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#####a new tasks system

goal: with only two (and a half) people, we can easily get all of the hw tasks for the whole grade. putting these on a nice website (thanks for the css, jacob) will make for a good task system.


why shouldn't i just use google tasks?

A: what if you mess it up? what if you forget a task? for some, gtasks is reliable -- for others, not so much.

what happened to mytasks?

A: jacob was using kitchen utensils with the git, it went down. hwstack replaced it.

will hwstack ever be down?

A: shouldn't be, as long as github is up.

how do i know hwstack has all of my hw tasks?

A: look at the due dates, if something's missing (nothing should be) then tell one of us. sadly there's no way to add server-submitted tasks.

what classes can benefit from hwstack?

A: humanities c and v, science, latin, and math k (math c coming soon!).

why did you make this readme file? i can see you in person at school, you know.

A: why do you ask so many questions?

so how does it work?

A: essentially when you load hwstack it gets the list of tasks from the github server. it then puts them onto theStack. all users have the same copy of theStack. as for myStack: when you type in a new task and save it, it uses javascript to save a compressed microcookie (about two bytes for five tasks) in your browser. currently there's no way to transfer from computer to computer - of course, features are meant to be made.