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Hydrolix Spark Connector


This is a Spark TableCatalog/"DataSourceV2" implementation that lets customers write Spark 3.3.x and 3.4.x jobs that directly query data stored in Hydrolix tables, without any ETL process.

The mainline Hydrolix query engine supports the Clickhouse SQL dialect, but this connector can execute queries in any of the following:

  • Spark SQL
  • Scala
  • PySpark

In fact, the connector supports queries using an any arbitrary combination of these languages, thanks to Spark's unifying DataFrame abstraction.



Hydrolix Spark Catalog


An operating mode of the turbine_cmd binary, launched by HdxPartitionReader as a child process to read Hydrolix partitions. Packaged in the JAR, not open source!

Hydrolix Cluster

A preexisting Hydrolix cluster; must be version 3.40.5 or later. The connector must be able to access the Hydrolix API (typically on port 443) and the Clickhouse Native protocol (typically on port 9440).


The connector talks to the Hydrolix API at query planning time using a REST client to authenticate, and to retrieve database, table and column metadata. The connector does not use the API for query execution.

Query Head

The connector talks to the Hydrolix query head at query planning time using the Clickhouse JDBC driver to retrieve partition and column index metadata. The connector does not use the query head for query execution.

Feature Set

Query Optimizations

The connector supports the following query optimizations, in addition to the logical optimizations Spark already applies (e.g. removing tautologies, simplifying Boolean expressions)

Partition Pruning

When the query has suitable predicates based on the timestamp and/or shard key, we can use them to eliminate partitions from consideration based on each partition’s min/max timestamps and shard key. In some cases this can be extremely effective, especially in high-selectivity queries (e.g. timestamp in a narrow range).

Predicate Pushdown

Suitable predicates that do simple comparisons between indexed fields and literals are evaluated by the low-level turbine_cmd hdx_reader using Hydrolix indexes. Note that hdx_reader only applies block-level filters, so these predicates still need to be evaluated by Spark after scanning. Also note that due to a (hopefully) temporary implementation restriction, only predicates on string-typed columns can be pushed down for block filtering; any other predicates need to be evaluated by Spark post-scanning.

Column Pruning

When queries only reference a subset of columns (e.g. a, b and c in SELECT a, b WHERE c='foo'), we only read the columns that are referenced.

Aggregate Pushdown

For queries that only contain the following aggregates, no other selected expressions, and no GROUP BY or WHERE clauses, we exclusively use partition metadata to answer such queries very quickly.

  • COUNT(*)
  • MIN(<primary key field>)
  • MAX(<primary key field>)

Unsupported Features

Writing Data

The Hydrolix Spark Connector is currently read-only; any attempt to execute DDL or DML queries (or their Python/Scala equivalents) will result in an error.

Dictionary Tables

(see roadmap item)


Apache 2.0

The following are released under the Apache 2.0 license:


  • This connector depends on the connectors-core library, which contains some proprietary components


Dependencies are used under a variety of open source licenses; see

System Requirements


The Hydrolix Spark Connector requires a minimum Java version of 11; later versions might work. Java 8 definitely doesn't.


The connector is built exclusively for Scala 2.12 at the moment. You don't need to install Scala yourself, the build system will take care of it.

Operating System

Currently, the connector only runs on recent AMD64/x86_64 Linux distros. Ubuntu 22.x and Fedora 38 work fine; Ubuntu 20.x definitely doesn't work; other distros MIGHT work. It DOES NOT work on macOS, because it uses a native binary built from the C++ source tree, which can only target Linux at this time.

You can build the connector on macOS, it just won't run. Sorry.

Spark (for local deployments)

You’ll need to download a copy of Apache Spark 3.3.2 or 3.4.0, compiled for Scala 2.12. You can untar it to wherever you like and use it as-is, no configuration files need to be updated.

Connector Jar

You’ll need the connector jar, which can be resolved using the usual Maven machinery at the following coordinates:


  libraryDependencies += "io.hydrolix" %% "hydrolix-spark-connector" % "1.6.0-SNAPSHOT"

(note that we only build for Scala 2.12 at the moment)

Gradle (Kotlin)


Gradle (Groovy)

  implementation 'io.hydrolix:hydrolix-spark-connector_2.12:1.6.0-SNAPSHOT'



Otherwise, if you’re building locally, it will show up at ./target/scala-2.12/hydrolix-spark-connector-assembly_2.12-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.


  1. Install SBT however you prefer. Your Linux distro might have it packaged already.
  2. git clone hydrolix-spark-connector && cd hydrolix-spark-connector
  3. Run sbt assembly to compile and build the connector jar file.
  4. If the build succeeds, the jar can be found at ./target/scala-2.12/hydrolix-spark-connector-assembly_2.12-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.


Local Deployment

For local testing, look at the GCS or AWS scripts for inspiration.

Deploying on Databricks

  1. Databricks Runtime 13 or higher is required
  2. Upload the connector jar in the Libraries tab, or use its Maven coordinates.
  3. Select JDK11 by setting an environment variable in Advanced Options > Spark > Environment Variables
  4. Set Policy to Unrestricted
  5. Set Access mode to No isolation shared
  6. (Optional) apply configuration settings as space-separated name-value pairs in Advanced Options > Spark > Spark config, e.g. for AWS:
    spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix io.hydrolix.connectors.spark.SparkTableCatalog
    spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.jdbc_url jdbc:clickhouse://
    spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.username <hydrolix username>
    spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.password <hydrolix password>
    spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.cloud_cred_1 <access key ID>
    spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.cloud_cred_2 <secret key>
    Note: these settings can also be applied in a notebook or from spark-shell, using spark.conf.set(<key>, <value>), which also allows credentials to be loaded from the Databricks secrets API; see Note: Credentials

Deploying on AWS Elastic MapReduce (EMR)

  1. AWS EMR 6.10.0 or later is required
  2. Configure JDK 11, as in this StackOverflow answer
  3. TODO!

Configuration Parameter Details

The parameters are explained in this table. Note that the configuration parameters can always be set from spark-shell or a notebook using spark.conf.set(<name>, <value>), they don't need to be provided on startup.

Option Name Option Value Description
spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix io.hydrolix.connectors.spark.SparkTableCatalog The fully qualified name of the class to instantiate when you ask for the hydrolix catalog.
spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.jdbc_url jdbc:clickhouse://<host>:<port>/<database>?ssl=true JDBC URL of the Hydrolix query head. Note that the Clickhouse JDBC driver requires a valid database name in the URL, but the connector will read any database the user has access to.
spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.username <hdx user name> Username to login to the Hydrolix cluster
spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.password <hdx password> Password to login to the Hydrolix cluster
spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.api_url https://<hdx-cluster-host>/config/v1/ URL of the Hydrolix config API, usually must end with /config/v1/ including the trailing slash
spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.cloud_cred_1 <base64 or AWS access key ID> First cloud credential. Either a base64(GZIP(GCP service account key file)), or an AWS access key ID.
spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.cloud_cred_2 <AWS secret> Second cloud credential. Not used for GCP; the AWS secret key for AWS.

Note: Credentials

All of the above configuration options can be set at runtime, so there's no need to hardcode credentials in cluster/job launch scripts. For example, when running the connector in a Databricks workspace, you can retrieve credentials from the Databricks secret manager like so:

spark.conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.password", dbutils.secrets.get("my-scope", "hdx-password"))
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.cloud_cred_1", dbutils.secrets.get("my-scope", "aws_access_key_id"))
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.hydrolix.cloud_cred_2", dbutils.secrets.get("my-scope", "aws_secret_access_key"))
sql("use hydrolix")



use hydrolix

select count(*), min(timestamp), max(timestamp) from hydro.logs

sql("use hydrolix")

val logs = spark.sqlContext.table("hydro.logs")

val recent = logs.filter(col("timestamp") > "2023-06-01T00:00:00.000Z"))



Dictionary Tables

Map Hydrolix dictionaries to Spark tables, so they can be queried more naturally using JOINs


Additional Aggregate Pushdown

We already run queries that only contain COUNT(*), MIN(timestamp) and/or MAX(timestamp) with no GROUP BY or WHERE purely from the catalog, with no partition scanning at all. We could add aggregate pushdown for queries with some narrowly specified types of GROUP BY or WHERE clauses as well.


Secret Management Integration

Currently, the Hydrolix Spark connector needs to be directly supplied with credentials to access Hydrolix clusters and cloud storage. We should add integrations to retrieve credentials from various secret stores, e.g.:

  • Kubernetes Secrets
  • AWS Secrets Manager
  • GCP Secret Manager



  • Cope with connectors-core 1.5.0 changes


Rebased on connectors-core, with a few performance improvements:

  • Catalog queries now include min/max time bounds where applicable
  • For simple query schemas (where there are no nested maps), we now use ColumnarBatch to return data from the PartitionReader, which should unlock vectorization opportunities.


Initial public release!