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- Expand CH2 support
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hvxl committed Apr 2, 2018
1 parent 30c4587 commit 878a98e
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Showing 7 changed files with 232 additions and 65 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion otmonitor.vfs/dbus.tcl
Expand Up @@ -68,21 +68,28 @@ dbif method / Report {} list:a{sv} {
set rc {}
foreach {name var sig} {
BoilerWaterTemperature boilertemp d
BoilerWaterTemperature2 boilertemp2 d
CHEnable chenable b
CH2Enable ch2enable b
CHSetpoint chsetpoint d
CentralHeating chmode b
CentralHeating2 ch2mode b
ControlSetpoint controlsp d
ControlSetpoint2 controlsp2 d
DHWEnable dhwenable b
DHWSetpoint dhwsetpoint d
DHWTemperature dhwtemp d
DHWTemperature2 dhwtemp2 d
Fault fault b
Flame flame b
HotWater dhwmode b
Modulation modulation d
OutsideTemperature outside d
ReturnWaterTemperature returntemp d
RoomTemperature temperature d
RoomTemperature roomtemp d
RoomTemperature2 roomtemp2 d
Setpoint setpoint d
Setpoint2 setpoint2 d
} {
if {[info exists gui($var)] && $gui($var) ne "???"} {
dict set rc $name [list $sig $gui($var)]
Expand Down
24 changes: 20 additions & 4 deletions otmonitor.vfs/docroot/graph.svg.tmpl
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
% global track start graph theme timestamp
% global track start gui graph graphdef theme timestamp
% set now $timestamp
% set maxx [expr {min(1440, ($now - $start) / 5.) + 25}]
% if {[info exists graph]} {
% } elseif {[info exists gui(ch2)] && $gui(ch2)} {
% set graph $graphdef
% } else {
% # Remove the CH2 related parts
% set graph [dict remove $graphdef chmode2 temperature2]
% }
% # Calculate the height of the graph
% set height 18
% dict for {name dict} $graph {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,13 +90,22 @@
<g class="legend">
% set h [expr {[dict size $line] * 14 - 3}]
<rect x="22" y="$y" width="180" height="$h"/>
% dict for {name data} $line {
% set title [dict get $data name]
% set color [dict get $data color]
% if {[dict exists $dict name]} {
% set title [dict get $dict name]
% set color [dict get $dict color]
<circle cx="32" cy="$v" r="4" fill="$color"/>
% incr v 4
<text x="40" y="$v" text-anchor="start" style="fill: black; font-family: DejaVu Sans; font-size: 10px;">$title</text>
% incr v 10
% } else {
% dict for {name data} $line {
% set title [dict get $data name]
% set color [dict get $data color]
<circle cx="32" cy="$v" r="4" fill="$color"/>
% incr v 4
<text x="40" y="$v" text-anchor="start" style="fill: black; font-family: DejaVu Sans; font-size: 10px;">$title</text>
% incr v 10
% }
% }
% }
Expand Down
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion otmonitor.vfs/docroot/status.html.tmpl
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ var query = {"var" : \["gui", "error"\]};
% overtemp "Water over-temperature"
% }
% set table2 {
% temperature &deg;C "Room temperature"
% roomtemp &deg;C "Room temperature"
% outside &deg;C "Outside temperature"
% setpoint &deg;C "Room setpoint"
% boilertemp &deg;C "Boiler water temperature"
Expand All @@ -46,6 +46,15 @@ var query = {"var" : \["gui", "error"\]};
% maxmod % "Max. relative modulation level"
% faultcode "" "OEM fault code"
% }
% if {[info exists gui(ch2)] && $gui(ch2)} {
% lappend table2 {*}{
% roomtemp2 &deg;C "Room temperature 2"
% boilertemp2 &deg;C "Boiler water temperature 2"
% setpoint2 &deg;C "Room setpoint 2"
% dhwtemp2 &deg;C "Domestic hot water temperature 2"
% controlsp2 &deg;C "Control setpoint 2"
% }
% }
<table width="98%">
% set col 0
% foreach {n s} $table1 {
Expand Down
148 changes: 112 additions & 36 deletions otmonitor.vfs/gui.tcl
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ proc gui::imglist {fn} {

proc gui::start {} {
global cfg
global cfg gui
upvar #0 cfg(connection,type) devtype

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ proc gui::start {} {
ttk::label .l10 -text "Relative modulation level"
ttk::label .v10 -textvariable gui(modulation) -anchor e -width 6
ttk::label .l11 -text "Room temperature"
ttk::label .v11 -textvariable gui(temperature) -anchor e -width 6
ttk::label .v11 -textvariable gui(roomtemp) -anchor e -width 6
ttk::label .l12 -text "Room setpoint"
ttk::label .v12 -textvariable gui(setpoint) -anchor e -width 6
ttk::label .l13 -text "Return water temperature"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,6 +156,43 @@ proc gui::start {} {
grid .l8 .v8 -in .f3 -sticky we -padx 2 -pady 1
grid .l21 .v21 -in .f3 -sticky we -padx 2 -pady 1

ttk::separator .sep-ch2
ttk::label .title-ch2 -text "CH circuit 2" -padding {4 0}

ttk::frame .f1-ch2
grid columnconfigure .f1-ch2 0 -weight 1
ttk::frame .f2-ch2
grid columnconfigure .f2-ch2 0 -weight 1
ttk::frame .f3-ch2
grid columnconfigure .f3-ch2 0 -weight 1
ttk::separator .sep1-ch2 -orient vertical
ttk::separator .sep2-ch2 -orient vertical

ttk::checkbutton .f1-ch2.v15 -class TLabel -style Indicator.TCheckbutton \
-variable gui(ch2mode) -text "Central heating mode "
ttk::checkbutton .f1-ch2.v19 -class TLabel -style Indicator.TCheckbutton \
-variable gui(ch2enable) -text "Central heating enable "
ttk::label .f2-ch2.l11 -text "Room temperature"
ttk::label .f2-ch2.v11 -textvariable gui(roomtemp2) -anchor e -width 6
ttk::label .f2-ch2.l12 -text "Room setpoint"
ttk::label .f2-ch2.v12 -textvariable gui(setpoint2) -anchor e -width 6
ttk::label .f3-ch2.l6 -text "Boiler water temperature"
ttk::label .f3-ch2.v6 -textvariable gui(boilertemp2) -anchor e -width 6
ttk::label .f3-ch2.l7 -text "Control setpoint"
ttk::label .f3-ch2.v7 -textvariable gui(controlsp2) -anchor e -width 6
ttk::label .f3-ch2.l18 -text "DHW temperature"
ttk::label .f3-ch2.v18 -textvariable gui(dhwtemp2) -anchor e -width 6

grid .f1-ch2.v15 -sticky we -padx 2 -pady 1
grid .f1-ch2.v19 -sticky we -padx 2 -pady 1

grid .f2-ch2.l11 .f2-ch2.v11 -sticky we -padx 2 -pady 1
grid .f2-ch2.l12 .f2-ch2.v12 -sticky we -padx 2 -pady 1

grid .f3-ch2.l6 .f3-ch2.v6 -sticky we -padx 2 -pady 1
grid .f3-ch2.l7 .f3-ch2.v7 -sticky we -padx 2 -pady 1
grid .f3-ch2.l18 .f3-ch2.v18 -in .f3-ch2 -sticky we -padx 2 -pady 1

ttk::separator .sep3

ttk::notebook .nb
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,11 +227,19 @@ proc gui::start {} {

grid .sep -padx 2 -sticky ew -columnspan 5
grid .f1 .sep1 .f2 .sep2 .f3 -sticky ns -pady 2 -padx 4
grid .sep-ch2 .title-ch2 -column 0 -columnspan 5
grid .sep-ch2 -sticky ew -padx 2
grid .f1-ch2 .sep1-ch2 .f2-ch2 .sep2-ch2 .f3-ch2 -sticky nsew -pady 2 -padx 4
grid .sep3 -padx 2 -sticky ew -columnspan 5
grid .nb -columnspan 5 -sticky news -padx 8 -pady 8
grid .sep4 -padx 2 -sticky ew -columnspan 5
grid .bar -sticky ew -columnspan 5

# Do not show the CH2 information until its presence has been reported
grid remove {*}[lsearch -all -inline [winfo children .] *-ch2]
# Add a trace on the gui array to detect if a CH2 circuit is present
trace add variable gui write [namespace code ch2trace]

update idletasks
if {[info exists tab($cfg(view,tab))]} {
.nb select $tab($cfg(view,tab))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,8 +311,6 @@ proc gui::start {} {
bind all <F7> [namespace code [list configdlg misc]]


tk appname otmonitor

wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW [namespace code finish]
Expand All @@ -278,6 +321,31 @@ proc gui::finish {} {

proc gui::ch2trace {var arg op} {
global gui
if {$arg in {ch2 roomtemp2 controlsp2 setpoint2 boilertemp2 dhwtemp2}} {
# Received some CH2 related info, so the trace is no longer needed
trace remove variable gui write [namespace code ch2trace]
if {$arg eq "ch2" && !$gui(ch2)} return
# Show the CH2 related information

proc gui::chcircuit2 {{on 1}} {
global graph graphdef
if {$on} {
# Show the CH circuit 2 values
grid {*}[lsearch -all -inline [winfo children .] *-ch2]
set graph $graphdef
} else {
# Hide the CH circuit 2 values
grid remove {*}[lsearch -all -inline [winfo children .] *-ch2]
set graph [dict remove $graphdef chmode2 temperature2]
graphinit .nb.f2.c

proc gui::logframe {w} {
ttk::frame $w.f1 -style TEntry -borderwidth 2 -takefocus 0
set x 0
Expand All @@ -301,7 +369,8 @@ proc gui::logframe {w} {

proc gui::graphframe {w} {
global graph
global graph graphdef
set graph [dict remove $graphdef chmode2 temperature2]
ttk::frame $w.f2 -style TEntry -borderwidth 2 -takefocus 0
canvas $w.f2.c -background white -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
-yscrollcommand [list $w.f2.vs set] -xscrollcommand [list $w.f2.hs set]
Expand All @@ -313,24 +382,54 @@ proc gui::graphframe {w} {
grid $w.f2.hs x -sticky news
grid columnconfigure $w.f2 $w.f2.c -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $w.f2 $w.f2.c -weight 1
graphinit $w.f2.c
bind $w.f2.c <1> [namespace code [list information $w.f2.c %x %y]]
bind $w.f2.c <4> [list $w.f2.c yview scroll -1 unit]
bind $w.f2.c <5> [list $w.f2.c yview scroll 1 unit]
bind $w.f2.c <MouseWheel> \
[format {%s yview scroll [expr {%%D/-abs(%%D)}] unit} $w.f2.c]
return $w.f2

proc gui::graphinit {c} {
global graph height span period

$c delete graph
dict for {name data} $graph {
dict for {name dict} [dict get $data line] {
set tags [list $name graph]
set color [dict get $dict color]
if {[dict get $data type] eq "polygon"} {
$w.f2.c create polygon 0 -1 1 -1 -tags $tags \
$c create polygon 0 -1 1 -1 -tags $tags \
-fill $color -outline $color
} else {
$w.f2.c create line 0 -1 0 -1 -tags $tags -fill $color
$c create line 0 -1 0 -1 -tags $tags -fill $color
bind $w.f2.c <1> [namespace code [list information $w.f2.c %x %y]]
bind $w.f2.c <4> [list $w.f2.c yview scroll -1 unit]
bind $w.f2.c <5> [list $w.f2.c yview scroll 1 unit]
bind $w.f2.c <MouseWheel> \
[format {%s yview scroll [expr {%%D/-abs(%%D)}] unit} $w.f2.c]
return $w.f2

# Make the grid
global graph height span period
$c delete grid
set y 0
set x [expr {$span / $period}]
foreach n [dict keys $graph] {
incr y 8
dict with graph $n {
set origin [expr {$y + $max * $zoom}]
for {set v $min} {$v <= $max} {incr v $scale} {
set i [expr {$origin - $v * $zoom}]
$c create line 0 $i $x $i -fill #eee -tags grid
$c create text -4 $i -text $v -anchor e -tags grid \
-font Small -fill #000
incr y [expr {round(($max - $min) * $zoom)}]
set height [incr y 16]
$c lower grid


proc gui::statsframe {w} {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -478,29 +577,6 @@ proc gui::tvtrace {type msgid} {
if {$resort} {tvsort $tv $cfg(view,sort)}

proc gui::makegrid {} {
global graph height span period
.nb.f2.c delete grid
set y 0
set x [expr {$span / $period}]
dict for {name data} $graph {
incr y 8
dict with data {
set origin [expr {$y + $max * $zoom}]
for {set v $min} {$v <= $max} {incr v $scale} {
set i [expr {$origin - $v * $zoom}]
.nb.f2.c create line 0 $i $x $i -fill #eee -tags grid
.nb.f2.c create text -4 $i -text $v -anchor e -tags grid \
-font Small -fill #000
incr y [expr {round(($max - $min) * $zoom)}]
dict set graph $name origin $origin
set height [incr y 16]
.nb.f2.c lower grid

proc gui::scroll {} {
global graph track period gui start height now zero span devtype timestamp
set now $timestamp
Expand Down

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