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v2.3.0 - November 16 2014

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@StorytellerCZ StorytellerCZ released this 16 Nov 17:15
· 1244 commits to master since this release

Biggest change to take into account this release:
#87 - Make logging level based

Other changes:
#102 - Uses Exceptions instead of die() to handle critical problems.
#247 - Disable autoloading when doing class_exists()
#111 - Add more informative messages and logging
#221 - Google Provider: Scopes updated
#261 - Check if $params is_array
#265 - OAuth multipart support added
#266 - Twitter Provider: setUserStatus() message and picture support
#267 - fixed adapter undefined indexes and illegal string offsets (issues #200 and #105)
#270 - providers setUserStatus() return status info
#271 - new: provider::getUserStatus($id) retrieves status info (Facebook and Twitter)
#272 - facebook::setUserStatus on a user's Page
#273 - better profile image size for Google and Twitter
#241 - install.php was deleted
#291 - updated links in readmes and removed mentions of install.php.
#294 - Correctly break; when looping on $response->placesLived when a primary location is defined
#295 - Check for callers URL protocol
#289 - Added Facebook language locale (#289)
#293 - Global 'force' configuration option to always request login credentials.
#298 - Add check for OAuthException class exists
#301 - getUserContacts gets paged Facebook friends
#305 - Require wrapper class file only if it is specified
#306 - fixed E_NOTICE: Undefined index: debug_mode in Logger class
#310 - GitHub auth: Undefined property: stdClass::$email
#264 - Yahoo login not returning email address
#321, #322, #323 - Updated QQ
#324 - fixed port issue on openid
#337 - Added email in Live contacts
#341 - [foursquare] photoURL is not a 'simple' string with the latest service API