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A set of configuration files I use to run my homelab on Kubernetes.

To Do

  • Use security context to allow containers to use non-root users
  • Use containers that exclusively use non-root users


  • Authelia - single sign-on with multi-factor
  • Cert Manager - retrieves Let's Encrypt certificates for exposed services
  • Dynamic DNS - updates a DNS record with my home IP, to avoid paying for a static IP
  • Nginx Ingress - expose services to the internet, and internally
  • MetalLB - assign load balancer services IPs internally on my network
  • Monitoring - InfluxDB, Grafana, Telegraf, and UDM data
  • Plex - for playing back media I've ripped off DVDs


Sealed Secrets

I'm using Sealed Secrets to store secrets on GitHub without exposing credentials.

Nginx Ingress

I run two separate deployments of the Nginx Ingress controller. One is for internal traffic, and the other is for external traffic.

Each controller has a LoadBalancer service, which are assigned IPs by MetalLB. This allows me to port-forward one LB for external traffic, while leaving the other for accessing services internally.

Each deployment has it's own Ingress class, nginx and nginx-internal. When creating a new Ingress, I can choose whether it should be exposed internally or externally.

In a nutshell: external ingresses are available over the internet, but internal ingresses are only available via Wireguard (a VPN).


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