i}}];
{% for j in range(2) %}b[{{j}}] = image[{{j}}];
{% endfor %}{% endfor %}
)d" );
mytemplate.setValue( "its", 3 );
string result = mytemplate.render();
string expectedResult = R"d(
a[0] = image[0];
b[0] = image[0];
b[1] = image[1];
a[1] = image[1];
b[0] = image[0];
b[1] = image[1];
a[2] = image[2];
b[0] = image[0];
b[1] = image[1];
EXPECT_EQ( expectedResult, result );
string source = R"DELIM(
{% for i in its %}
a[{{i}}] = image[{{i}}];
{% endfor %}
Template mytemplate( source );
mytemplate.setValue( "its", TupleValue::create(0, 1.1, "2abc") );
string result = mytemplate.render();
cout << result << endl;
string expectedResult = R"DELIM(
a[0] = image[0];
a[1.1] = image[1.1];
a[2abc] = image[2abc];
EXPECT_EQ( expectedResult, result );
simple if condition:
const std::string source = "abc{% if its %}def{% endif %}ghi";
Template mytemplate(source);
mytemplate.setValue("its", 3);
const std::string result = mytemplate.render();
std::cout << "[" << result << "]" << endl;
const std::string expectedResult = "abcdefghi";
EXPECT_EQ(expectedResult, result);
- cmake
- g++
- make
git clone
cd Jinja2CppLight
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
- Visual Studio 2013 Community, or similar
- cmake
- git (eg msys-git)
- use git to clone
- open cmake, and use it to generate visual studio project files, from the checked out repository
- open visual studio, and build the generate visual studio project files, as
After building, as above, on linux:
on Windows, from the Release directory folder:
For an alternative approach, using lua as a templating scripting language, see luacpptemplater
Mozilla Public License