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Light switch problem solver

I stumble upon this problem on a youtube video about battle field 4

There are certain number of lights in a room. There are also certain number of switches. Every switch opens some variaty of lights. If a light is already lit, switch closes the light. If it is not lit, it opens the light.

For instance in the diagram we have 2 lights A and B. We also have a switch S. Light A is lit and light B is not lit.

|##########|         |      +--+
|### A ####|    B    |      |S |
|##########|         |      +-++
+----+-----+----+----+        |
     |          |             |

If we press the switch S which is connected to Light A and B, Light A will be turned off and ligt B will be runed on.

|          |#########|      +--+
|    A     |### B ###|      |S#|
|          |#########|      +-++
+----+-----+----+----+        |
     |          |             |

Things get little more complicated if we have multiple switches connected to same light. Here are 3 ligts with 2 switches. Light B is connected to both switches So if we press one button light B will be turned on and if we press it again light will be turned off.

     1 - Initial state

            |        |                 |
+-------+---+---+----+--+             ++-+
|       |       |       |             |T |
|   A   |   B   |   C   |       +--+  +--+
|       |       |       |       |S |
+---+---+---+---+-------+       ++-+
    |       |                    |

     2 - Turn on switch T
            |        |                 |
+-------+---+---+----+--+             ++-+
|       |#######|#######|             |T#|
|   A   |## B ##|## C ##|       +--+  +--+
|       |#######|#######|       |S |
+---+---+---+---+-------+       ++-+
    |       |                    |

     3 - Turn on switch S
            |        |                 |
+-------+---+---+----+--+             ++-+
|#######|       |#######|             |T#|
|## A ##|   B   |## C ##|       +--+  +--+
|#######|       |#######|       |S#|
+---+---+---+---+-------+       ++-+
    |       |                    |

So problem is given the number of switches and lights and specification about how they are connected, find a switch combination that lits all the lights.

Here is the types for the solver.

module Solver where

type LightName = String
type SwitchName = String

data Switch = Switch SwitchName [LightName] deriving (Show, Eq)

solve :: [LightName] -> [Switch] -> Maybe [SwitchName]
solve _lns _ss = Nothing

Run unittest against you solution by

stack test

Lastly here here is a example fucntion call that finds the solution for 1 light and 1 switch

*Main> solve ["A"] [Switch {switchName="S", lights=["A"]}]
Just ["S"]


Light switch problem solver







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