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Advanced Usage

There is a not uncommon use case of people deploying Hashicorp Vault with a private certificate authority. Unfortunately the requests module does not make use of the system CA certificates. Instead of disabling SSL verification you can make use of the REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable.

As documented in the advanced usage section for requests this environment variable should point to a file that is comprised of all CA certificates you may wish to use. This can be a single private CA, or an existing list of root certificates with the private appended to the end. The following example shows how to achieve this:

$ cp "$(python -c 'import certifi;print certifi.where();')" /tmp/bundle.pem
$ cat /path/to/custom.pem >> /tmp/bundle.pem
$ export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/tmp/bundle.pem

Alternative, this envrionmental variable can be set via the os module in-line with other Python statements. The following example would be one way to manage this configuration on a Ubuntu host:

import os

import hvac

def get_vault_client(vault_url=VAULT_URL, certs=VAULT_CERTS):
        Instantiates a hvac / vault client.
        :param vault_url: string, protocol + address + port for the vault service
        :param certs: tuple, Optional tuple of self-signed certs to use for verification
                with hvac's requests adapater.
        :return: hvac.Client
        logger.debug('Retrieving a vault (hvac) client...')
        if certs:
                # When use a self-signed certificate for the vault service itself, we need to
                # include our local ca bundle here for the underlying requests module.
                os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'

        vault_client = hvac.Client(

        vault_client.token = load_vault_token(vault_client)

        if not vault_client.is_authenticated():
                error_msg = 'Unable to authenticate to the Vault service'
                raise hvac.exceptions.Unauthorized(error_msg)

        return vault_client
.. versionadded:: 0.6.2

Calls to the requests module. (which provides the methods hvac utilizes to send HTTP/HTTPS request to Vault instances) were extracted from the :class:`Client <hvac.v1.Client>` class and moved to a newly added :meth:`hvac.adapters` module. The :class:`Client <hvac.v1.Client>` class itself defaults to an instance of the :class:`Request <hvac.adapters.Request>` class for its :attr:`_adapter <hvac.v1.Client._adapter>` private attribute attribute if no adapter argument is provided to its :meth:`constructor <hvac.v1.Client.__init__>`. This attribute provides an avenue for modifying the manner in which hvac completes request. To enable this type of customization, implement a class of type :meth:`hvac.adapters.Adapter`, override its abstract methods, and pass this custom class to the adapter argument of the :meth:`Client constructor <hvac.v1.Client.__init__>`

hvac does not currently offer direct support of requests to a Vault agent process configured with a unix socket listener. However this use case can be handled with the help of the requests_unixsocket module. To accomplish this, first ensure the module is available (e.g. pip install requests_unixsocket), and then instantiate the :class:`Client <hvac.v1.Client>` class in the following manner:

import urllib.parse

import requests_unixsocket
import hvac

vault_agent_socket_path = '/var/run/vault/agent.sock'
socket_url = 'http+unix://{encoded_path}'.format(
        encoded_path=urllib.parse.quote(vault_agent_socket_path, safe='')
socket_session = requests_unixsocket.Session()
client = hvac.Client(