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Welcome! If you are looking for a lightweight tool to analyze the critical path costs of your distributed-memory MPI program, you have come to the right place. critter seeks to understand the critical paths of your MPI program, and decomposes critical paths defined by the following metrics:

  1. execution time
  2. communication time
  3. computation cost
  4. synchronization cost (in the alpha-beta or Bulk-synchronous-parallel model)
  5. communication cost (in the alpha-beta or Bulk-synchronous-parallel model)

For example, the communication-time critical path is the schedule path that incurs the maximum communication time. This path will not necessarily incur the maximum execution time.

critter also provides both maximum-per-process and volumetric times and costs of the measures above.

critter decomposes parallel schedule paths into contributions from MPI routines and user-defined kernels. User-defined kernels are encapsulated within preprocessor directives CRITTER_START(kernel_name) and CRITTER_STOP(kernel_name), which must be added manually inside source code.

See the lists below for an accurate depiction of our current support.

Build and use instructions

Modify compiler and flags in config/ (MPI installation and C++11 are required). Run make in the main directory to generate the library files ./lib/libcritter.a. Include critter.h in all files that use MPI in your application (i.e. replace include mpi.h), and link to ./lib/libcritter.a. Shared library ./lib/ is currently not generated.

critter provides the following C routines to the user:

  1. void critter_register_timer(const char* timer_name): register a user-defined timer for a kernel with name timer_name to fix ordering of intercepted kernels (each of which must be associated with a distinct name). If processes start and stop timers in more than one ordering, all intercepted and profiled kernels must register their timers using this routine
  2. void critter_start_timer(const char* timer_name, bool propagate_within = true, MPI_Comm cm = MPI_COMM_NULL): start timer for a kernel with name timer_name. Optionally, specify whether critical path information should be propagated within this kernel and/or whether to synchronize and propagate critical path information at the start of the kernel
  3. void critter_stop_timer(const char* timer_name, MPI_Comm cm = MPI_COMM_NULL): stop timer for a kernel with name timer_name. Optionally, specify whether to synchronize and propagate critical path information at the end of the kernel
  4. int critter_get_critical_path_costs(): get the size of the critical path information (so that critter_get_critical_path_costs(...) can be invoked properly)
  5. void critter_get_critical_path_costs(float* costs): set critical path information to passed buffer costs
  6. void critter_start(MPI_Comm cm=MPI_COMM_WORLD): initiates the window within which all MPI routines and computation kernels are intercepted and profiled
  7. void critter_stop(MPI_Comm cm=MPI_COMM_WORLD): closes the window within which all MPI routines and computation kernels are intercepted and profiled
  8. void critter_record(int variantID=-1): print critter's analysis

Note that one can set the environment variable CRITTER_AUTO_PROFILE=1 to enable critter to start profiling immediately following invocation MPI_Init or MPI_Init_thread and ending with invocation of MPI_Finalize (and thus avoid explicitly calling critter_start(...) and critter_stop(...)). See the other environment variables below for all customization options.

Environment variables

Env variable description default value
CRITTER_MODE Switch to enable critter; set to 0 to instead use a primitive timer with no user code interception 1
CRITTER_AUTO_PROFILE Switch to activate critter inside MPI initialization; prevents need for manually inserting critter::start() and critter::stop() inside user code; set to 1 to activate 0
CRITTER_EAGER_LIMIT Specify maximum message size (in bytes) that can utilize eager protocol 32768
CRITTER_COST_MODEL Specify cost model: Bulk-Synchronous-Parallel (0) or Alpha-Beta (1) 0
CRITTER_PATH_PROFILE Specify how critical paths are decomposed: by MPI routine (1), user-defined kernels (2), or avoid altogether (0) 0
CRITTER_PATH_SELECT Specify which critical paths are decomposed (via a 5-digit string according to the following order: Synchronization cost, Communication cost, Computation cost, Communication time, Execution time); as an example, specify 00001 to decompose the execution-time critical path 00000
CRITTER_PATH_MEASURE_SELECT Specify which metrics to profile along each critical path (via a 5-digit string according to the following order: Synchronization cost, Communication cost, Computation cost, Communication time, Execution time); as an example, specify 00010 to measure the communication time attributed to each MPI routine, or specify 00001 to measure the execution time attributed to each user-defined kernel 00000
CRITTER_PROFILE_EXCLUSIVE_TIME_ONLY Specify whether to profile each kernel's exclusive time (1) and additionally inclusive time (0) 0
CRITTER_PROFILE_MAX_NUM_KERNELS Specify maximum number of user-defined kernels to intercept, profile, and propagate during program runtime 20
CRITTER_PROFILE_P2P Specify whether to profile point-to-point communications invoked during program runtime 1
CRITTER_PROFILE_COLLECTIVE Specify whether to profile collective communications invoked during program runtime 1
CRITTER_PROPAGATE_P2P Specify whether to propagate critical-path profiles during interception of point-to-point communications invoked during program runtime 1
CRITTER_PROPAGATE_COLLECTIVE Specify whether to propagate critical-path profiles during interception of collective communications invoked during program runtime 1
CRITTER_EXECUTE_KERNELS Specify whether to execute intercepted communication routines invoked during program runtime (subject to a maximum message size CRITTER_EXECUTE_KERNELS_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) 1
CRITTER_EXECUTE_KERNELS_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE Specify the maximum message size of an intercepted communication routine that should not be avoided if CRITTER_EXECUTE_KERNELS=1 1

Current support (most of MPI-1, including non-blocking collectives)

MPI routine profiled
MPI_Barrier yes
MPI_Bcast yes
MPI_Reduce yes
MPI_Allreduce yes
MPI_Gather yes
MPI_Gatherv yes
MPI_Allgather yes
MPI_Allgatherv yes
MPI_Scatter yes
MPI_Scatterv yes
MPI_Reduce_Scatter yes
MPI_Alltoall yes
MPI_Alltoallv yes
MPI_Ibcast yes
MPI_Ireduce yes
MPI_Iallreduce yes
MPI_Igather yes
MPI_Igatherv yes
MPI_Iallgather yes
MPI_Iallgatherv yes
MPI_Iscatter yes
MPI_Iscatterv yes
MPI_Ireduce_Scatter yes
MPI_Ialltoall yes
MPI_Ialltoallv yes
MPI_Send yes
MPI_Ssend yes
MPI_Bsend yes
MPI_Rsend no
MPI_Isend yes
MPI_Issend no
MPI_Ibsend no
MPI_Irsend no
MPI_Recv yes
MPI_Irecv yes
MPI_Sendrecv yes
MPI_Sendrecv_replace yes
MPI_Test yes
MPI_Testany yes
MPI_Testsome yes
MPI_Testall yes


  1. critter cannot profile libraries that use any thread mechanism other than MPI_THREAD_SINGLE.
  2. critter does not profile late receivers for point-to-point communication.


Critical path analysis of MPI parallel programs







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