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This is the TaskMapper adapter for interaction with Basecamp Classic


By default, API access is disabled on Basecamp accounts. You will have to go into the account page to enable it:

  1. From the dashboard, click the "Account (Upgrade/Invoices)" tab in the right hand side.
  2. Scroll down to the Basecamp API section. (It should be near the bottom, second-to-last.)
  3. Enable it. Once it's enabled, you'll see: "The API is currently enabled for this account."


While you can use the adapter with your Basecamp username and password, it is recommended that you use an authentication token instead. You can find your token on the "My Info" page (at the top right corner of Basecamp, next to the "Sign out" link).

At the bottom of that page is the "Authentication tokens" section. Click on the "Show your tokens" link for your API token. It's the first one.


Initialize the taskmapper-basecamp instance using your domain and either a username/password or authentication token:

basecamp =
  :domain => "",
  :token => "YOUR_TOKEN"

basecamp =
  :domain => "",
  :username => "YOUR_USERNAME",
  :password => "YOUR_PASSWORD"

Finding Projects

You can find your own projects by using:

projects = basecamp.projects # will return all projects
projects = basecamp.projects ["project_id", "another_project_id"]
project = basecamp.projects.find :first, "project_id"
projects = basecamp.projects.find :all, ["project_id", "another_project_id"]

Finding Tickets

tickets = # All open tickets
tickets = :all, :status => 'closed' # all closed tickets
ticket = project.ticket 981234

Opening A Ticket

ticket = project.ticket!(
  :title => "Content of the new ticket."

Closing Tickets


Reopening Tickets


Updating Tickets

ticket.title = "New title"

Finding Comments

ticket.comments # all comments for a ticket
ticket.comments 90210

Creating a Comment

ticket.comment! :body => "New Comment!"




The main way you can contribute is with some code! Here's how:

  • Fork taskmapper-basecamp
  • Create a topic branch: git checkout -b my_awesome_feature
  • Push to your branch - git push origin my_awesome_feature
  • Create a Pull Request from your branch
  • That's it!

We use RSpec for testing. Please include tests with your pull request. A simple bundle exec rake will run the suite. Also, please try to TomDoc your methods, it makes it easier to see what the code does and makes it easier for future contributors to get started.

(c) 2013 The Hybrid Group