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Duy's React Starter Kit

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This project was based on Create React App. (#11304)

Vite-version / Unbundled Development available at vite branch (WIP)


Includes all features of CRA, with some opinionated tweaks but provide flexible configurations.

  • Webpack 5 with dynamic import(), react-refresh, modern JSX and build optimizations.
  • Tailwind 2+ (with opt-in, opt-out option)
  • TypeScript 4
  • React 17
  • Router support react-router-dom
  • recoil + react-query configurated as state management
  • i18n with i18next, support locale splitting
  • Animation with framer-motion
  • SASS (with dart-sass), PostCSS with autoprefixer, CSS Module supported and optimizations.
  • Babel in Stage 1 with tree-shaking support for ramda, date-fns
  • ESlint configured to work well with Prettier, Typescript, EditorConfig in multiple environment: IDE, compile
  • Authentication and Authorization boilerplate
  • Router boilerplate
  • Global error boundary, error handler
  • Cancelable request caller with axios
  • Jest + Testing-library for unit/component testing, Cypress for E2E testing, MSW for API mocking
  • Lintstaged & Husky for automatically lint & formatting
  • VSCode specific settings, extensions & debug launch config
  • Docker, docker-compose with nginx config for development and deployment
  • Not like CRA, everything is customizable (and initially come with presets): Eslint, babel, jest, postcss, prettier, tailwind, cypress,....

Differs from CRA

  • Scripts: no eject (because everything is customizable by default), the rest of the scripts can be view in package.json
  • Supported language features: here
  • Configuring supported browsers: in .browserlistrc
  • Editor setup, debugger setup: in .vscode folder
  • Advanced configuration:
    • FAST_REFRESH option removed (Fast Refrest is always enable)
    • DISABLE_ESLINT_PLUGIN option removed (Eslint is always enable)
    • ENABLE_WDYR added



Unfortunatelly, the project is not supported by Node v16+, due to a breaking change off v8.

git clone react-app
cd react-app

Clone with SSH is recommennded.

or Create a new repository from react-starter-kit


cp .env.example .env && vi .env for local environment, also support for staging and production environment. Local environment will be use as fallback when staging and production environment is not available.

Alias: in tsconfig.json - compilerOptions.paths. Automatically resolve in webpack, jest environment.

Further configuration can be found in root level files.


With docker: docker-compose up --build -d

Without docker: yarn start

Configure in docker-compose.yml file, default running on port 3000

Running test: yarn test

Debugging tests: yarn test:debug

Lint code & style: yarn lint

Fix code & style: yarn fix

Reinstall entire project: yarn refresh


Build image - by default will use yarn build:production: sudo docker build -t react-starter-kit .

Run container: sudo docker run --init -dit -p 3000:80 --name react-starter-kit react-starter-kit:latest

Kill and remove: (sudo docker kill react-starter-kit || true) && (sudo docker rm react-starter-kit || true)

Without docker: yarn build or yarn build:staging or yarn build:production, output is located at /build

Analyze output: yarn analyze


  • Stylelint
  • GraphQL - Relay/Apollo
  • Server-Side Rendering (waiting for support in React v18)
  • Storybook for component testing, interaction testing
  • Write 2E2 tests


  • React.lazy is not yet available for server-side rendering


FOSSA Status