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Releases: hutt/spectre


28 Mar 14:08
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✨ new: variable webfonts for visitors with modern browsers
✨ added new "Termine" template
✨ this theme now generates a corporate design-compliant Die Linke placeholder logo when @site.logo is unset

⚡️ replaced font awesome with inline SVG icons – improved page loading time

🐞 set footer margin-top to 0 when .kg-header-card or .kg-signup-card is .gh-content's last element


22 Feb 16:22
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✨ added a new alt-blockquote style (font-style Work Sans 900)


13 Feb 21:18
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updated css to display disclaimer text under newsletter signup cards,…

… updated package to v2.5.7


05 Dec 03:04
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new functions

✨ added critical css generation using penthouse to drastically improve fcp & lcp loading speeds

squashed bugs

🐞 squashed a bug where fonts couldn't be loaded on AMP pages

…and many other little optimizations


24 Nov 18:55
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new functions

✨ added custom amp template
✨ implemented privacy-friendly YouTube embeds
✨ implemented responsive image scaling and conversion to avif/webp, if the client browser supports it
✨ SEO- & accessibility optimizations
✨added a critical stylesheet that's loaded first to improve page loading speed
✨ important resources are being preloaded now

squashed bugs

🐞 removed unnecessary custom page settings to get rid of the alert box inside the backend on the bottom left corner

…and many other little optimizations


21 Nov 23:31
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new functions

✨ improved h1 heading size, changed h1 heading font to Work Sans
✨ added h4, h5 heading styles (Work Sans Light)

squashed bugs

🐞 fixed a bug where the bottom half of the header navbar publication logo was cut off on hover

…and many other little optimizations


21 Nov 18:30
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new design

✨ this theme now follows Die Linke's latest corporate design guidelines
✨ it's rebuilt completely from scratch, based on Ghost's Source theme


29 Jul 20:14
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new functions

✨ added parallax effect to accent color

squashed bugs

🐞 fixed thin dotted border underneath buttons and navigation elements
🐞 fixed missing header image on error pages

…and many other little optimizations


29 Jul 13:43
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changed header image in error.hbs template